10/11/2008 10:28:40 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |

Chandler, AZ
age: 27
Whether someone can be considered a looker or not is all in the eye of the beholder. I have been told many different things from different types of people and i think the most common ones for myself would be cute, hot, sexy. Now ugly or non attractive I have never been called. I have been turned away by those whom have a problem with tattoos and piercings but that's just being judgmental about a persons life style.
10/12/2008 1:33:51 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |

Tucson, AZ
age: 27
I cant believe i am answering this. 
10/12/2008 3:11:15 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |

Mesa, AZ
age: 27
what do you think??
10/15/2008 5:54:46 AM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |

Casa Grande, AZ
age: 48
I'm just me.. To some women I am a nice looking guy and to others I am...well.. just not their type if you know what I mean.. 
10/16/2008 5:03:48 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 30
I dunno you tell me....
10/16/2008 6:49:57 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |

Tucson, AZ
age: 52
The best I got in my younger life was 'Cute'. Then I grew a Goatee and haven't heard 'cute' since. Average for me. But have you ever noticed how someone who is average to you when you meet, becomes more attractive the more you get to know them and like them?
10/18/2008 3:51:06 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |

Chandler, AZ
age: 25
I want to take part of this pole, but not one of these answers seem fitting. I'm sure my point has been hammered already but here goes.
I think it human nature (generally) to be selfconscience of onself's flaws. What matters is, if one can accept them as well as the flaws of others. I mean I don't look in the mirror and see a Mr. Damon staring back! It's like a coin that was minted incorrectly and released to the public. The true value is in the beauty/rareness of the FLAW. If every single coin were precisely identical where would be the joy in spending countless hours in collecting them? (I don't by the way, but nothing against anyone that does!)
In a perfect world no one would be conceited enough to think they were better looking than someone else. Instead only look at every individual as ''flawed'' including themselves. Humility is the key. Our flaws make us beautiful, make us individuals, make us who we are. My point is, where is the box to check ''flawed''?
Just my two pesos...
(Thankfully) FLAWED
10/18/2008 4:49:43 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |

Goodyear, AZ
age: 47
There are other attributes that are more important.
10/18/2008 6:31:54 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |
Tucson, AZ
age: 63
Aren't average and normal the same thing? I used to be totally hot now I'm just not.
10/18/2008 7:40:13 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |
Greenville, MS
age: 40
of course i am because of my green/hazel eyes and athletic build my brown hair with blonde highlites. my charming attitude.
10/18/2008 7:49:31 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |
Greenville, MS
age: 40
u are totalty 2 kool for this .i vote #1 for u this is 4 biker ninja!!!!
[Edited 10/18/2008 7:51:23 PM PST]
10/19/2008 2:09:34 AM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 33
What can I say? Everyone loves a Biker Ninja. Oh, and I'm a cowboy too. YEEEE HAAWW!

10/20/2008 8:11:24 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |
Greenville, MS
age: 40
just going by the general consensus. This is SO a loaded question. You can either look like a total egotist or a schmuck. So, im going to error on the side of egotist. 
10/20/2008 8:29:41 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |
Surprise, AZ
age: 63
I depends on the mirror & time of day! 
10/20/2008 8:45:55 PM |
Do you think you are a "looker?" |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 30
or the camera and the lighting lol