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11/3/2008 8:14:16 PM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 26
The beauty of my book is that it has was transcribed by historic men over a period of 1600 years. The men were from all walks of life from kings to fisherman and yet not once do they contradict each other. The God who inspired it has preserved it through centuries of men trying to destroy it. It does not intend to prove its infallibility, but when it touches on matters of history or science has always been proven correct. If even one area were proven wrong, the whole Bible would be worthless by its own admission. What is truly awesome is that the God who inspired it allowed man to rebel against Him and still made a way through the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of His Son for us to be reconciled to Him. So, gde71, if you are right, we won't lose anything by trusting in the God of that book. We will all go to Hell or annihilation. I chose to believe it because the alternative didn't sound all that appealing.
My apologies to the those discussing the movie. I just didn't want to let such an angry statement go unanswered.
Which bible are you reading? I for one sure as hell know the bible that I read during my "earlier years", to have contracticted itself through and through.
And might if offer an EDIT.
Your book of god, along with most other books of god, which are the foundations of such religion, are all based off of the EARLIEST religious text in existance. Look up "Zoroastrianism".
All orgranized religions have been the failing of humankind since it's creation. Let's think about this - How much evil has been committed in the name of "God"? The crusades (let us not forget about the MILLIONS of turks and muslims were slaughtered here"), and then there is of course , The Spanish Inquisition (how many more MILLIONS of people were slain by religious zealots who believed that everything that didn't fall into their idea of christianity was a heresy? The list my friends, goes on and on.
[Edited 11/3/2008 8:19:36 PM PST]
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11/4/2008 11:08:15 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
It is so good to have other people in this discussion!!! I agree much perversion of the Word of God has lead to much evil in the world. Satan is a great counterfeiter. His first successful time was in the Garden of Eden when he convinced Eve that God was only trying to withhold knowledge from her by forbidding to eat the fruit of one tree. Another notable time was during the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. He tried to get Jesus to commit suicide and then when that didn't work, he tried to get Him to renounce His deity and worship Satan.
These 2 instances are significant because the first one caused sin and its penalty to pass to all of us. The second, if successful, would have condemned all men to Hell because Jesus would have failed in His mission to provide salvation for all who would trust Him.
It is true that Satan continues to work to pervert the message of the Word of God, knowing that the more he does, the more people will doubt it. It is essential to accept the gift of God provided by the sacrifice of His Son to escape Hell.
Jesus said, "Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
Matthew 7:21
It is imperative that we not rely on people who casually say there are contradictions in the scripture, who have not studied it prayfully. Those people are doing the same as Satan in the Garden of Eden by casting doubt on His word.
Thank you again for your contribution to this discussion.
11/4/2008 11:34:08 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I was again unable to finish my post last night. Too tired.This will start where that left off. So read it before this one to get the whole point.
It is imortant to understand the Bible doesn't attempt to prove its validity. It assumes it. To say you don't believe part of it is true would beg the question of how you know any of it is true. If we assume the ability to choose whether any of it untrue, we place ourselves in position of God Kind of like what did with Eve
11/4/2008 12:47:22 PM |
"The Secret" |

Maysville, KY
age: 56
its called a leap of faith ,,,i for one (along with the majority of the world)believe in god ,,each to his own ,,just my feelings
11/4/2008 3:57:59 PM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
I would never imply that anyone won or lost. We are all winners in my heart. I just love the fact that we can discuss God and feel good about it. Just as you said cowboytrucker, everyone is welcome to join us. Even our friend we blocked was drawn here for a reason. And where there are two or more praying we may have indeed helped him. I know his spirit was listening even if his ego was not. I still feel as if you know scripture in a way I do not. That is a wonderful gift. Have you ever heard of Edgar Cayce? Isn't life just grand?
11/5/2008 11:40:52 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I never considered this to be a win or lose debate, just a presentation on differing ideas.
I looked up the man you preferred to on wikipedia. The article was not very comlimentary. Basically, he was known for alternative medicine which wasn't very effective and claiming psychic type abilities which were not verifiable.
11/6/2008 2:42:51 AM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
Edgar Cayce was known as "The sleeping prophet." He was indeed psychic and his work was verifiable. There is an institute in Virginia Beach which continues his work today. The reason I was referring to him was that he was also a very religious and Christian man. He knew the Bible inside and out and lived by scripture. He was from Kentucky and he was an amazing man. He healed hundreds of people by going into a deep hypnotic sleep. He could even access the akashic records.
11/11/2008 6:26:10 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I looked up the man you referred to on wikipedia. The article was not very comlimentary. Basically, he was known for alternative medicine which wasn't very effective and claiming psychic type abilities which were not verifiable.
The quote is from my previous post concerning Edgar Cayce. During the phone call Saturday, you said that I didn't bother to find out anything about him. Not only did I look him up, I told you where. I didn't give you my opinion. I gave you the opinionof the person who submitted the article. He mentions in the article all the things you said and then gave an opinion.
My opinion is this. Just because a person claims to know a lot about the Bible, it doesn't make that person a Christian. There are many people in recent history who can also make that claim. Among them are Jim Jones of the Guyana tragedy; David Koresh from the Branch Davidians in Waco; and the leader of the Heaven's Gate cult (whose name escapes me). Even Bill Clinton is reported to be able to quote lengthy passages of scripture. His conduct is infamous in its lack of Christianity.
I also wanted to answer a point you made in the conversation that I didn't get a chance to make. You mentioned that Jesus participated in numerology and astrology, I believe. I had to look this up because I wasn't sure where it was. Deuteronomy 18:9-13 says that any such practice is an abomination to God. If Jesus had participated in such activities, not only would He not be God, He would not be godly.
I am providing the following passages in addition to the ones I previously gave you to demonstrate a point. Hebrews 9:27-28; Revelations 20:1-15; James 1:13-15 and Romans 1:18-32. Every one of these passages expresses thoughts about different subjects that you patently disagree with. That is your right. What I wonder is this: You consider yourself a Christian, yet you disagree with roughly 75-80% of the Bible. Do you have a specific source of information that validates your point of view?
A person is a Christian who has been born again through repentance for their sins and trust in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Christ to atone for our sins. The outward evidence of that conversion is through our daily struggle to try to be more like Christ in our daily walk. We learn to do this through meditation in His Word and prayer.
