9/12/2007 10:50:15 AM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
If we come from a loving and forgiving God, why does christianity
attempt to give God Human characteristics, of vengeance,condemnation,
demands and expectations...God is pure love and all-forgiveness..
We are all sons and daughters of God, working on our attainment for
spiritual growth God does not demand it from us..His love is
Omnipotent. Some people can not open their minds to Gods greatness,
his pure love and all forgiveness. Its as if they rather live with
horror and fear of a condemning vengeful God. Why that gives them comfort
is beyond my comprehension...it seems to be a mindset of those who are
not spiritually advanced.. Its as if they need to be afraid...
[Edited 9/12/2007 8:13:03 PM]
9/12/2007 11:05:47 AM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
you must be one of those -advanced- children of God...
Right On!
9/12/2007 11:07:17 AM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
i don't know, but didn't Paul kinda get that
hell,fire and brimstone thing started?
anyways...sure sounds primitave to me.
[Edited 9/12/2007 11:07:55 AM]
9/12/2007 11:44:22 AM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Spring, TX
age: 55
Actually, God does demand it from us. He gave us the 10 Commandments that we learned as children, or adult, or not, in some cases, but there is a total of 632 or 642 commands he gives. I forget the exact number. All in the old testament. God is love, but his vengeance and expectations are well represented in the old testament.
Christ came, walked on earth as man, knowing fully well the sacrifice he would make for all humans. There was only one human that did not sin. Christ, as the son of the Almighty, was without sin. Without Christ's atonement, we wouldn't have a chance.
As far as Paul's teachings in the new testament, were much of the old testament and some of Christ's. Paul never taught fire and brimstone, that was John in Revelations. Paul just pointed the early Christians in the path Christ taught. When Paul as Saul, was converted, it was God, not Christ, that asked him why he persecuted his people.
All sins, through Christ, can be forgiven but one against the Holy Spirit which Christ said was an eternal sin. I know many of you enjoy pulling our Christian chains to get replies, but be careful in your jesting.
9/12/2007 3:46:45 PM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Amen on the good person thing syn....always floored me that it is not a requirement!
The Brimstone stuff enforces capitulation through intimidation and works the best on the young and impressionable or the hopeless and desperate.
9/12/2007 7:31:16 PM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
WOW!!!! A room full of handsome AND intelligent men...dont see that too often!!! lol
You all make Great Points and you are All....Right!!!!+ alright in my book!
Nonnicname...There are many forms of "Spirituality"w/out being a Christian or affiliated w/ any Religion.
I know many people who are 'spritual' and are still as"miserable"as they come.
I was brought up w/"the fear of God" instilled in me and yet never "feared Him".Everything else...but not God. Was that wrong???? Yes! Am I sorry it was that way? NO
Beacause of "that fear"I ended up battling "demons",and to this day I have to ignore and pray on them.
BUT...because of that "fear" I also learned to believe in something(God)bigger and better than myself. Beacause of that "fear" and the commandments...I dont,lie,cheat,steal,or do anything that would result in harming another human being,(at least not intentionally)!
The "biggest" rewards I got from that "fear" is.....Knowing how to be a Loving,Caring,Giving Person, and most importantly and what is "missing" from our World.....RESPECT!!!!!!!!
Lets find a "happy,healty" "fear" somewhere in the "middle"!! Our children will most certainly be the ones who "benifit" the most!!!!.....................................Peace
9/12/2007 8:21:58 PM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Respect isn't missing babydoll............I am right here!
9/13/2007 7:38:27 AM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well some preach it to scare their congigations and the do not preach the truth abvout it which is found in the bible others not very many but my churc preaches right from the bible so we understand its teachings
9/13/2007 4:25:16 PM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
I have actually read...(and understood) the bible.......oddly enough it has many similarities with the Koran. Accept or suffer springs to mind....
9/13/2007 4:29:07 PM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Reading, MI
age: 42
because if we dont except Christ into your lives then we go to the lake of fire right along with Satan.
9/13/2007 4:47:25 PM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Sorry brother.....but I refuse that threat. Guess I will just end up being a good man in Hell.......What does that say about God?
9/14/2007 8:36:31 PM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Reading, MI
age: 42
that he loves you and wants you to except his gift of salvation.
9/14/2007 10:07:24 PM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
It's an old old story, Christians preach hell, fire and damnation for the proliferation of mind control of the populations to keep everyone is a state of fear like every other religion because they can't have you running around in your life being the sovereign free thinker that you were meant to be because if you were, they couldn't get away with stealing your life from you as they have been doing, all without your knowledge. It works so well that everyone arguing their mind control bs believes until their death, that if they behave themselves like an obedient slave they are promissed salvation and reserved a place in a so called heaven.
Little do they know they are in for a big surprise because the globalist and religions could care less about anyone and are intentionally leading everyone to an early grave because they can't have anyone living happy joyous and free. Fear is the selected weapon and the religions go to great lengths to get everyone believing their phony story so they won't get out of line and rebel against the tyranny they have created on this earth to destroy everyones life as quicky as possible. And if you think otherwise you are a sucker.
9/15/2007 2:03:29 AM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65

9/15/2007 4:44:20 AM |
Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation?? |

Reading, MI
age: 42
well than i reckon im a sucker. No need to start name calling. But anyway may you be blessed and find the truth.