9/23/2008 4:35:19 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Ulster, PA
age: 44
Some good fun by using 4 words to tell a country tale.
Back when I was
9/23/2008 11:31:09 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 62
living in the city
9/24/2008 9:35:27 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Findlay, OH
age: 52
I saw a farmer
9/24/2008 3:56:29 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Ulster, PA
age: 44
driving a Farmall down
9/24/2008 3:57:53 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
the wrong side of...
9/24/2008 4:20:11 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Ulster, PA
age: 44
the avenue so I
[Edited 9/24/2008 4:20:50 PM PST]
9/24/2008 4:26:23 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |
Flagler Beach, FL
age: 39
smashed his face in with a hammer...
9/24/2008 5:46:19 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Arcadia, FL
age: 67
and he ran screaming
9/24/2008 6:03:20 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
into a beauty salon that...
9/24/2008 6:17:42 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Farmington, IL
age: 48
had just thrown Deb out of
9/24/2008 6:56:16 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Rockford, IL
age: 48
challenged word counting school
9/24/2008 9:54:45 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Mount Olivet, KY
age: 27
in the hottest part
9/25/2008 8:17:09 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
of the day we
9/25/2008 9:59:14 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Rockford, IL
age: 48
finally found some ice
9/25/2008 3:13:45 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
and a babbling brook
( mike)
9/25/2008 6:36:49 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
with RC cola and moonpie 
[Edited 9/25/2008 6:37:07 PM PST]
9/27/2008 6:27:45 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Ulster, PA
age: 44
maka strums a lovely
9/27/2008 6:39:23 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
tune on his
9/27/2008 10:21:05 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Ulster, PA
age: 44
guitar as we sit
9/27/2008 1:07:25 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
under a willow tree
9/27/2008 1:41:53 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
staring into each others
9/27/2008 3:00:06 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Arcadia, FL
age: 67
hot sweating lovely bodies
9/29/2008 9:54:33 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Bay Minette, AL
age: 48
and eating melted moonpie
9/29/2008 10:31:13 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
while lookin at the stars
9/29/2008 10:42:31 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Tonawanda, NY
age: 51
and feeding the goats.
9/29/2008 11:00:44 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
i saw a bright light
9/29/2008 11:18:10 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Mount Olivet, KY
age: 27
and knew it was
9/29/2008 11:59:45 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |
Stanfield, NC
age: 49
my turn to dance
9/29/2008 12:54:49 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
so i turned to her
9/29/2008 2:18:41 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Ulster, PA
age: 44
and said may I
9/29/2008 2:23:10 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
have this dance
9/29/2008 2:26:13 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
we'll bust a move...
[Edited 9/29/2008 2:27:36 PM PST]
9/29/2008 2:31:14 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
an we did,but out of the blue came
9/29/2008 2:35:17 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
a swarm of misquitoes...
9/29/2008 2:42:03 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
the bigest ones i ever seen
9/29/2008 10:47:52 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
So I grabbed the
9/30/2008 4:39:57 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
gun an my girlfriend said
9/30/2008 11:10:55 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
They are Diveing, Hit...
9/30/2008 11:58:24 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
The tune "there is a skeeter on my peeter'
9/30/2008 3:36:22 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Ulster, PA
age: 44
a round of applause
10/1/2008 5:47:20 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
4 skeeter on my peeter
10/2/2008 6:54:08 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
Went to grab the
10/2/2008 7:22:40 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
the girlfriends hand when
10/2/2008 9:13:33 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
an angry bunny jumped
10/2/2008 5:08:49 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
up and down rapidly
10/2/2008 7:06:59 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
its tail fell off
10/4/2008 5:07:50 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
after the skeeter bithim
10/4/2008 5:32:56 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
so off they ran
10/4/2008 6:18:32 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
down threw the swamp
10/4/2008 6:53:37 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |

Ulster, PA
age: 44
to the cornfield where
10/4/2008 7:17:03 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
the silky tassels tickled
10/4/2008 9:54:26 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
and they met a
10/5/2008 6:16:06 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
a scruffeeee ol fox
10/5/2008 10:58:00 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Stillwater, OK
age: 36
and he said to me
10/5/2008 11:27:36 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
save your energy for a debztake
10/5/2008 11:45:25 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
but first b*tchslap the stargazzer
10/6/2008 2:05:25 AM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
Now you all know why i'm ol scruffeeee!!
10/8/2008 3:00:35 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
meanwhile,storm clouds gathered...
10/8/2008 6:17:20 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |


Farmington, IL
age: 48
right over Debs head.
10/8/2008 6:30:26 PM |
Beautiful nite on the Front Porch so lets gather and have |
Winfield, AB
age: 55
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