11/11/2008 5:47:03 PM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
I do have a specific source. I have a direct link to our creator. I have no desire to prove what I believe. Edgar Cayce is just one of the many messengers I've had the pleasure to know about. I know that Jesus is my brother just as we are all brothers and sisters. Jesus doesn't want our worship of him. He wanted us to hear his message. There is a better way and that is quite simply LOVE. I will always strive to walk in his path. Love for me is synonymous with God. I do not need any book including the Bible to know who I am. I am a spiritual being walking this earth in my earthly body with dignity and purpose. And so it is......................
11/11/2008 11:56:52 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I agree on one point. We don't need books to tell us how we feel. I would have to say that you didn't learn of Edgar Cayce through feelings. You either read or were told by someone about him. Yet what you claim to know about Jesus you learned through your feelings. Doesn't it stand to reason that if we respect someone we would want to know more about him, especially from a source you also claim to respect.
Admittedly, I don't see how you claim respect for the Bible when you deny so much of it. Jesus accepted worship so many times during his time on Earth that it seems like overkill to list the references.
In John 8:55-59 and 10:30-33, the Jews were going to stone Jesus because He had plainly identified Himself as God. In the first passage He used the very same phrase that God called Himself to Moses from the burning bush. the phrase 'I AM' that is the same word in Hebrew that only refers to God.
Isn't it logical to use whatever information is available to help us understand our feelings. Feelings are such an unreliable gauge of reality. I can guarantee when we stand before God, He won't be asking why we feel we should go to Heaven. In the passage in Revelations 20 I gave you, it says the books were opened and the dead were judged out of things written the books. The books referenced there are none other than the Word of God. Might be a good idea to know what it says because I don't read where it says we have to agree with the Bible to be judged out of it.
11/12/2008 3:49:37 AM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
These are direct quotes from your post: "I agree on one point, we don't need books to tell us how we feel." Isn't it logical to use whatever information is available to help us understand our feelings?" Bingo! Yet your whole life seems to be based on one book and one book alone. I find that contradicotory and illogical. Are your very own feelings in that book? Remember you are unique. There is no other like you. It sounds as if it is only you and that one book in this big wide wonderful world. Look closely my friend. God is in everything and everywhere and in every person. He has given it all to us. He wants us to experience whatever we wish. Right now in this moment I can feel the energy expand, the desire to go forth and find new and wondrous people and experiences and things. I am free to be me and so are you.
11/12/2008 8:27:18 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Your post seems indicative of your whole thought process. You take one phrase out of context to base your discussion on and disregard the meat of the passage. Then you seem to spiral out in platitudes which have no basis in reality. I am left to imagine that is how your whole worldview is formed. To read 1000's of books means nothing if all you took from them is a snippet here and a snippet there.
You have ceased to comment on the passages I am providing as well. I wonder if that means you aren't even looking them up.
You refer to the Bible as only one book (again, knowing only few snippets taken out of context). Those of us who have studied the Bible realize that its truth is revealed in layers. It takes a lifetime to understand some of the truths contained in it.
There are a couple of ways I can think of that reveveal what the Bible is to me. It is a love letter from someone who I have only gotten to know through their words. That person is compelled to reveal as much about him or her self to keep me hungering for the day when we meet, knowing on that day we will never be separated again. The more I read, the more I come to know and love that person.
It is a contract with mankind. It tells me my responsibilties as well as the other person's. It reveals the rewards given to those who don't break the rules and the consequences to those who do. It reveals the motive of God for creating all that there is and what that means to us.
It is the owner's manual to our life. It reveals how we are built, how to operate our lives, what to do when things go wrong and how to contact the Manufacturer with questions and concerns.     
11/13/2008 4:12:14 PM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
I wish you the very best in this life. I will see you on the other side.............
11/20/2008 10:59:34 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I have thought about answering this since you posted it.
We all have the right to believe as we like. You can base that belief on anything you like. The idea of basing your beliefs on your feelings is indeed a unique admission on your part. Most people at least make a pretense of basing their beliefs on teachings of people they respect or on studies of some text such as the Bible or the Koran.
The Bible does require those that God is revealed to to teach the scriptures and evangelize the world. We realize that those who are not born again are not not likely to understand the scripture beyond the most teachings. I thank you for allowing me the oportunity to share my testimony.
Having said that I would like to caution you that anything based on feelings is as changeable as those feelings.
11/21/2008 3:27:30 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
That's why we didn't invite you. We knew we would put you to sleep. Participation is voluntary.
3/14/2009 1:32:13 AM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 58
I'm afraid to post anything here, on account I will be crucified! Love the Bible! 
[Edited 3/14/2009 1:32:31 AM PST]
3/20/2009 4:28:31 PM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
Here's to you biagi. When I started this thread it really was to discuss the movie, "The Secret." That didn't happen but it got real interesting anyway. Please feel free to comment. All are welcome............
4/6/2009 12:48:36 PM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 58
The only thing I honestly could add would be congratulations Cowboytrucker for a job well done on representing the Bible here. I would also add a phrase from the Bible that kind of sums up what I see here in everyone except Cowboy. The phrase is "They want to have their ears tickled". I won't quote chapter and verse because if you are interested enough to seek the truth, it takes the thrill out of finding it on your own. Thanks for a wonderful discussion though. I am deeply impressed by every bodies input. I find it to be unthinkable that anyone could not at least accept the Bible as a book of moral guidance...and to do that means you have to read it. I also can't fathom how anyone could criticize it if they have not studied it and read it through. I have some of my dearest friends in this category. They state similar points of view I have heard here, such as; It was written by men, therefore it can't be assumed literal, it has contradictions, it's only one book, and then it goes off into weird statements about how we need to keep an open mind about other religions and never mention the contradictions in them. That is the world telling the ones that have read it and studied it that we are close minded and we are always depicted as being less than intelligent. As far as what has been done in the name of God...all I can say is, what has been done in the name of anyone else? Also, if you don't know the Bible, how can you suggest it was done in the name of God if it is not condoned by God and how would you know if you haven't looked for yourself? We accept science but not all it's theories and I mean specifically accepting a statement from a scientist as truth without hard evidence. People do it all the time though. The Bible makes it pretty clear we (mankind as we know it now) have been here approximately 6000 years. Science has suggested we are direct descendants of apes, yet all they have is bones they dug up that are thousands of years old and they still have not produced the missing link. DNA evidence alone suggest Darwin had it all wrong because there are no matches close enough from ape or whatever to link us directly to them. So if you believe science and that we evolved from apes, then why is God even considered as a god to us. Shouldn't we be worshiping the banana plantation owners? Also, how is it that we evolved yet there are still apes running around and if we are related doesn't mans law include them as well? Forgive me for the run on sentences and abstract lines of thought and for posting more than I wanted to and for it being a can of worms. I am not picking on anyone, please understand, it's just an observation and I have these questions. 
