9/22/2008 7:20:10 PM |
Is it weird?? |

Etoile, TX
age: 41
i still wear my ring on occasion when i miss her and feel lonely, but i have that feeling that with my luck i would be wearing my ring and wouldnt get approached because they would think i was still married, sometimes i do wish i could see her for one last conversation, for some closure as the college types call it. the thing about being a widow and not divorced is they can say what if , i on the other hand know i cant be with mine ever again.
9/26/2008 4:34:00 PM |
Is it weird?? |
La Porte, IN
age: 36
I took mine off qite early on. But, it was more of a trying to convince myself that I was ready to move on and I really wasn't. I now have them put away so that I can give them to my boys one day. My engagement ring was an heirloom from his side of the family. If it wasn't for that I would probably have made it into a charm for a necklace. I do wear a necklace that he gave me for my first mothers day. That I have a problem with taking it off. I wish I would have known about this site when he first passed away. I looked into support groups and felt stupid being in there with all those women who could have been my mom or grandma. I was 34 when my hubby died. I miss him alot. I did make a book for both of my boys with pictures of their dad in them on-line at shutterfly and that helped me alot. I would have to quit working on it cause I was so blinded by tears I could not see a thing. It was good for the boys as well. They love taking out their books and looking at all the pics.
10/1/2008 6:42:42 AM |
Is it weird?? |

Minersville, PA
age: 53
That when I dream about him, he is still alive. The dreams are based in the past, like when we were in town with one car we used to own, he was alive. I thought that a bid strange.
After my mom died, I only had one dream about her, she had supposedly called me on the phone and I talked to her for a bit, then told her I couldn't be talking to her, because she was dead, then she stopped talking.
10/1/2008 4:02:47 PM |
Is it weird?? |

Nampa, ID
age: 60
I have one little heart necklace that has a smaller heart dangling from a chain. when a friend told me it looked like the center of my heart had been torn out, I told them it had been. the tiny heart dangling reminds me that my husband will always be there looking after me..  
10/1/2008 4:10:38 PM |
Is it weird?? |
Madison, WI
age: 64
I'm trying to figure out how this posting works so I can talk with you all
10/1/2008 4:12:11 PM |
Is it weird?? |
Madison, WI
age: 64
I wear my ring still tried to take it off and it must be to soon men do run when they hear widow why is that?
10/1/2008 4:56:33 PM |
Is it weird?? |

El Paso, TX
age: 51
enola, yes they do run, most anyway. Usually I believe its the stigma. It too will pass. I work with mostly men and they advoided me like the plaque when I went back to work. Now they are accepting that I am not looking for another guy right now. Most just don't know what to say. Just go on like its none of their business and they will get over it.
I talk about my husband, tell funny stories about our marriage and things that happened in our life, they accept that and can laugh with me. I never cry in front of them. I go somewhere to be alone if I need to cry just so they don't have to be part of my grief. They appreciate that and it doesn't make them uncomfortable.
You will find those that will be there for you, those that are compassionate to your feelings.
May you soon find peace in your memories.
"A Soldier's Mom"

10/1/2008 5:54:12 PM |
Is it weird?? |

Durant, OK
age: 54
nmorris I hope you read this and know we all wished you a happy birthday dear.... The ring, well I wore it for months after Darrells death. Finally I did as someone else mentioned and put it on the right hand. The last thing I did was I took it to the jewelers and had the solitare removed and made into a beautiful necklace. The band is 10mm wide and solid and I had it sized to fit my thumb and I wear it on my left thumb as a thumb ring. I get lots of compliments on it because it is so wide and it gives me the opportunity to continue to wear it. The other portion of the original post...I have never actually talked with him but I did wake one night about 5-6 months after his death with his voice speaking my name in my ear and I could feel his breath blowing my hair around my face. I swear I could smell his cologne on the pillow the rest of the night. Whether is was imagination or not ...can't say...only that I felt so wonderful the rest of that night and so whether it happened or not it was worth it.....tears? Of course but wonderful feelings......
[Edited 10/1/2008 5:54:54 PM]
10/1/2008 6:14:31 PM |
Is it weird?? |

Hartselle, AL
age: 60
I wore my wedding ring for about 6 months after my husband died. I woke up one morning and looked at it and knew that it was time to take it off. Mine was a wide band with a solitaire diamond and his wedding band had 5 diamonds in it. I took the diamonds out of both rings and found a mounting that they would fit in and had one ring made out of the stones from both. I wear that ring on my left hand, but it is a coctail ring now instead of a wedding band. Everyone has different feelings about when to take their ring off and what to do with them, but I was very pleased with what I did with mine.
10/2/2008 6:51:20 PM |
Is it weird?? |

Freeman, MO
age: 40
Thanks to all of you for the heartfelt wishes on my birthday..I thought it was going to be hard to celebrate, but my family made signs and stuck all over town..it was nice..I was worried because it was my first major birthday without Kenny..
Thanks to for all the advice..I have gotten so much out of this group..it has helped in ways I could never of imagined..
My rings are simple, but they are what I wanted..when my husband passed, they asked about his ring...he never took it off..I asked my son what he thought, and he said that he wanted to bury with his dad, that way if someone dug up his body in the future, that they would know he was marraid..(My son is 8..)...so that is what we did..
I look down at my hand and it makes me feel closer to Kenny...My fingers are starting to get to small, and the rings are about to fall off, so I guess that means that it may be time to either get them sized, or to take them off..I wish Kenny would tell me what to do..!!?? How I miss that man..
Thanks again for all of you help..you have helped more than you will ever know..
10/8/2008 2:41:18 PM |
Is it weird?? |

Waynesboro, VA
age: 61
I took my ring off about 3 months ago. However I still have all her clothes and jewerly. Maybe one day I'll be able to part with those. 
10/8/2008 3:38:13 PM |
Is it weird?? |

Nampa, ID
age: 60
it was 2 years on Sept. 15 when Bill passed, and I still have not cleaned everything out yet. but I did make a big pillow from some of his favorite shirts, and still have clothes here. when it feels right you will know. til then, just do not worry about this as these things are yours to do with as you want and when you want.