Lynchburg, VA
age: 39
WOW... 'thank you' for your wisdom....i think... you have just totally explained why a recent relationship.... finally collapsed- she was reallllly lazy about a lot of things...kept saying she was...became more and finally -got tired ?.
Yes.. i agree, and it also lends itself to an earlier comment of 'insecurity'. I expect to have to work 'at' relationship...but never at making someone feel secure about themselves. Secure about 'us' is another story. I think..maybe even because i realize 'how' things may seem for women, that i try to do sooo many little things to make her 'feel' secure .
but oft times i think because of 'what women think', it IS as you say...a cycle of sorts that they first create...then assist in fulfilling...
ie this is whats going to happen, soooo i wont Do what i would or should normally do, ah hah... 'see' i was right..he's looking someplace else, i cant do this anymore...
lol... a 'self fulfilling ' prophetical..cycle.
thank you.

Yorktown, VA
age: 50
Why would you think that good looking men are always seen as players??? Do men think that about women??? First impressions last a long time so if you present yourself in a manner that will not give anyone that type of feeling you are good to go. After all you could say "Don't judge a book by it's cover".... That is the same way with people. It is the inner being (self) that makes the person..... If you let your inner self show then that is what will make people think what they think about you. Hope you can follow what I have typed. Have a most wonderful day.....

Waynesboro, VA
age: 54
We all don't look like a magazine cover first thing in the mornings, I look and say Holy
S--t you are looking rough today. Comes with age, some sooner then others. Just hope and pray you were dealt a good genes hand 

Virginia Beach, VA
age: 54
it has nothing to do with you my friend i think those that are looking at you are insecure and donot feel they are worthy of such a handsome man not your fault, hang in there

Richmond, VA
age: 20
Well i don't judge men based on their "looks"...I judge based on their eyes.