4/7/2009 8:36:58 AM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 53
I don't mind talking about the issue but I find that I tend to keep my opinions about religion and politics to myself. I believe to each their own ideal about both. I tend to say those that canter and banter about them are on the virtual horse race or a pile of virtual horse......... you can fill in the blank lol. I am a religious person and I acknowledge that to each their own. Have a good day.
4/9/2009 8:37:28 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
I had have read the book and I have the DVD which I have watched numerous times. I practice the "law of attraction". The thing that it has done most for me, is that I pay more attention to the thoughts that I'm creating in my head. I have to ask myself, "Are the thoughts I'm having right now, really what I want to create for myself & others?" If the thoughts are not harmonious to what I really want for myself (listening with my heart of course) and humankind as well, then I change the thought. I try to turn all my negative thoughts into positive thoughts. What's really good for me would realistically have to be good for others too, right? I love the Secret and I love what's it's done for me. I kind of see it as an Universal Law such as Gravity and Karma. I'm a much happier person since I have been aware of the thoughts I'm creating in my head. Thank you God for the "Secret!" for the lessons I have learned. It's been amazing!
4/10/2009 12:25:52 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
The idea of a "prosperity gospel" has been around since the Great Depression. It is no surprise that we are starting to see this philosophy emerge again with an economy that is also beginning to look like that timeframe as well. I read the website for this philosophy when this thread started. rthe names change, but the philosophy remains similar. Norman Vincent Peale wrote The Power of Positve Thinking in his day (which I read). Joel Osteen promotes a version of it as well.
I suppose if it makes you you happy to think that all you have to do is visualize happiness to achieve it, that is your right. It is certainly true that nothing positive happens to a negative person. In the end, though, nothing good and enduring happens without blood, sweat and tears.
Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people.
Biblically speaking, Abel, Joseph, Job, David, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (to name a few) were all devout, godly men who all suffered. In the end, it was not "positive visualization", but trust in God that made the difference in their lives.
We can adopt any plan we desire in search of happiness. In the end, any manmade plan will disappoint us or lead us to the next fad.
Every time i buy a new gadget or a new piece of furniture to put together, they come with instructions and warranty information. you don't have to follow the instructions if you don't want to unless you need to use the warranty at some point. How embarassing to do it my way and then call some snot-nosed customer service rep who can barely speak or write English tell me that in the directions it says to stick out my tongue up and to the left before attempting to turn on my new gizmo (On page 1 in the first paragraph - highlighted with IMPORTANT- READ FIRST).
The point is that the Bible is such an instruction book, with guarantees, warnings, examples of good results and bad results. It is provided by our Creator who dictated it to men. If followed, it works 100% of the time.
4/11/2009 7:23:21 PM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
Thank you spiritwhisperer for speaking from your heart. Cowboytrucker, I do believe you attracted that snot nosed customer service representative........
4/12/2009 8:43:35 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Cowboytrucker, I do believe you attracted that snot nosed customer service representative........
LOL. I didn't say it happened to me. I read instructions and I even ask directions when I'm lost.
To say that bad things only happen to those that "attract" them is to deny both scripture and the modern world around us.
The Book of Job tells about a man who did everything right. He watched out for and protected his family. He lost it all and was struck with boils from head to toe. Even God referred to him as righteous. Sometimes, we are just tested.
It is hard to believe that today that everyone who is suffering from this economy and this president's socialist policies attracted the problems (maybe the ones who voted for him did, but I digress). He does seem to attract some pretty radical types around him, I suppose.
Then again, maybe subjects like this attract people like me, though it probably wasn't the original intent.
Willing a certain event to occur doesn't mean you get the result you wanted. Does it?
We are merely beings created to bring God glory. When we operate according to His will, we are happy. When we try to do things our way, we can never be satisfied.
Nice to see you back on again, and to see this thread get a second life. Thanks, biagi.
4/13/2009 8:56:04 PM |
"The Secret" |
age: 90
One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish.
4/17/2009 10:05:06 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish.
We seem to have attracted a man who likes to count and color fish
4/17/2009 10:12:53 PM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 50
I myself, like Biagi; have been somewhat leary of posting to this thread for many different reasons. 
After some self-examination into my own personal being and deep within my heart, I have decided to step out of my comfort zone and say a few things.
First is, that there isn't anything done in secret that someday will not be revealed.

Secondly, to you Kyprimrose; that what ever your reason(s) were for starting this topic for discussion I am glad that you did.
Thridly to you Cowboytrucker; that you have nothing to hide and only good to share.
To say thank you to both Kyprimrose and Cowboytrucker for sharing your thoughts, views, and personal opinions here on this thread for all who chose to come in and check it out. For you never know when one small word will make all the difference in the world to one person.
In closing I can only think of these words to say; No one lights a lamp to only have it unseen by putting it where others can not see its light.  
4/21/2009 3:19:03 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
I must say after reviewing some of the discussions here, that this is a group of very passionate people. That's great! Honestly, I had to wonder how the discussion of "The Secret" turned into a discussion of the Bible and, that's okay too. In my opinion, they are two different things entirely. Both are very good tools for us to utilize and they both change people's lives once the principles are understood and applied to one's life, no doubt! RE: The Secret: I happen to be very thankful for what I've learned. I love learning new things that help me be a better individual and gives me a better understanding of how things of this Universe are so connected. I realize the power of thoughts and I am getting better and better at transforming my thoughts when I need to. This has proven to be not only great for me, but also for everyone I come in contact with each day. I'm now convinced that our thoughts do create our own personal reality, so all the more important to think of how I really 'want' things to be in my life, rather than how my imagination or ego chooses to view the different happenings in my life. I really believe the law of attraction was a part of God's plan. Just like gravity keeps us connected to this planet, the law of attraction helps us create the kind of life we want(and even don't want in some instances)for ourselves. It's all in how you exercise it. We do it all the time both consciously and unconsciously. It's never turned off, it's always working whether we are aware of it or not. We were given certain abilities, many of them which go untapped just because we lack the knowledge of these abilities, as well as the understanding on how to use them. I can only speak from my own personal experience and I'm very thankful for this new understanding. I'm thankful for the Bible too! Love to all! 
