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2/27/2007 4:44:03 PM |
Christ and the Law |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
UniversalSoul asks and UniversalSoul
Government works in direct contradistinction to its own laws, under the guise and fraud that it is "helping" us....right?
“Our obstacles to inner freedom are usually formed during childhood. As children we know how we feel about things, and we seldom hesitate to make our feelings known. But pressure from family and friends leads us to adopt the more narrow views and patterns that conform to what people expect. When our natural ideas and feelings are discouraged, we grow out of touch with our senses and become hyper-focused and the flow of communication between our bodies and minds is inhibited; we no longer know what we truly know this!
As the patterns of suppression grow stronger and more fixed, our opportunities for self- expression diminish. We become so used to conforming, that as we grow older we let these patterns rule our lives; we become strangers to!.. and, is it any wonder, people cannot connect with anyone... no matter how many dating sites they join?
So it is that the actual nature of what is happening concerns things that transcend social consciousness, which is the main source of information for most people.... But, since you can’t solve a problem using the same perceptive viewpoint in which it was created, nothing goes anywhere and everything stays the same with "The Game"...
You must get outside the box!!!...
On Earth, the general population is barely aware of planetary aspects beyond wars and weather fronts. Spiritual aspects? Well, look around you and see the blind leading the blind....hello?
Knowledge of the layout and dynamics involved with these realms is some of the most closely guarded information on the planet, because public knowledge of the true nature of reality could seriously damage earth culture control and manipulation structures.
and... it is for this reason that general exploration in these areas has been discouraged by orthodoxy, along with frequent ‘reminders’ to re-stimulate cultural and genetic programming relative to the body. They can’t have truly ‘free’ entities wandering
around telling the population they’ve been lied to their whole lives about the nature of the universe.... can they?
You probably already know that for the advanced incarnation.. 98% of the literature and information on the planet is pure synthetic bullshit designed to keep you in one box or another....
It definitely frees up your time for real evolution...when you realign your priorities!
2/27/2007 5:17:05 PM |
Christ and the Law |

Eugene, OR
age: 53
2/28/2007 7:35:24 AM |
Christ and the Law |

Kansas City, MO
age: 39
Yes, it is great to know that, we can all appreciate his works!
5/26/2007 5:49:20 PM |
Christ and the Law |

Bristow, IN
age: 62
Rebellion Against God
Sin is rebellion against God.
“Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods.”
“Sin sets itself against God’s love for us and turns our herts away from it. ... Sin is thus love of oneself even to contempt of God.”
We sin only against God. King David wrote, Ps 51:4 “Against Thee, Thee only have I sinned.” Sin separates us from God because He wants what is best for us, while we have chosen what is worst for us. Sin separates us from ourselves because it destroys our self-respect. Sin separates us from the people we love because we can never be at one with them if we hurt or use them. And sin separates us from life because it makes us closed-in and self-centered.
two types of actual sin: venial (Latin: venia, pardon) and mortal (Latin: morte, death).
The Four Essential Elements of a Sin
A law is involved, such as a moral law.
God is offended; the divine dimension is always present when we sin.
Sin is disobedience. We resist God’s grace and disobey His commands.
The disobedience is deliberate. We know that something is contrary to God’s law but freely disobey anyway.
St. Paul explained sin: Rom 5:12-14 “Therefore as sin came into the world through one man and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all men sinned - sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sins were not like the transgression of Adam.”
5/27/2007 9:19:25 PM |
Christ and the Law |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
After reading all of these posts, I hate to say that I am content to be faithless.
Exactly which part of the Bible was I too stupid to learn (and understand) the first 20 years it was rammed down my throat? If you can quote the verse(s) I was simply to dense to pick up on, all means, lay them on me.
5/27/2007 10:05:54 PM |
Christ and the Law |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I do not understand, being raised with the bible being preached all my life,why one more person saying it one more time is going to give some insite I did not hear over the last 60 years.
6/7/2007 12:51:22 PM |
Christ and the Law |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
jewelz5-Jesus is not God or God is not Jesus
hwh- jesus is god when jesus went to heaven both the father and the son became as one they are the same person the bible states that jesus is god when jesus came to earth he was god in human form... he went threw alot he is both the father and the son the alpha and omega the first and the last the beginning and the end.
hwh- are you saying you dont believe jesus is both the father and the son
hwh- i also herd jesus went to hell too that i do not believe
6/9/2007 6:28:31 PM |
Christ and the Law |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
lfr- sin is nothing more that sadism to the self.
Jesus is no more the son of God than you or I am. Jesus was no more God in the flesh than you or I am. The story of Jesus the God or of Jesus the Man is interesting to less and less rational people in the world today and there is nothing amiss with that. It is a good sign. The story of truth, of god, and of the divine in us, should not be fixed in the special past but in the special present - in the moment. When we do our historical homework we find out that the story of Jesus is no more dramatic and miraculous, no more pathetic and majestic than the story of other masters of knowledge and Servants of Truth.
Who dares declare that the story of Jesus Christ is any more captivating or inspiring than that of Imhotep, Apollonius of Tyana, Siddhartha, Milerepa, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Sarmad, or of Jiddu Krishnamurti? And, dare I ask how many people in today’s manic world care a bit for these bright lights of past times?
For every Christ and Muhammad, there are a thousand other god-men, born of virgins, imbued with the deepest wisdom and enamored with a divine mission. India is filled with like men and women today. So let it be known that there is nothing truly unique about the life of Jesus Christ. The only thing which is unique about the Christ is the lengths to which the Cult, which has adopted his name, has gone to suppress the truth and to foist their unsustainable sectarian beliefs upon the world.
The Christian zeal for brutal oppression and its violent conversion of non-believers, its penchant for false promises, its expertise with deception, and its ability to spawn the vilest of human-monsters, are what make it unique in the world.
[Edited 6/9/2007 10:30:33 PM]
6/9/2007 7:09:35 PM |
Christ and the Law |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
jewelz-jewelz5-Jesus is not God or God is not Jesus
hwh- you still did not answer that question jewelz jesus is god he is the father and the son?
6/20/2007 7:29:25 PM |
Christ and the Law |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
u know i here a lot of bull about the ten commandments being nailed to the cross and that we were not under the law any more well let me tell u something believe it or not the ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross let me just ask u how easy is it to nail stone to wood