9/19/2007 5:58:26 AM |
I am so full of......... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Queen...WHO PEOPLE??????????? Did I miss something???????
Hey you...morning! BEHAVE!!!!.................peace
9/19/2007 11:23:26 PM |
I am so full of......... |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
School is a lot of work Iron and I am loving every minute. I love learning new things. Never could understand people who say they wouldn't want to live a thousand years cause they would get bored. Not me, I could live 2 thousand and not learn all the things I would like to learn. And how are you doing?
9/24/2007 7:46:01 PM |
I am so full of......... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
frustration and sadness!!!! I used to love this site and like most,had been "addicted" to it and found myself living my life "around DHU",LOL. Now...I find msyelf avoiding the whole "computer thing" cause I know Ill be tempted to come on to DHU and will most probably,yet again,be sorry I DID!
Ive met and made some "wonderful friends"here and it seems even a lot of them are "staying away" from the Religion Forum and I miss them!!!!boohoo,right? lol
Dont know what I intended w/this post and I dont even want to elaborate anymore than I have....ill just say goodnight and God Bless!!!! peace,mary
9/25/2007 9:17:53 PM |
I am so full of......... |

Knoxville, TN
age: 65
swcw25--you know freinds may come and freinds may go even tho they say they love you so! Ah but there is one thing you can count on as long as you live and thats JESUS he's right there by your side!!I don't know you in person but i feel a good spirit keep the good work up you are full of peace and comfort for people (those people)if they'll lisen
9/25/2007 11:50:33 PM |
I am so full of......... |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I have watched my friends leave for the last 7 months because of all the fighting and real name calling. Not foolish, stupid, blind, asleep or branwashed but real name calling and cursing to no end. I miss a lot of them but have emails for quite a few too.
You worry too much Mary. Why should it bother you if someone does not agree with you? If you feel secure in your belief's then that is all you need. I feel secure in mine and I do not believe you will be punished for not believing my way, so you have nothing to fear from me.
I just volenteer my opinion and open my mouth and it works on its own or in this case my fingers have become my mouth. Be ok with who you are and love yourself so you will never forget how to love others. And I say peace to you. 
9/26/2007 4:50:35 AM |
I am so full of......... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thank you Missette,I feel "good spirit" from you as well!!! .......peace
Queen...i am very secure in my Beliefs and and anything you have ever said or could say would never "compromise" that in any way.
Thanks for filling me in on your past experiences in the Religion forum w/ others who,accordinging to you were,always fighting and "REAL" name calling. I see now how you probably assume that names like,foolish, stupid, blind, asleep or branwashed shouldnt bother me or be taken as "insults". Maybe Ill try it your way for awhile.
9/26/2007 6:12:39 AM |
I am so full of......... |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
Swcw, first I would like to comment, that it is a wonderful feeling to
be filled with peace love, harmony and good intentions...plus the holy
spirit brings wisdom and understanding in times of need. It is Gods way
of remaining here with us. Your comment that you strive to always be right
with God, and that it doesn't always happen! What I may now say may seem
not in context with what others believe. However, we are spiritual beings
having a human experience...negativity, drama and what I call toxic people
and events can interfere with our/your good intentions. I believe if our
intentions are sincere and you operate out of a spirit of Love, then the
obstacles life places before us can be overcome. But do not beat yourself
up over it, (not saying you do)How we perceive what life places in our path,
(GOD) has bearing on our inner peace. We are not perfect beings, some days
will be better or worse than the others, just keep plugging on the path that
feels right, your intuition, or gods little whispers as some may say.
On differences, it seems with some on religion, we must accept there way or
no way. I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS THE CASE HERE, why can't it be simply just
A WAY TO GOD. God lives within, perhaps if we concentrated on our personal
relationship, then the holy spirit will radiate thru each of us. Our differences
is what makes us special as God created.
9/26/2007 9:25:12 AM |
I am so full of......... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thank you Nonickname,you are so very wise and kind!!! I always enjoy your posts and learn somthing about me that I can apply to my dialy life,every time I read them!!!! Again,thanks!!! Have a God day!!!...........peace
9/26/2007 10:16:50 AM |
I am so full of......... |

Topeka, KS
age: 59
Well, this time when I posted a dis-agreeing comment on a different thread in these forums I at least didn't get a cussing from a christian or two that don't believe like I do. I'm willing to lighten up a little bit I guess. Sure--I believe in a supreme diety. Sounds good enough--have a God day. St. Bernard.
9/26/2007 10:43:28 PM |
I am so full of......... |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Mary you are taking even compliments from me as attacks. I do not understand what is going on here. I only wished you well and did not even mention religion just that you need to feel a little less defensive because you are taking on unnecessary burdens for yourself by worrying what someone else says or thinks of what you believe. You should take some of the peace for yourself and try to learn to relax and just feel at ease.
No attack just worry a little for you. I did not realize you would get so upset. I love a good debate and to be challenged. I guess I should have considered that not everyone like to be challenged to the extent that I do.
Again I am sorry to have upset you so much. A smile makes everything better.

9/27/2007 7:01:57 AM |
I am so full of......... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Queen..you are so right and I humbly apologize to especially you and any others who has had to endure my "b*tchynessfulness"(lol)!
There are things in my personal life that are "near unbareable" for me and are Totally out of my control. Without going into the details...I signed custody of my younger son over to my ex w/ the advise of my attorney and promise from my ex, that it was only for a "little while".That was 3 yrs ago and I am in the midst of a "Legal Nightmare"and only see my son on very limited visits because I drank for a day in April..
..Anyhoot,I am truly sorry and hope we can come to some sort of "treaty"(lol) as to how we can AGREE to DISAGREE without either one of us "compromising our "Beliefs" and the "overreacting" on my part!!!...........peace
9/28/2007 4:40:00 AM |
I am so full of......... |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Mary it is not all your fault, I have a mouth that has been the curse of me most all my life. The one thing I have never learned to control. I always ask a lot of questions and often people feel uncomfortable at that. It is just cause I am sooooo nosy [my dad always said he never could figure out how such a small nose could be in so many peoples business]. I just find people fasinating and like to find out what they are thinking and why.
It has been many years, but I too lost my youngest son and today I again broke out bawling over it and it was 26 years ago. So I do understand your pain and am sorry that I added to it. I have not seen my baby in 26 years and sometimes wonder if I will ever see him again. I hope with all my heart that the same does not have to be endured by you. My heart goes out to you.
9/30/2007 9:54:10 AM |
I am so full of......... |

Knoxville, TN
age: 65
swcw25 I am so full of thoughts of you and your son today.Take those negitive thoughts about you and your son out of your mind and replace them with positive thoughts.Just shake your self and say this is a new day that the Lord had made.I beleive the devil has been riding your back because he knows things are going to change for the best in your life.Your son should'nt have to suffer for what you or your husband does.In this world we're living in i'm sure you son needs his mother.If anyone on here knows the power of prayer lets pray for swcw25 and her son there is nothing in this world like being without your family God bless