4/22/2009 10:48:46 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I had to wonder how the discussion of "The Secret" turned into a discussion of the Bible and, that's okay too. In my opinion, they are two different things entirely. Both are very good tools for us to utilize and they both change people's lives once the principles are understood and applied to one's life, no doubt! I love learning new things that help me be a better individual and gives me a better understanding of how things of this Universe are so connected.
I think that we all are born with a curiosity of the world around us. Why am I here? What is my purpose for existing? I am amazed at how many different ideas there are that people accept as long as the scripture is not part of their thinking.
Very often, those that reject it have never read it or as is the case with kyprimrose, who began this thread, they decide that the parts that disagree with their worldview are untrue. In her case, this was done at a very young age.
I am not an authority beyond what I have read about the law of attraction. My knowledge of the scripture comes from a personal relationship with the author, mostly due to His longsuffering.
I was not raised in a Christian home, and was discouraged from attending church for much of my early teenage years. It cannot be said I believe as I do because I was raised this way.
I became a Christian at 14 years old. I realized that nothing in me was deserving of God's love and and acceptance. I learned through the preaching of the Word of God that I am a sinner. I learned that Jesus, who is God in the flesh, came to earth in the form of a man. He lived a perfect life and then willingly laid down His life as the payment for my sin (and all who like me accept this free gift). He rose after 3 days in the grave and in Heaven preparing a place for me. I, even today, do not deserve Heaven nor the love of Almighty God aside from the blood Jesus shed for me. Yet I am assured of both by God because I accepted His Gift as presented in His Word.
4/23/2009 2:40:22 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
Cowboytrucker, you seem very dedicated to your belief. That is to be admired and commended. I accepted Christ at age 9 and I have always felt His presence with me. I'm really not into religion, even so, I do consider myself a very spiritual person. So I too, have a great faith in God and I believe in the Bible and strive to live by those principles stated in the Bible. In my life, I've been a seeker of truth. I've worshipped with every demonination in search of the truth. What happened to me is that I just couldn't get into all the religious dogma that seemed to be present within each denomination. I believe there will be people of all faiths in Heaven.
I also believe that people can be inspired by God, even today, to write books that will help benefit mankind in this day and time. "The Secret" was not intended to take the place of the Bible and I cannot see where it contradicts the Bible in any way. I've read many books by many authors that have had a tremendous impact on my life in very positive ways. This has been one of those books. You might want to read it just to make up your own mind about it rather than making a judgement from what you've read here.
Kudos to you for acting on your faith and taking your time to reply to this forum. It's good to know there are dedicated people like yourself wanting to make a difference in this world. Have you thought about becoming a cowboypreacher? You'd make a good one! Love to you and yours! 
[Edited 4/23/2009 2:45:48 PM PST]
4/23/2009 8:03:48 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
A saintly old woman was asked about her opinion of a book that questioned the validity of the Bible.
She answered that she knew of it and that the Bible cast a lot of light on it.
As I said before, I have read about the 'Secret' from its official website. I checked out the testimonials as well.
The most convincing error will have 90% truth in it. No one would believe it if all that was presented was the errors.
I am not surprised when someone says they have sampled many religions and found inconsistency in all of them. It is because there is error in most of them. Jesus said He was THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. That is a very narrow path to take. His command about others who taught in His name but didn't follow Him was to leave them alone, not to join up with them.
He referred to the most religious men of His day as hypocrites because they didn't follow the scripture even though they knew it. They instead made their own rules and ostracized any that disagreed with them.
Salvation is simple. It is repenting of our sinful state as presented in the Bible and accepting the blood sacrifice that Jesus offered of Himself as payment for our sin. It is realizing we cannot be truly happy outside of the will of God.
When someone says they have searched their entire life and then they find contentment in a man's teaching aside from the Word of God, what they have found is something that tickles their ears.
A Christian desires fellowship with other Christians. He seeks not only sound preaching of the Word, but also a desire to do the will of God in every aspect of his life.
While there are good books out there that teach us how to live a good life, none will surpass the Bible
4/25/2009 1:13:36 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
I cast no stones at anyone for their personal beliefs. For me, God is Divine Love! Peace, love, joy, good health, emotional well-being and abundance to all! That's what I say. I'll leave all judgment to God. Regardless of what scriptures one aspires to, I believe it's what's in a person's heart that really counts. I can only speak from my own personal experience as far as my relationship with God. I feel at perfect peace and in total harmony with God's Will for my life. I made my relationship with God very personal. I commune with God through meditation and prayer each day. I did not have to go to church to find God. I found God in my heart. I had to look inside myself before I could find God. I walk in the Light of God everyday as a healer. I dedicated my life in service in that way. I could not do what I do, without the Power of God residing within me. As for me, I decided the best possible thing I can do as a person, here and now, is to love everybody, saint and sinner alike, and judge no one. I help people heal from the pain they are experiencing in their bodies. I work on the temples of God. That's my job. It's not for me to tell anyone else how to live their life or what they should or should not believe or make their personal practice. In my opinion, each person must decide that for themselves. By focusing my attention on loving everyone, I don't just talk about God, I actually show God's Love and God's Mercy to each individual I come in contact with throughout the day. That's my hope and my prayer. It's a comfort for me to know that God knows my heart and my true intentions for every action I take, and every book I read. It's great to be alive! It's great to experience the Love of God in my life and having the opportunity to share It with others along my path. It's great to be a witness to what God's Love can do. It's a beautiful thing. Love and Light to all!
