Englewood, KS
age: 42
small town, the growing population of women in there 30's 40's and 50's that are divorced is increasing in my town...
and the consensus.. that they will never marry again, is increasing too...
women are feeling more comfortable being alone in their houses...
i find that interesting, for they do not want a man to pay any financial part of their lives, they wish to do it by them selves, and are confident in their job skills to do so...
just interesting... to see them talk about it, and mean it...
most talk about men as a commodity to be bought or sold, or give away like to good will...
divorce has changed the whole out look of forever marriage...
i do not think you are around quality ladies op.. if women you meet want to be taken care of financially, sounds like they made some bad choices in their lives, and instead of trying to fix that with education or increase job skills, they would rather trade their sex for it, for money...
good luck to them.. for they are setting themselves up to be abused and dumped even older with nothing to show for it, but bill for lawyers money and an older jobless, lesser skilled age.
tough way to live your life...
i wish women would realize they need to be able to stand firmly financially on their feet first before getting married... it would so stop so many horrible marriages.
You started off fine in this post, but got way off topic!
Overton, TX
age: 48
lol... yea i know...

Englewood, KS
age: 42
Dont worry about it honey...we all do it!
King of Prussia, PA
age: 26
Yeah i grew up in a small town, absolutely hated it, hated the people there, and made it my goal to get an education so I could get out. Since then, Ive traveled around the world some, and lived in a few cities. Only problem with where i live now, its a wealthy area, so its kind of discouraging when ppl have a lot more money than you. But theres so much to do and the city is a half hour from my apartment. 
[Edited 9/22/2008 10:03:00 PM]

Englewood, KS
age: 42
"Its not about what all the cool things you have to do,
its how much you enjoy doing them..."
I have lived and traveled the world myself!
I once thought there was no other city in the world
better than New York City!(I still love NYC)
Since moving here to BFE, I just cant believe I ever
felt that way!
[Edited 9/22/2008 10:34:36 PM]