10/15/2008 3:45:20 PM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 26
It goes both ways. The ladies can be just as shallow.. Take it from a chubby guy who knows from experience.. 
Man I feel ya on that one I, not all that attractive looking, hell im not even considered good looking I believe that both sexes are just as shallow as the other. To be frank the only thing I got going for me is that Im in the Army....... Oh well
10/15/2008 4:22:54 PM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Tucson, AZ
age: 23
It goes both ways. The ladies can be just as shallow.. Take it from a chubby guy who knows from experience.. 
I here that man. I am always reading these profiles girls have saying that they don't want drama and they don't care about looks, but then you take a look at their friends list (you know the pics with all the topless guys posing like their on the cover of mens fitness) or who they go out with if you happen to know them personally and they are always going out with these ex-con jackholes that treat them like crap and turn down nice caring guys like myself just cause I have some weight to lose. They seem oblivious to how hypocritical they are. I just want to find a girl that really means what she says and is ready to grow up past the shallow high school urges. And before I get a thousand responses from girls saying "I'm/were all not like that, how could you say that" all I'm saying is there are few left out there (or at least near where I live) that have grown up past their adolescent fantasies.
10/17/2008 3:07:43 PM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 26
I feel ya on that but there is one thing to always consider everywhere you go, and that is the first impression. It doesnt matter how hot or not you look it matters how you carry yourself, your attitude on everything is and if you got a good personality. The rest will fallow. But as far as the hot ones go, I dont even try to anymore there all crude and just as retarded as they were when they left High School . Frankly When I go home from this shit hole and back to Phoenix I dont care who will be paying attention to me or not. Its my time and Im gonna live it up , you all are soooooo lucky to be where your at where you do have the choice to go out or not where you can go how you dress and what you do. Just live it up and quit looking, he/she will find you whenever.
10/18/2008 2:38:49 AM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Mesa, AZ
age: 27
I here that man. I am always reading these profiles girls have saying that they don't want drama and they don't care about looks, but then you take a look at their friends list (you know the pics with all the topless guys posing like their on the cover of mens fitness) or who they go out with if you happen to know them personally and they are always going out with these ex-con jackholes that treat them like crap and turn down nice caring guys like myself just cause I have some weight to lose. They seem oblivious to how hypocritical they are. I just want to find a girl that really means what she says and is ready to grow up past the shallow high school urges. And before I get a thousand responses from girls saying "I'm/were all not like that, how could you say that" all I'm saying is there are few left out there (or at least near where I live) that have grown up past their adolescent fantasies.
personally I like a chunkier guy. They are soft to lay my head on. I hate laying my head on a guys chest thats rock hard!
10/24/2008 6:53:28 PM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Winslow, AZ
age: 40
hey..I like 'em chubby too..they seem more "downhome" and down to earth! You lay in their lap..and just fall asleep in the loving comfort!
[Edited 10/24/2008 6:54:25 PM]
10/25/2008 12:46:42 AM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Chandler, AZ
age: 52
You never know what might happen to you in this life. Back in 1993, i had brain surgery to remove a tumor that was pressing on my brain stem. the good news is that i survived it, the not so good news is that I also have a list of disabilites caused by it. One of which is partial paralysis on the left side of my face. YOu have no idea what I deal with when people see me. Talk about guys wanting a perfect face and perfect figure? Well, please explain to me all the emails I have sent back and forth with men, they like my communication style, so they ask for a photo. Once they see it, I never hear back from them.
10/25/2008 5:52:25 AM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 47
"Go ahead judge me! That would be your fault not mine......its not likley that I will change what I do by your judgment".
*Not directed to the OP. Just a general statement directed to those who will judge!
10/25/2008 7:12:37 AM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Tucson, AZ
age: 47
Most of us adult women who have been through a few bumps are just wanting to be loved and want someone who is honest about their feelings. Granted you have to feel a mutual attraction but it isn't necessarily in just the way a person looks but also personality.
10/25/2008 9:57:12 AM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Winslow, AZ
age: 40
You never know what might happen to you in this life. Back in 1993, i had brain surgery to remove a tumor that was pressing on my brain stem. the good news is that i survived it, the not so good news is that I also have a list of disabilites caused by it. One of which is partial paralysis on the left side of my face. YOu have no idea what I deal with when people see me. Talk about guys wanting a perfect face and perfect figure? Well, please explain to me all the emails I have sent back and forth with men, they like my communication style, so they ask for a photo. Once they see it, I never hear back from
Hey,I have had brain surgery too in 1990-I have a shunt in my head(I had a tumor and a cyst)..when people find that out they often treat me diffrently..my ex-husband actually used that in court to get my kids! I try to be positive,even though a lot of really bad things have happened to me in this life..I guess it is my faith in God that has kept me going! ...you have been through a lot as well..keep the faith..believe in yourself and it does'nt matter who knows you are the most terrific ,unshakeable woman alive..'cause you know it and so does God!
[Edited 10/25/2008 10:01:08 AM]
10/25/2008 6:50:01 PM |
don't judge people by there looks |

Glendale, AZ
age: 28
How am I suppose to judge someone I see with my eyes and not really know them in person?
I'm sorry but generally speaking, humans have to be initially attracted(physically) to the person in order to take that next step and get to know the person on an emotional/mental level.
Call me shallow if you would like but frankly if you are even semi attractive then you should strive to be with someone that you find attractive on all levels. Never settle for someone that you aren't attracted to.
If you do, you will be unhappy for the duration of the relationship. I for one have never settled in any aspect of my life, especially when it comes to dating.
People that complain about others being shallow need to look into the mirror and realize maybe they just aren't attractive and need to do something about it or maybe lower your standards?
just a thought.