4/25/2009 8:04:29 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I cast no stones at anyone for their personal beliefs. For me, God is Divine Love! Peace, love, joy, good health, emotional well-being and abundance to all! That's what I say. I'll leave all judgment to God...I feel at perfect peace and in total harmony with God's Will for my life. I made my relationship with God very personal. I commune with God through meditation and prayer each day. I did not have to go to church to find God...the best possible thing I can do as a person, here and now, is to love everybody, saint and sinner alike, and judge no one...It's great to experience the Love of God in my life and having the opportunity to share It with others along my path. It's great to be a witness to what God's Love can do. It's a beautiful thing. Love and Light to all!
I agree it isn't up to us to judge others but, we are to love God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves.
The natural questions must then be asked. What is meant by judging others. Jesus referred to this as condemning others for doing the very same things we are doing. For example, I shouldn't condemn someone for adultery if I have committed it myself. It doesn't mean I shouldn't warn that person of the consequences of his actions as I may have experienced them.
Jesus referred to the second point as the two greatest commandments on which all the other commandments rested. How do we accomplish them? Certainly, as you point out, by prayer and meditation we may commune with God, but He also requires of us that know His Word. To do otherwise would kind of like a conversation where we are doing all the talking. In my opinion, I would rather be weak in the prayer aspect and strong in the reading of His Word, because that is where HE does the talking.
We show our love to our neighbors, in part, by ministering to their needs as you said, but there is a couple of aspects that should also be covered. I don't believe in ignoring need when I see it and I have the ability to help. I also believe it is my responsibility to warn people of the consequences of their sin and show people how God has made a provision to save them from their sin when I have the opportunity. Ezekial 33:8-9
I also know from the Bible the only way a person may come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ is through being shown through preaching or testimony. Romans 10:9-17
4/25/2009 9:25:10 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
I believe everyone has their own life purpose while they are here on earth. I believe we are all given special talents and abilities in order to get the job done. The special gifts are specific to each person. I am a healer. That's my job. That's what I do. Others may be teachers, preachers, prophets, etc. If I teach anything to anyone at all, it would be thru my example, not so much from the words I speak, or from my personal belief system. I came here to love everybody and to make people feel better physically. I found my life purpose and I'm living it. I love it. It's great. I have the peace that passeth understanding! Cowboytrucker, keep doing what you are doing. You're specific gift may be that of a teacher or preacher, or saving lost souls. I'm sure what you are doing is all a part of the Divine plan. You obviously love God and I know God loves you. If talking to me right now is making you want to dig a little deeper into God's Word, then that's a good thing(in my book). It sure can't hurt anyone. It might be that you need to arm yourself with the Word of God in order to do the work you have been sent here to do, and I'm giving you an opportunity to do that from conversing with you in this way. If that's the case, I'm glad to be of service! Keep on keeping on! You will be blessed and the people you reach will also be blessed. Love to you and yours.
[Edited 4/25/2009 9:29:14 PM PST]
4/25/2009 11:37:37 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Actually, everything I've written is very basic (equivalent to teaching a baby to crawl). I have done no more than barely scratch the surface in this thread. All Christians are given the command to testify about the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ. I am a sinner saved by grace these 37 years. Though I lack the scriptural requirement of a pastor or a preacher, I desire to do whatever work God allows me to do.
May I ask what is the source and confirmation of your faith?
5/1/2009 7:34:59 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
Hello! I have not been ignoring your last question for me. My mom's in the hospital and I work most nights. I did sit down one night and type a huge letter about my befiefs and confirmations up to about 11:30 that night. Then when I attempted to post it, it simply disappeared. It did not post. Totally lost. All that time speaking my truth and it just disappeared? I take that as a sign. Spirit would not allow it. I will say this: I do believe it is by faith that we are saved. If we do not believe, we cannot receive. We love the same God. We both have a friend in Jesus. We both strive to do God's Will in our lives. To me, you feel like a brother. FYI: I did think about you the other day. The thought was that you might enjoy a website that actually has discussions on the Bible and one where they discuss the scriptures amongst themselves. And how about a Bible college? You would be in 7th heaven! I don't know why I had that thought, but it did come to me out of the blue while walking down the corridors at work. I'm just passing it on to you. Take care and many blessings!
5/2/2009 5:56:52 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Jesus said that they which are whole have no need of a Saviour, just the sick do. What good would it accomplish to only spend time in environmeents where everyone agrees. That is what churches are for. They encourage us in our faith and prepare us to spread the gospel. Sometimes you have to testify to people who disagree with you in hopes of finding those who need that Saviour.
So, what you are telling me is your faith is based solely on Jesus Christ as revealed through the Bible and that you believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God?
5/3/2009 6:43:34 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
This life, for me, has been a sacred journey. I've traveled many paths, had many personally illuminating spiritual experiences, and met many wonderfully enlightened beings along the way who became my teachers. Every person, every experience has contibuted towards the summation of who I am today and what I believe. My beliefs are my own. They work for me. Attempting to explain them to you, it's like me trying to give a count of all the stars in the sky. God is tooooo big, I would only do God an injustice to try to describe God to you or anyone else. I'm okay, you need not worry about my soul. I'm safe and happy and loved. Life is good! I hope it's good for you as well.
Take care and God bless.
5/4/2009 7:03:24 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
You are correct that you may believe as you wish. The plan of salvation presented in the Bible is simplicity itself. God knows we are incapable of live righteously aside from the sacrifice of His Son.
5/4/2009 9:20:52 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
After all, we are here in these bodies which make us human. We find ourselves subjected to the instinctinal nature of a being human. Having wants, needs, desires, hopes, dreams, aspirations, illusions, expectations, misgivings, moments of extreme intelligence and moments of complete ignorance. We are emotional beings. We hurt, we cry, we laugh, we love and we die. It makes us half nuts most of the time. It's good thing that we are saved by grace.
I had a vision a while back: I was walking along the coast. I came upon a fish lying on the beach. It was stranded and could not get back into the water. It had struggled until it had lost all it's strength. It was barely holding onto life. It would be certain to die before the next sunrise. I saw the fish's delemna so I reached down, picked it up and gently let it slid back into the ocean water. It's life was spared due to the kindness of a stranger. I was so happy to be able to help! And I thought how being a human sometimes feels like what that fish was going through. Alone, desperate, all hope lost, too weak from all the struggles to fight anymore, just waiting to die. Then, when least expected, along came a miracle. Someone just passing through took the time to notice and to offer assistance and ended up saving a life.
