Newport News, VA
age: 57
You get the surprise of your life!
I met someone very special on this site and we have decided to start a relationship. We talked on the phone for several weeks, then decided to meet, and just clicked immediately in person. You know how you can tell about someone within the first few seconds of meeting them? Well, that's all it took for both of us - we knew it at first site. He is sweet, respectful, honest, funny and kind - everything I hoped to find in someone and more.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dustin, for this site, otherwise we never would have met.
North Haven, CT
age: 46
It is when you least expect it. I got an email that basically said "Hi Neighbor". He was in my town. So I answered Hi what area, he said the name of his street (and it's a loooong street), so I said what end, he said between this road and that road and I said you live like a block away from me. So we chatted. This past Sunday I saw Hi Neighbor and he said he was working in his yard to come by and meet him if I felt like it. So I took a walk over. I spent the whole day at his house, talking, watching a movie and having pizza. It was great. I spent tonight over there just talking and he made me dinner too! We have so much in common and we are so comfortable w/each other. He's exactly what I was lookin for - a male me!!!! And the funniest thing of all is he is right at the end of my street, make a left onto his road and go down four houses on the right. What were the odds. Same neighborhood. It's like the Wizard of Oz @ the end - she won't go looking further than her own backyard. That's where I needed to look all along.

Seattle, WA
age: 20
You should go get a loto ticket right away with your luck. Good luck to both of you guys.