10/8/2008 10:12:24 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Carlisle, AR
age: 19
I read this question alot. it seems like all men only want the board strait figures with not tits or backside. im not fat, but i do have alot of backside and big tits i guess im unattractive because of that. who knows but ine day i will find a man that likes me for me and not try to push me to be something im not
10/9/2008 1:54:25 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Castaic, CA
age: 20
I read this question alot. it seems like all men only want the board strait figures with not tits or backside. im not fat, but i do have alot of backside and big tits i guess im unattractive because of that. who knows but ine day i will find a man that likes me for me and not try to push me to be something im not
Thats exactly how I feel, but the thing is y do even the fat guys hate us thick girls u know? Y can't we be judged like other girls we got boobes we have an a** F**k guys we are women who deserve respect regarding what we look like
10/9/2008 1:58:04 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Ottawa, ON
age: 36
No... we men want attractive women.. inside and out.
And women who aren't happy with their weight and use it as a reason why they aren't getting the men they want are not attractive.
10/9/2008 2:09:59 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |


Rockford, MI
age: 37
I personally am not attracted to "thick" women cause usually when they say they are "thick" it just means they are fat. It's personal choice and we all find certain people attractive..
Just being honest sorry.
10/9/2008 2:32:04 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Castaic, CA
age: 20
Guys we can't help the way we look if we could just magically lose weight we would do it for you but the way we look is the way we look either you accept it or you dont::crying: I'm only 5'2 I weigh 140 guys I am not fat or skinny yet I have guys just telling me just to lose the weight on the back side but you know what I don't care what u guys want me to change
10/9/2008 3:31:13 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Laguna Niguel, CA
age: 51
To me it is a question of health. I am down right now with an infection and when I stepped on the scale at the doctor's office, I had to stare down 15 extra lbs I gained for lack of exercise. To get to the higher end of my normal BMI I must lose 12 lbs to get down to 135. My goal is to get 130 lbs. Until I hit 40, I was 100 lbs soaking wet. But, as I gained a bit more weight I took on some curves. I think I would rather be 130 and have some shape. A lot of men I have talked about this agree with me.
10/9/2008 3:36:03 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Greenwood, SC
age: 31
you cant be happy being obese, ooooooooops! many call it fat or whatever..unless theres sonmething wrong with your genetic make-up.
its even worse to be thick physically and mentally.
10/9/2008 4:06:32 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 51
If you are happy with whatever size you are then it makes no difference how others see you.
If you see yourself as, "Obese, overfat, overweight, under-trained" and you're not happy then .. it's time to make a change cause at this point you are in question of you.
Just remember, You can lose the weight...you can't lose ugly.
10/9/2008 4:25:18 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Buffalo, NY
age: 58
If I like a woman, size have nothing to do with it. I like her because I like her because I like her 
10/9/2008 5:10:57 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Castaic, CA
age: 20
I just want guys to appreciate us women, look past fat, chunky, accept us the way we are
10/9/2008 5:12:44 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Moline, IL
age: 42
I care more about personality
10/9/2008 5:28:35 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Absecon, NJ
age: 40
I just want guys to appreciate us women, look past fat, chunky, accept us the way we are
In a perfect world that would be something that both sexes would appreciate. We are sexual beings and we like what tuns us on... we CANNOT help how we feel about something and we instinctively like something for whatever reasons, it just is. So people that like skinny people and it gets them hot, great! People that like thick and fat people as well, if it works for you then embrace it!! G'night!
10/9/2008 5:29:33 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Deridder, LA
age: 41
As for me its a personal preferance, i also prefer what i think of as normal, petite is the word. I have tried every shape you can imagine and normal healthy is for me.
10/9/2008 5:45:16 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |


Rockford, MI
age: 37
In a perfect world that would be something that both sexes would appreciate. We are sexual beings and we like what tuns us on... we CANNOT help how we feel about something and we instinctively like something for whatever reasons, it just is. So people that like skinny people and it gets them hot, great! People that like thick and fat people as well, if it works for you then embrace it!! G'night!