It was just a vision, even so, after having it, I felt better that day and more compelled to be aware of any opportunities to show a kindness where needed. I think Spirit was teling me in that vision that even the smallest gesture of love can make all the difference in the world, so be alert! be ready! to show some love to the world. I get so busy, I think I must forget sometimes. Speaking only for myself, of course. lol!
[Edited 5/4/2009 9:23:00 PM PST]
5/5/2009 12:54:54 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Out of curiosity, what is your definition of being saved by grace?
5/6/2009 1:40:51 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
Don't you already know?
5/6/2009 3:51:23 PM |
"The Secret" |

Covington, KY
age: 46
Enlightened thinking cannot be received by all people at all times. Many are not ready.
("Many are called but few are chosen", because few choose to be chosen).
Multi layered meaning is present in both The Holy Bible and all other spiritual works.
Christ mentioned, "Let those who have ears to hear, hear. Let those who have eyes to see, see." He also bade his disciples as they progressed through the ministries he knew they would have, "to cast not their pearls before swine", and to "wash/dust off their feet" at the edge of towns they could not reach in an effort to keep their perspectives fresh for the next town(s) they might witness to. He knew in advance that not everyone would be ready. This is true for all spiritual literature, be it Bible, Koran, Talmud, Urantia, Celestine Prophecy, The Secret, etc. It often takes re-reading of any of them often to discern deeper levels of meaning, especially when combined with meditating on the passages that seem most incongruous or troubling (to the egos within us). Study of things inspired by the light of God often takes work for we "see as if through a glass darkly", and must work to polish the glass.
Many of these books all are adorned in the language of their time and place to reach the most people that they could provided those people had eyes to see and ears to hear. If all things are made by God, then nothing intrinsically in itself is evil. It is the worship of anything below the divine as if it were God, (or a god), instead of finding the God within it, that is the missing of the mark, including people, money, nature, whatever. Many of them (the books) seek to simply explain some of the laws the universe made by God runs by, and always has, and how the specific application of the knowledge of those laws can benefit or enhance our spirit in the eyes of the Lord. We are allowed to return to class (the bible, the books, the world) until we pass all the tests and commute all previous negative karma, as Christ is the Lord of Karma (and all else). Anything that brings us closer to the Creator is part of His grand design through whatever means necessary to bring us all back into oneness with Him.
I found this thread both educational and fun other than the one banned party's fearful outbursts towards any of the different points of light expressed here. I always like to see that people are willing to discuss spirituality, and even religions and their doctrines, in a manner that tries to offend no one. It gives me hope that the human race continues to wake up even now.
5/6/2009 3:51:56 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I understand that different religions may use the same term and mean entirely different things. For the sake of discussion, I asked because other things you have said made me curious where you were coming from.
5/7/2009 11:55:34 AM |
"The Secret" |
Erlanger, KY
age: 29
Well, for speaking about the "the secret" you guys aren't talking anything about it! it doesnt have anything to do with God or religion. It is about doing what you enjoy appreciating life, and being truly successful in life, having everything you've ever wanted, all becuase of the energy you put out. Enjoying life, that's not what any religion I have ever encountered wants you to do. But you also have to be an allower. you have to let other people create their own life, and not be angry or jealous or disaproving. For anyone who actually read the book or saw the movie, and are interested in learing how to control your thoughts more you should look into Abraham Hicks, the law of attraction. there is a couple videos on youtube of their live seminar. It takes it even deeper, answers questions you had probably asked yourself. All is well! Life is meant to be abundant! Enjoy!
[Edited 5/7/2009 12:03:31 PM PST]
5/7/2009 1:07:38 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
It's so good to see some other people responding. I really think the law of attraction has been at work throughout this thread. Passionate feeling people in regard to their individual beliefs being drawn together, possibly? I loved the book and the DVD. I have worked with it both consciously and unconsiously. A funny thing happened after I read the book and wanted to try it out for myself. I asked myself, "What would I really like to have?". After alot of thought, I decided I would ask for a kiss. I had not had a kiss in a long time and thought it would be nice to have one. So, I meditated and went back into my memory to the wonderful kisses I had experienced in my life and remembered how wonderful each one had been. It felt good to remember. That night my favorite band was playing and I went to hear them. I was doing my little dance during one of the songs and after the song was over, for no apparent reason, out of the blue, the lead singer came off the stage and came right up to me on the dance floor and kissed me right on the mouth! I was somewhat shocked and, of course, pleasantly surprised to have received my kiss in a way I could have never, ever imagined, and so quickly! Wow! I could not help but think, man, this stuff really works. Pretty weird, huh? Coincidence? I wonder.
5/7/2009 4:11:30 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
It sure is good to see other contributors to the thread. First, let me say that I noticed spiritwhisperer has not answered my last question.
Second, I will repeat that I have indeed read about the original topic. To go through all the discussion again to show why it has gone in this direction is redundant.
It is understood that "The Secret" is basically the idea that if we want something really badly enough that the focus of our energy will attract those people and circumstances to us to fulfill our desire.
Do we agree that this is a basic understanding of this concept?
5/7/2009 8:05:30 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
Cowboytrucker, no offense intended, I would really like to stick to the subject matter, if you don't mind. People hook up to the thread in hopes of learning more about "The Secret" or hopefully share their experiences, not to hear about what I believe or how I perceive things. I would really like to hear from others who have an understanding of it and have used it intentionally, so I'm going to try my best to stick to the topic.
Can you ever remember a time in your life when you wanted something so bad you could almost taste it? Can you remember how you couldn't quit thinking about it? maybe it would even enter your dreams? and how time and time again you visualized having it and what you would do with it once you got it? You may have even prayed to God to give it to you. Can you remember how wonderful it felt just believing you would have it someday? and then finally getting it? That's kind of how the law of attraction works. Focusing our thoughts and seeing ourselves as already having the object of our desire, and summoning our emotions as if we already have it. Also putting action behind the thoughts such as creating picture boards or a wish board, a prayer list, drawing pictures of it, writing it down, are all energies that will assist in bringing about what your heart desires, according the instructional. "We bring about what we think about." I'm not so concerned in what it will give me on a material level. The biggest lesson regarding the Secret for me, was to be aware of what I'm thinking all the time. The law of attraction is always working. It does not discriminate between positive and negative thoughts. So all the more important for me to keep my thoughts directed toward the positive, since that's what I really want for my life. I sure wouldn't want to actually create some of those nasty negative thoughts that creep into my mind sometimes. OMG! So I transform them as fast as possible with thoughts of what I would really like to see happen, instead of what I don't want to see happen. That's it in a nutshell. The best I can explain it anyway. Any other takers? lol!
