Somerville, NJ
age: 88
lol @ ppl toughing tough on the net!

Norcross, GA
age: 37
Hey Jen

Glendora, NJ
age: 56 online now!
Hey mustang, didnt realise it was you without your sunglasses on. I remember how self consious you were about your eyes. Whats it been 5 years since I seen you. I talked with John W a few weeks back and he told me you were getting out, seems he ran into your x and she was nervious about you getting out. He wanted to get together and go get a few, but realized your probably on probation and that would be a violation. Just took my boat out last week so cant go fishing till spring. Gas killed me this year, at the marina it $6.50 a gal. and thats a 300 gal tank on it. Ill call John for your phone number and well pick up a few ladies and go out, but please watch your PQ&L. Pints quarts lines. I remember you and shit you did and you have the nerve to call me a perv. LOL
OK hang in there life is better outside rather than in. I alway wonder how you would fend in there not being a big guy, but you got by im sure.
Talk later 
my email here wont work or i would have sent this to you personally.

Somerville, NJ
age: 88
hi hun! 

Glendora, NJ
age: 56 online now!
Hi pretty lady

Brick, NJ
age: 55
Hey bab
New photo? hmmmmm you look better with the horns and in red. 
why you block all men from seeing your profile?
Oh I understand now!
Hey Jennifer (Jen)
I have your name tatoo on my arm.  .................................hi rich........i have been on here for a year now..and i needed a break from these forums...that is the only reason for the invisibility...contrary to what others might think..i really didn't think i would be posting anymore at the time...thanks for the interest....

Brick, NJ
age: 55
hey no fighting guys....this is nj remember?