9/17/2008 1:11:21 PM |
love or sex? |

Pryor, OK
age: 21
ok just wondering if u truly loved someone would u wait to have sex? or would u bone them the 1st night? honest responces please. I just got with the guy that i was telling you guys about. im not dating him just talking more and more every day. and i kinda feel the erge to kiss him......... Am i wrong? I dont wanna just give it up on the 1st date. well we had one. but i dont wanna just let him have it quick. i would like to but something is telling me to hold back...... please help me out.... im lost. on what too do next??????   
9/17/2008 1:28:46 PM |
love or sex? |

Tulsa, OK
age: 51
Well if something is telling you not to, follow your gut and wait and if you do wait and it works out just think of all the fun you will have playing catch up
9/17/2008 2:13:37 PM |
love or sex? |

Yukon, OK
age: 32
If I truely loved someone, we would way further than our first date. It takes time to know someone well enough for me to fall in love. That being said, I've only been in love twice but we were already having a sexual relationship by the time I fell in love. My advice to you is if you want to kiss him, grab him by the back of his head and give it all you got! Dont hold back from your feelings. Let me know how your next date goes. Good luck!
9/17/2008 3:53:57 PM |
love or sex? |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 40
ON the first date??
HUH?? NO.. Does it happen? YES, I would say depends on how well you know the guy and how you feel..
9/17/2008 9:24:16 PM |
love or sex? |

Quapaw, OK
age: 37
I think anticipation is some of the best foreplay. If you want to kiss him great, then do it. But I would hold off about sex, if it turns out that the relationship doesn't work, then you have no regrets. If the relationship will work, then you have a lot to look forward to.
It is easy to get caught up in that initial attraction, and the more you are around one another, this will get more intense, hence the anticipation. Waiting will also give you a clue as to whether he is after just sex or not.
(P.S. A woman's instincts are usually always correct, so if you are thinking you should hold back, then you are right.)
9/18/2008 7:03:03 AM |
love or sex? |

Tulsa, OK
age: 47
I'd say wait. Sex can progress you to a stage in the relationship you aren't at yet, particularly for a woman. For most of us it's impossible to have sex with a man without the emotional attachment coming with it. I've heard plenty of women say they wish they waited, but I've never heard one say she wish she didn't wait!
9/18/2008 2:12:35 PM |
love or sex? |

Dustin, OK
age: 35
If you are feeling like you need to hold out and wait, then wait. I learned the hard way that many times (and so far the guys I've seen on here do NOT fit this category so please keep bashing to a bare minimum) only got to know me long enough to get in my pants and then disappeared almost as quick as I could get my clothes back on. I learned that like the PP said, the anticipation it what makes it so worth it to wait. Get to know him better, see what else you may have in common and go from there.
9/18/2008 3:35:35 PM |
love or sex? |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 40
ditzy, I would wait til you got your pants on, your shoes, your jacket and THEEENNN I would go.. LOL
Kidding.. kidding.. I wouldnt wait for all that.. 
9/18/2008 3:52:18 PM |
love or sex? |
Pryor, OK
age: 39
After a day...of being soo nice to the public...I love coming home to see what Vet has said ....
Love the comment!!!
9/19/2008 6:02:52 AM |
love or sex? |

Dustin, OK
age: 35
Vets. I agree with Kat that it's good to come on here and make me laugh.
9/19/2008 10:50:28 AM |
love or sex? |

Tulsa, OK
age: 27
I would say kiss the boy. If he is a good guy that wont mean a green light for sex. It will allow you to better gauge his intentions. I think that most raw emotions come out in most people after you kiss them. The whole sex question isnt a matter of time and more a matter of timing. I wouldnt put a time on it but if you feel he really likes you and the timing is right go for it we are all consenting adults.
9/19/2008 2:29:43 PM |
love or sex? |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 40
Yeah, thats me, the lonely comedian..  
9/20/2008 3:28:14 AM |
love or sex? |
Pryor, OK
age: 39
apparently with a "harem" of women laughing a every word you drop...
9/20/2008 6:06:05 AM |
love or sex? |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 40
Harem, giiiirrrrllll, if I had a harem, I wouldnt need to be here on this site.. 
9/20/2008 9:38:25 AM |
love or sex? |

Quapaw, OK
age: 37
apparently with a "harem" of women laughing a every word you drop...
I didn't mean to start such a problem, so I won't post anymore after today. It was really nice meeting all of you that I have talked to, and I will miss it. It isn't often that I get to talk to people, I spend so much time with the kids and school, chatting on here was one of those "me time" things, and I really screwed it up.
You guys take care and good luck to you all.