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10/15/2008 5:28:26 PM |
classic T.V. shows what's your favorite's |
Dowagiac, MI
age: 39
Hogans Heros
10/15/2008 7:09:43 PM |
classic T.V. shows what's your favorite's |

Tomball, TX
age: 51
Bonanza, The Virginian, The Big Valley, Alfred Hitchc*ck, Boris Karloff Thrillers, Gone With the Wind, The Wizard of Oz......
10/15/2008 10:54:48 PM |
classic T.V. shows what's your favorite's |

Chandler, AZ
age: 37
Gilligans Island, The Munsters, Star Trek, Lost in Space, Hogans Heroes, MASH and many more that I just cannot recall right now
10/16/2008 1:00:35 AM |
classic T.V. shows what's your favorite's |

Bakersfield, CA
age: 40
I Love Lucy.
10/17/2008 11:49:35 AM |
classic T.V. shows what's your favorite's |
Dowagiac, MI
age: 39
Fantasy Island
10/17/2008 11:58:33 AM |
classic T.V. shows what's your favorite's |
Dowagiac, MI
age: 39
The Munsters did a Frankenstien & a Vampire end up having a Wearwolf for a son and a normal girl for a niece? ....and most importantly how does spot fit under the stairs as Big as he is ...the world may never know 
10/17/2008 12:13:16 PM |
classic T.V. shows what's your favorite's |
Cordova, AL
age: 37
Growing Pains (who doesnt love Kirk Cameron), The Brady Bunch, I love Lucy, Mama's Family, (After Vent's kids left and "Bubba" joined the cast), Third rock from the sun. I know it is not real old but this show was one of the funniest I ever watched. I highly recomend you watching it. It is back on in sindication on weekday mornings on Directv channel ?? (between channel 300 and 315)
10/17/2008 12:14:59 PM |
classic T.V. shows what's your favorite's |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
I liked Dukes of Hazzard........same reason the judge has my license...
10/17/2008 12:16:29 PM |
classic T.V. shows what's your favorite's |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 28 online now!
smurfs, snorks, scoody doo(not the ones with scrappy), small wonder, alf, golden girls( I think i've reached the point where Blanch is taking notes), Voltron, A-team, Gilligan's Island, oh there are so many......