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9/17/2008 9:34:52 PM |
This is just not working!! |

Columbus, GA
age: 29
One thing I will tell you guy is that the whole desperate and needy thing doesn't do it for alot of women. I started doing this site while I was in Iraq for something to do. Turns out its kind of fun and I have met some great people even if they are nothing more than friends.
9/17/2008 10:49:11 PM |
This is just not working!! |
Dallas, OR
age: 56
Speaking as a guy who wants to help you with advice, I can say that your profile, and posts, are neither especially good, or especially bad, as far as I can tell. However, you do sound a bit anxious, and needy. That pleases some women, and turns others off. You are in the Navy, and seem like making a career out of it. That makes for good enough income, and medical/dental, but also makes for lonely times while you are stationed apart from family. Many women do not want to be alone, and get onto sites like this to find someone to be with...not be apart from. There are many wars, and more to come, so you are apt to be apart from a spouse a lot; which she won't like. Then, too, sailors are famous for having a girl in every port, and what woman wants to sign up to be cheated on? Also, military types are often violent...even towards family. Some women may fear that you might be a beater. Saying that you support McCain, because you are in the Navy makes you seem whimpy. I was in USAF, during Nam, and refused to support Nixon. Things take time. Are there 200 women on here, or 200,000? Who knows? Hang in there, and give it a chance. It may take time. Women tend to be against war, so they refrain from hooking up with warriors. Maybe there are military dateing sites, on which most members are in the military, or the adult chilren of career mlitary members. If so, you may have better luck there. Still, you may find a woman here...if you look hard enough, long enough. Perhaps a different photo would help, too. If you are going to post a photo, it should be a close up 'head & shoulders' shot of you standing in front of a neutral background, and smiling in a confident manner. Sitting, in a depressed 'hangdog' manner, and not smiling brightly, can be off-putting... especially when it is a wide angle shot which shows little detail of your face. Women dig faces, and especially smiles, and eyes. Your current photo does not let them look deep into your smiling eyes, and sense your beautiful, sensitive, soul. For myself, I took a self portrait head & shoulders shot, under sunlight from a north facing window, using a medium format studio portrait camera and professional color film. The image is too detailed to fit on most sites like this, but I send it to the personal email address of women who wink at me, and request a photo. In the photo, my eyes are bright, and clearly visible, and I am smiling. I've had no complaints, and many compliments, on the photo. It beats the snot out of a wide angle digital, or even 35mm film, shot. So far, this is working for me. I have found someone I am getting to know better, and expect to really develope a relationship with. I have made my profile invisible so I won't be getting emailed/etc by others as I get to know her. For some people this works, and for others it doesn't. Another thing to remember is to watch your spelling. Many women notice it, and judge you by it. We all make some mistakes-due to ignorance, or typing too fast, or being slightly dyslexic, or such-but some people make many errors. If I were in your shoes, I would be disappointed....not dissapointed. Some women seek intellect above machismo. Good spelling, and proper grammar, attract them, and goofs turn them off. I hope I have helped you. Try another photo, and cheerier attitude, and see if that helps. Let us know how it goes.
9/17/2008 11:44:22 PM |
This is just not working!! |

San Diego, CA
age: 51
Dude, the white lettering on your profile is too hard to read. Since you were in the Navy you have my full respect. That being said, no woman likes a whiner. So knock it off. Drop and give me twenty.
9/18/2008 10:18:13 AM |
This is just not working!! |