10/9/2008 8:51:35 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Castaic, CA
age: 20
U know what screw you ok u like shinny girls they're gonna get fat and ur gonna leave them wait til another
pretty face comes alone it'll keep going on forever
10/9/2008 8:55:50 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

age: 22
Why do all guys prefer the skinny gorgeous model women? 
Be honest, is a thick woman really not attractive?? 
I don't really like really skinny girls... but i love thicker girls... girls with a booty and boobys...lol. more cushin for the pushin right...
10/9/2008 9:20:34 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Berwyn, IL
age: 31
the definition of a thick woman is not exceedingly obese most thick women are at the most 20-40 pounds overweight and carry it all in the boobs and behinds....another thing to wonder about why is it all the rage to get huge bust(the natural result of fatty tissue) and butt implants(in particular) Jlo is what is consider a thick body girl it depends on alot of factors where the weight goes
[Edited 10/9/2008 9:23:06 PM PST]
10/9/2008 10:39:03 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |


Rockford, MI
age: 37
It's quite funny how people get pissed because someone else doesn't find what you are attractive. I mean seriously, no need to get pissed off because some people don't find you pretty. If I got pissed at all the people who thought I was an ugly ball of snot, I would be angry at half of the world. It's personal choice and that's it. Everyone has a different idea as to what they find attractive.
10/9/2008 10:45:27 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Flint, MI
age: 19
how can people judge others before they even get to know them? shouldn't it be the personality you fall in love with? and looks are an added bonus? i mean of course looks are important, because if you're not physically attracted to someone there isn't going to be an zing in the relationship. i just think about it in the sense that looks may be why you are with someone now, but if their personality stinks...what happens in 50 years? old and ugly AND a crappy personality? we as humans need to quit being so shallow.
10/9/2008 10:51:12 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |


Rockford, MI
age: 37
how can people judge others before they even get to know them? shouldn't it be the personality you fall in love with? and looks are an added bonus? i mean of course looks are important, because if you're not physically attracted to someone there isn't going to be an zing in the relationship. i just think about it in the sense that looks may be why you are with someone now, but if their personality stinks...what happens in 50 years? old and ugly AND a crappy personality? we as humans need to quit being so shallow.
Holy hell you posted in the forums!
It's called personal choice and what I find attractive and what you find attractive may be two different things but it's not shallow to find a particular body type appealing. It's called human nature and it's not fair to put someone down for being attracted or not attracted to a certain body type and just label them as "shallow".
Now, someone else said something about personality too and of course, if they don't have a good moral character as well as personality, she won't be dating me so it's not just looks, it's the whole package.
I just don't think it's fair to sit here and label me as something I'm most certainly not.
10/9/2008 10:57:03 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Flint, MI
age: 19
Holy hell you posted in the forums!
It's called personal choice and what I find attractive and what you find attractive may be two different things but it's not shallow to find a particular body type appealing. It's called human nature and it's not fair to put someone down for being attracted or not attracted to a certain body type and just label them as "shallow".
Now, someone else said something about personality too and of course, if they don't have a good moral character as well as personality, she won't be dating me so it's not just looks, it's the whole package.
I just don't think it's fair to sit here and label me as something I'm most certainly not.
you are right. i completely understand people having a "type". but if that type turns them on, but if you can't have a conversation with them without losing 10 IQ points, or whatever the case may be...there are definitely going to be problems and it's probably not going to work out. i personally think that personality is a lot more important than looks. don't get me wrong though. looks are a great thing sometimes 
[Edited 10/9/2008 10:59:23 PM PST]
10/9/2008 10:59:52 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |


Rockford, MI
age: 37
you are right. i completely understand people having a "type". but if that type turns them on, but you can't have a conversation with them without losing 10 IQ points, or whatever the case may be...there are definitely going to be problems and it's probably not going to work out. i personally think that personality is a lot more important than looks. don't get me wrong though. looks are a great thing sometimes 
Well yeah, as I said in my last statement, if there is no character or they have a horrid personality I won't date them. So I guess we agree. Now we can go back to exchanging bananas.    
People aren't gonna understand that. Oh well.
10/9/2008 11:01:53 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Flint, MI
age: 19
wow we agreed. this just shocks me.
10/9/2008 11:02:51 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Casselberry, FL
age: 23
10/9/2008 11:03:09 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |


