9/13/2008 5:46:07 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Columbus, GA
age: 26
The guy that your talking too is more then likely full of crap. come one , we men know how to get what we want. I have said that I am having the same problem women are and i know how you feel. Be careful. Men are just like women ... they lie when they have too.
9/13/2008 6:28:58 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Monroe, GA
age: 56 online now!
Speak for yourself.... I am old, I dont have to lie. If someone likes me fine...if not, they can go find another tree to shake.
9/13/2008 6:30:27 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Jasper, GA
age: 25
The nice guy always finish last.... Trust me I know (I am one) And not all guys say anything to get what they want!! But I do agree there are a whole lot of them that do.
9/13/2008 7:02:41 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |
Sylvester, GA
age: 44
Yes, we do exist. We're just over shadowed by the jerks and users. Normally the women that we run into are trying to use us. Most go for that "Bad Boy" type. The ones that I've found to be genuine and haven't dated in a long time have forgotten how hard dating is and they don't seem to have the time for a relationship. Oh, they email or call from time to time to check on me to see how I'm doing. There's one right now that I've talked to off and on since November of last year. She seems like everything that I would want in a Woman for a long term/marriage relationship. In the past when one of us was dating the other wasn't. Right now neither of us are dating or at least I think that's the case. She says she wants to meet, but she was suppose to have called the last two nights but I haven't heard from her. I just haven't been able to determine if its bad timing or she's just stringing me along as a replacement. Although I'm starting to get an idea.
The point is that we the "Good Guys" are treated just as bad as the Good Women out there. Just hang in there and keep you wits about you. One day we'll both find the one we're looking for.
9/13/2008 7:26:28 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Ball Ground, GA
age: 36
yes and I met him today!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwww Lori!!! I guess that means our relationship is over!
I still love your boobs!
I'm happy for you girl! Now ya'll come drink with me!
9/13/2008 7:31:57 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Leesburg, GA
age: 30
I think there has to be at least a few good guys left, other wise what's the point? 
9/13/2008 7:41:02 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |
Acworth, GA
age: 44
I'm thinking you might mean me. I just went in and deleted that photo. But really, we are just friends. But I took your advice and took the pic out. Thanks.......just me...
9/14/2008 11:12:53 AM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Vidalia, GA
age: 48
Speak for yourself.... I am old, I dont have to lie. If someone likes me fine...if not, they can go find another tree to shake. 

To lori, blaise & bella: So happy for y'all!
btw, I'm still throwing back frogs while hunting for a prince
9/14/2008 1:00:36 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Albany, GA
age: 27
good guy right here
9/14/2008 2:28:43 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |
Wrens, GA
age: 43
9/14/2008 3:32:56 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Troy, NY
age: 48
Yes there are some good guys out there.
9/14/2008 3:34:44 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Monticello, GA
age: 58
most women never see him cause he blends in so well
9/14/2008 3:42:03 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Locust Grove, GA
age: 49
There out there but you will have some dissappointments along the way. The journey is long but sometimes it hs potholes before the road is smooth and well paved. Good luck in your search and keep the faith.
9/16/2008 2:02:14 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |

Lawrenceville, GA
age: 29
I 100% agree with you!! I want more than just a good guy.
9/16/2008 2:43:52 PM |
Does "the goodguy" really exsist? |
Valdosta, GA
age: 43
One of the hardest things in life is finding that "good one."
We try the internet as the latest greatest and best - then in reailty just find it is something else with its own rules and game to navigate. Words can mean so much when that is all you have, yet at the same time mean so little from and to some.
In the "real world" we square our shoulders, look to the sky and risk a "hi" - more words, games often more than not.
As for good people, I know they exist, both male and female - now finding them and them finding each other that is a tale from all time.
Though i will say this, at some point when people take a risk, look to the eyes, eyes that smile and laugh often hide a soul that will smile and laugh with you. If the face moves, words come forth, but the eyes betray, then walk away.
ok,way too much coffee today and way too philosophical - i need to find a bar and return to male testosterone land!