Simpsonville, KY
age: 20
Speaking as a guy who wants to help you with advice, I can say that your profile, and posts, are neither especially good, or especially bad, as far as I can tell. However, you do sound a bit anxious, and needy. That pleases some women, and turns others off. You are in the Navy, and seem like making a career out of it. That makes for good enough income, and medical/dental, but also makes for lonely times while you are stationed apart from family. Many women do not want to be alone, and get onto sites like this to find someone to be with...not be apart from. There are many wars, and more to come, so you are apt to be apart from a spouse a lot; which she won't like. Then, too, sailors are famous for having a girl in every port, and what woman wants to sign up to be cheated on? Also, military types are often violent...even towards family. Some women may fear that you might be a beater. Saying that you support McCain, because you are in the Navy makes you seem whimpy. I was in USAF, during Nam, and refused to support Nixon. Things take time. Are there 200 women on here, or 200,000? Who knows? Hang in there, and give it a chance. It may take time. Women tend to be against war, so they refrain from hooking up with warriors. Maybe there are military dateing sites, on which most members are in the military, or the adult chilren of career mlitary members. If so, you may have better luck there. Still, you may find a woman here...if you look hard enough, long enough. Perhaps a different photo would help, too. If you are going to post a photo, it should be a close up 'head & shoulders' shot of you standing in front of a neutral background, and smiling in a confident manner. Sitting, in a depressed 'hangdog' manner, and not smiling brightly, can be off-putting... especially when it is a wide angle shot which shows little detail of your face. Women dig faces, and especially smiles, and eyes. Your current photo does not let them look deep into your smiling eyes, and sense your beautiful, sensitive, soul. For myself, I took a self portrait head & shoulders shot, under sunlight from a north facing window, using a medium format studio portrait camera and professional color film. The image is too detailed to fit on most sites like this, but I send it to the personal email address of women who wink at me, and request a photo. In the photo, my eyes are bright, and clearly visible, and I am smiling. I've had no complaints, and many compliments, on the photo. It beats the snot out of a wide angle digital, or even 35mm film, shot. So far, this is working for me. I have found someone I am getting to know better, and expect to really develope a relationship with. I have made my profile invisible so I won't be getting emailed/etc by others as I get to know her. For some people this works, and for others it doesn't. Another thing to remember is to watch your spelling. Many women notice it, and judge you by it. We all make some mistakes-due to ignorance, or typing too fast, or being slightly dyslexic, or such-but some people make many errors. If I were in your shoes, I would be disappointed....not dissapointed. Some women seek intellect above machismo. Good spelling, and proper grammar, attract them, and goofs turn them off. I hope I have helped you. Try another photo, and cheerier attitude, and see if that helps. Let us know how it goes.
Thats the best advice anyone could give anyone, It was even better advice then I have gotten, from my Officer of the deck. Thanks.
9/18/2008 11:13:40 AM |
This is just not working!! |

Three Rivers, MI
age: 55
Okay I will be honest and I do respect everyone who is serving or has served in the armed forces.
If I had a neice that I did not like after reading your profile , I would still not let her email you.
It is bad.
Hard to read and talking about yourself in the third sense even in one line is a red flag. They can't see your face up close and most are high school style pictures. You are very vague in your writing style and i do know you like music ...or I think you might like music, or maybe some that you do like, or you like the peace and quiet of the open seas to music...or.....You want someone who after a couple meeting is willing to commit to a LTR and stay at home waiting for only you to return from around the world with every woman in port wanting you....
Life has changed now, you are out of high school and in the real world, things are different here. People are real and come in many shapes and sizes with different attitudes, needs, and desires. Some are good some not so good, some will be down right bad and mean.
The teacher is no longer in the classroom and no one is in charge so you have to take matters in your own hands and grow up and be responsible for you and your actions.
You posted a bad profile and this is a response to it.
Not nice and fluffy but a honest.
Redo the whole thing and use a little common sense.
9/22/2008 9:27:04 AM |
This is just not working!! |
Dallas, OR
age: 56
usnavy88. I'm glad I could help. Another thing to consider is a thing called Cherry Blossoms. It specializes in hooking Americans up with foreign women; particularly asians. The Koreans, Filipinas, etc, in that outfit are more accustomed to dateing/marrying military members, so they would not be so anti-Navy as many American women would be. A friend of mine tried it and had a good experience with it. It may work for you, too. My friend found their ad in a magazine, and snailmailed them. They probably have an online presence as well. It's not my up of tea, but may be yours.
9/22/2008 2:39:44 PM |
This is just not working!! |

Simpsonville, KY
age: 20
usnavy88. I'm glad I could help. Another thing to consider is a thing called Cherry Blossoms. It specializes in hooking Americans up with foreign women; particularly asians. The Koreans, Filipinas, etc, in that outfit are more accustomed to dateing/marrying military members, so they would not be so anti-Navy as many American women would be. A friend of mine tried it and had a good experience with it. It may work for you, too. My friend found their ad in a magazine, and snailmailed them. They probably have an online presence as well. It's not my up of tea, but may be yours.
I know beggers cant be choosers, but Im not much into dating foreigners. most of them have a different lifestyle then what im used to. I think im going to try and stick with americans at the moment, but something may happen in time. Thanks though.
9/22/2008 2:42:48 PM |
This is just not working!! |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 40
HUH, well, I dont do whiny posts, but I will tell ya this, it wont get you know where.
I have to many girlfriends, want one? course there all here, you mind driving for hours and hours?? 
9/22/2008 2:45:24 PM |
This is just not working!! |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
Damn, dude!!!! Ya only been here a month!
9/22/2008 4:49:32 PM |
This is just not working!! |

Los Lunas, NM
age: 47
Give it more time. You are only 20 years old and been here just a couple months. Hang in there. you never know when it is right around the corner. Good luck kiddo.