5/8/2009 9:34:59 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Sure, the first most of us could name would be sex. That is more hormones than conscious focus though.(  3 teenagers utilizing the Secret to get laid) 
5/8/2009 7:43:40 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
Actually, I agree that hormones play a big part in making it happen. The thoughts a person has will stimulate hormonal releases into the nervous system. When hormones are released, then the emotions and mental outlook of the person will be affected. The emotions play a big part in the outcome. For instance, if a person had thoughts that most women are mentally unstable, then they will draw more mentally unstable women to themselves. Which will only confirm the belief and make it even stronger and then it will keep on happening over and over until the thought has been transformed. Matter follows thought. The more thought that is focused on anything, the stronger the attraction will be. Now, if one hoped to have a relationship with a beautiful, loving, kind-hearted, strong, sexy, emotionally-balanced, healthy woman, then the person would first have to believe that she exists. It would be good to remember women in one's life that actually demonstrated the kind of traits one would desire in their own woman. Think of the good examples you've known. This could be a mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, cousin, girlfriends, wives or just friends. Think of what you found attractive about those women and how they made you feel when you were around them. Think of times when you laughed together, made love to each other (non-relative hopefully), or just played together. What was it that you appreciated about them? What made you love them so much? Sit for a few minutes, close your eyes and allow yourself to remember how it felt! [I guarantee, if you do this, you will experience a hormonal release of the good kind]. Feel it! Breathe it in! Enjoy the memories! Before, I left out one of the most important things about the Secret. So sorry! Here it is: Always, always, always demonstrate "An Attitude of Gratitude". Start by being thankful now. Just say, "Thank you" for something for which you are grateful. Maybe you were just happy to wake up this morning. Maybe something really nice happened to you today. Say, "Thank you" like you really mean it! Then: "Ask, Believe, & Receive" that you WILL have the woman of your dreams. See and feel her in your arms now. Of course, the same would apply for wanting to find the man of one's dreams. I hope this helps!
P.S. One thing that was emphasized in the instructional was that 1 good thought can erase 100 bad thoughts. I like that one. I found it very comforting. I'm keeping it.
Take care and many blessings to all!

5/9/2009 11:05:43 AM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Since we can now agree that I know what you are talking about...
Understand that this philosophy has limits.
Desperately wanting to win the lottery does not make it so.
Wanting a woman (or man) that is just as opposed to you as you are attracted to them. Sometimes you get the mentally unstable types because that is all that will give you the time of day.
It cannot save a person from their sins which is the only way we can be truly happy
The more positively you try to influence people, the more they resist. it's like coaxing a man out of a burning building who sets the fire to commit suicide.
Another point could be made that what you feel is positive in theory actually may be negative in practice. Bad news is not bad news for everyone
5/10/2009 6:44:27 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
Since we can now agree that I know what you are talking about... [I can't agree that you "know" what I'm talking about. I don't think you can "know" it until you experience it for yourself. I will agree that you have a basic understanding of it.]
Understand that this philosophy has limits. [The only limits are the one's we put on it with our doubts and our fears.]
Desperately wanting to win the lottery does not make it so. [I agree][Goodness knows if that were the case, we'd all be rich. For me, in any request I make, I always put the disclaimer, "If it's not in God's Will for my life then I really don't want it." I really believe God knows what's best for me. I trust that I am being watched over and protected. I believe the angels and the spirits that watch over me, will not let something happen to me that is not in my best interest, no matter how much I think I may want something/someone or beg, plea and attempt to bargain for it. God and me have that understanding. When things don't work out the way I was hoping or visualizing, then I know that thing or person was not what was best for me, or just maybe...I was not what was best for them. No need to cry too much about it. Something much better for me will be coming in it's place.]
Wanting a woman (or man) that is just as opposed to you [I wouldn't want somebody who is opposed to me. That would be the first sign that I was with the wrong person] as you are attracted to them [This one really sucks - OUCH! been there, done that!]. Sometimes you get the mentally unstable types because that is all that will give you the time of day. [All relationships have lessons for us to be learned. They give us an opportunity to get a greater glimpse of ourselves through this other person. You know? Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the craziest of them all?  ]
It cannot save a person from their sins which is the only way we can be truly happy.
[Maybe that's true for you. Honestly, I have been happy while sinning and I have been happy when I was not. Happy is a hormonal thing. I'm usually the happiest when I'm doing something I love to do.]
The more positively you try to influence people, the more they resist. it's like coaxing a man out of a burning building who sets the fire to commit suicide. [People will be people. Each has their own mind and life experiences that influences their behaviours. Most of the damage was done long before you entered the scene. We can't change them or make them into something they are not. My High Spirit tells me that my job is to love them right where they are at. It's the love and acceptance we give to each other that will make the biggest difference in our lives. I believe the best example we could hope to give someone is to show how to really love oneself. When a person can get that one down, everything else just seems to fall into place.]
Another point could be made that what you feel is positive in theory actually may be negative in practice. [Of course, that is a possiblity. It would depend on one's perceptions.] Bad news is not bad news for everyone
[In certain circumstances, I'm sure that's true.]
Many Blessings!
5/10/2009 7:45:49 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I love the way you posted your response this time. Where I agree with your response, I wholeheartedly do so. In some areas, I don't disagree strongly enough to dispute the points except for your response to being saved from sin being the only true happiness. There is a difference between happiness and pleasure. I know that while sinning may be fun for the moment, a Christian is never happy in sin of any kind.
5/12/2009 7:28:48 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
Happy: 1. Characterized by good luck; fortunate. 2. Having, showing, or marked by pleasure or joy. 3. Apt: appropriate, suitable; 'a happy turn of phrase'. 4. Cheerfully, willing; 'happy to assist you'.