Rockford, MI
age: 37
It's cause we just kick a** that's all.
10/9/2008 11:04:15 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Berwyn, IL
age: 31
It's quite funny how people get pissed because someone else doesn't find what you are attractive. I mean seriously, no need to get pissed off because some people don't find you pretty. If I got pissed at all the people who thought I was an ugly ball of snot, I would be angry at half of the world. It's personal choice and that's it. Everyone has a different idea as to what they find attractive. 
I hope your not insinuating im mad because im not i could care less if you found me attractive im very secure in who i am that's all that matters in my universe
10/9/2008 11:05:58 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |


Rockford, MI
age: 37
I hope your not insinuating im mad because im not i could care less if you found me attractive im very secure in who i am that's all that matters in my universe
No I was not speaking to you or about you in this thread... 
[Edited 10/9/2008 11:06:09 PM PST]
10/9/2008 11:24:16 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Clarksville, TN
age: 44
Your blouse isnt very secure
10/9/2008 11:26:06 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Flint, MI
age: 19
Your blouse isnt very secure 
haha this made me laugh.
10/9/2008 11:41:39 PM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Berwyn, IL
age: 31
actually its double taped
10/11/2008 8:59:29 AM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Absecon, NJ
age: 40
how can people judge others before they even get to know them? shouldn't it be the personality you fall in love with? and looks are an added bonus? i mean of course looks are important, because if you're not physically attracted to someone there isn't going to be an zing in the relationship. i just think about it in the sense that looks may be why you are with someone now, but if their personality stinks...what happens in 50 years? old and ugly AND a crappy personality? we as humans need to quit being so shallow.
I don't care what anyone says here about personality. The topic for discussion was "Men, Do you like thick women???", a simple question ONLY deserving a simple explanation if we (men) find thick women attractive or not, but I will say this about personality; it is SECONDARY to physicality. Period! NO ONE is initially attracted to someone based on personality alone, NO ONE! It is always looks that do the initial work of attracting the opposite/same sex and it is the personality that will either make or break the final opinion of that person of attraction. If a girl is HOT to look at and she is a complete douche bag, she immediately goes from a 10 to a 2 and is no longer attractive IMO. If she is hot and has a killer personality, it makes her even more attractive to me! Is that shallow? Only if you base everything soley on looks, I need more than just looks to attract me and keep me interested.
[Edited 10/11/2008 9:01:46 AM PST]
10/11/2008 9:00:36 AM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Absecon, NJ
age: 40
actually its double taped
Do you get compliments while sporting this look?
10/11/2008 9:01:25 AM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |


Brooklyn, NY
age: 42
Men have different likes when it comes to women. If they like a thin woman then whose business is it of others to judge. You don't want someone telling you who to like if they don't meet your standards.
10/11/2008 9:08:55 AM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |


Middleboro, MA
age: 36
Why do all guys prefer the skinny gorgeous model women? 
Be honest, is a thick woman really not attractive?? 
Im not a man but I can kinda answer this question for ya!
I consider myself as thick as well so dont take this to heart
gorgeous model women are beautiful as are gorgeous model men
thier sexiness is the very first thing people notice and comment on, so yes it may seem like it but its not fair to say ALL MEN because its just not true.
its all in the way you carry yourself my dear, CONFIDENCE will get you really far in the dating world. jmo
10/11/2008 9:14:16 AM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 36
As a thick woman, I tend to feel unless I am thin, I will NOT find my match. I am far from heavy and am weight proportioned...
I also have an awesome personality, I just don't get it....
10/11/2008 9:14:53 AM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Absecon, NJ
age: 40
I guess we really need to determine what "thick" is?.....Would I be considered thick or fat?
Do you REALLY want a honest answer? I have no problem answering it but I can assure you I do give my honest unbridled opinions, so if you're easily offended/hurt you might want to retract this question.
10/11/2008 9:15:38 AM |
Men, Do you like thick women??? |
Newaygo, MI
age: 24
I know alot of men that dont care either way thick or thin. I am 5'5" and have few extra pounds on me, I did have a kid which didnt help.. I am not always happy with the way my body is now, but I work on it all the time, trying to fix it and accept it. And every guy i have dated since my son accepted it.. but ppl perfer what they perfer. and if they dont prefer you and your size then good one less heartache.....