Pleasure: 1. An enjoyable sensation or emotion; satisfaction, delight. 2. A source of enjoyment, gratification, or delight. 3. Sensual gratification or indulgence. 4. A person's preference, wish, or choice. 'What is your pleasure?'
Happiness? Can anyone really define it? Is it a state of mind or is it just a chemical reaction that takes place in the body? I really can't say that the only true happiness comes from being a Christian. I believe happiness comes from inside a person. A thought occurs in our heads, the lymphatic system responds by producing hormones. Depending on the thought, those could be happy hormones or the gloom & doom hormones. The hormones stimulate the emotions. The emotions influence our actions. Our actions influence our thinking, and round and round it goes. I'm feel certain when one becomes a Christian they do experience great joy and inner peace. It feels wonderful to feel like our slate has been wiped clean and we get to start anew. I also think one could be just as 'happy' when eating their favorite ice cream cone dipped in chocolate with a cherry on top (a sinful delight!)
If a person wanted more happiness in their lives, The Secret could help. Ask, believe, receive! First, see yourself happier. If it don't come easy, fake 'til ya make it! Express your gratitude for all the happiness received so far. Take time to remember other times when you were really your happiest. Take time to remember how it felt to be your happiest. Breathe it in. Feel it! The body will begin to produce those same wonderful happy hormones and you will begin to feel like a much happier person. Love, joy and happiness to all!
[Edited 5/12/2009 7:34:53 PM PST]
5/13/2009 3:12:45 AM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
The Secret is like a tool we can use to better our lives. It does not take the place of faith in one's Higher Power. We learn that we must be responsible thinkers. The Secret helps us have a better understanding of how things work in the Universe. The law of attraction is considered a Universal Law. Be aware! As you think it is, it will be. A person just needs to be aware of the thoughts they are creating in their heads (this is the true challenge) and make certain that the thoughts are in harmony with what they really want for their life. It's like painting a picture, each thought is like one stroke of the paint brush. We create as we go. Do you want to paint a pretty picture? Then be aware of what your thoughts are creating. Later.....
[Edited 5/13/2009 3:31:20 AM PST]
5/13/2009 6:10:44 PM |
"The Secret" |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I am aware of what you are saying. Norman Vincent Peale said the same stuff in "The Power of Positive Thinking". Joel Osteen says the same thing in his books and teaching. It is an old philosophy with a new name.
The happiness and peace I am referring to are the same as Jesus offered to the woman at the well. He referred to Himself as the water if she drunk would never thirst again. He, of course, was referring to spiritual thirst. We are happier because we know that our sins are forgiven; we know that God is control of our day-to-day life. We are not dependent on our own flawed understanding to deal with life.
A good modern example would be global warming. Those without this assurance stress over this as though something must be done. As a Christian, I know that nothing will happen outside the will of God.
5/13/2009 6:30:59 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
cowboytrucker, it's been nice talking to you. I appreciate the things you have to say. I think we've about talked this subject out. It does not appear that anyone else has anything else to offer on the subject. I think I'm going to check out some other threads to see what people are interested in talking about. Take care and many blessings!
5/23/2009 7:14:26 AM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
I am aware of what you are saying. Norman Vincent Peale said the same stuff in "The Power of Positive Thinking". Joel Osteen says the same thing in his books and teaching. It is an old philosophy with a new name.
The happiness and peace I am referring to are the same as Jesus offered to the woman at the well. He referred to Himself as the water if she drunk would never thirst again. He, of course, was referring to spiritual thirst. We are happier because we know that our sins are forgiven; we know that God is control of our day-to-day life. We are not dependent on our own flawed understanding to deal with life.
A good modern example would be global warming. Those without this assurance stress over this as though something must be done. As a Christian, I know that nothing will happen outside the will of God.
Wow Cowboytrucker! I agree with the entire above dialogue. What's up with that? Glad to see the thread continues. Uuummmm..............
6/5/2009 2:06:14 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
I must say kyprimrose, I was hoping you would jump back in. I'm sure you have had expereinces with working with the Secret. Huh? After all, you started this whole thing! It was good to see you again!
6/6/2009 6:32:05 AM |
"The Secret" |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
Thank you spiritwhisper. Yes, all my life I have had experiences but certainly didn't remember the It was tough at first realizing I was creating it all. I got stuck for a while and blamed myself for the sometimes not so pleasant experiences. I still do that more than I like to admit. Are you familiar with the teachings of Abraham through Esther Hicks? Also the Seth material? How about Edgar Cayce? I ask and it is given over and over again and again. I don't think I've ever had a question that wasn't answered but then they lead to more questions. Ah, it is amazing this experience called life. It still blows my human mind at times. I also wonder why everyone doesn't realize the complete and utter miracles that are everywhere. That we are creating them along with our First Creator. Namaste spiritwhisper..............
7/7/2009 5:23:58 PM |
"The Secret" |
Lexington, KY
age: 58
Kyprimrose, nice seeing you again. In my life, my greatest challenges have been in realtionship to my thinking. When I finally came to the realization that my thoughts were affecting my future, my family's & friend's lives, and my immediate surroundings, I began to take more notice of my thoughts & my own true heart's desires. I came to understand how as a child & living in a negative-thinking enviournment had a hugh impact on my thinking patterns & on my life. I've had to work extremely hard on turning my automatic-thinking responses around from coming from a negative place to a more positive place. One of my heart's desire is that I will eventually automatically first-respond from a positive place rather than visa versa. At first, it's seemed like trying to make a wheel go backwards while it's currently in forward motion going 50mi an hour. Before I could change the direction, I first have to bring it to a halt!!!! So when I catch myself having negative thoughts (again), I have to stop thinking for a moment... before trying to re-direct the thought flow. Most of the time, I do a meditation prior to re-directing the thought for a Higher Guidance on the matter. That's one reason I have been so thankful for 'The Secret' because it helped me have a better understanding of my own thought processes. It seems to me those automatic responses that seem chisled into our DNA are the hardest to re-construct/re-direct. It sometimes feels like a full time job but strangely enough, it's fun too. It's like loosening the chains that have bound me for so long. I'm free & it feels great! I guess it's just good to know that I'm not trapped in any stinkin-thinking anymore. Halleluyah! Take care and many blessings to you!