Ridgewood, NJ
age: 25
There is nothing wrong with you bro. I agree with what some people have mentioned about personality being more important than looks. You can be the most good looking guy around and have money to boot but that doesn't mean you are a woman magnet. Well the only women you would attract would be the shallow women (mainly gold diggers). There is more to dating than good looks although looks do play a role. I know we live in a shallow age where reality shows and other forms of media are constantly conjuring up typical images of what a man and a woman should look like. I'm sure you know this already but love yourself for who you are. There will always be people that think you are either good looking or not so don't let that get in your head.
I'm a big guy too but I don't care what people think of me. I mean do eat healthy and work out whenever I can. As for the work/school thing you are being productive and that is always a good thing for a woman to see. As long as you are either in school or working then I don't see anything wrong. Being clean helps (keeping your breath fresh, showering, colgne, etc). Lets face it good looks last for only so long, personality on the other hand stays with you forever.

Piscataway, NJ
age: 22
There is nothing wrong with you bro. I agree with what some people have mentioned about personality being more important than looks. You can be the most good looking guy around and have money to boot but that doesn't mean you are a woman magnet. Well the only women you would attract would be the shallow women (mainly gold diggers). There is more to dating than good looks although looks do play a role. I know we live in a shallow age where reality shows and other forms of media are constantly conjuring up typical images of what a man and a woman should look like. I'm sure you know this already but love yourself for who you are. There will always be people that think you are either good looking or not so don't let that get in your head.
I'm a big guy too but I don't care what people think of me. I mean do eat healthy and work out whenever I can. As for the work/school thing you are being productive and that is always a good thing for a woman to see. As long as you are either in school or working then I don't see anything wrong. Being clean helps (keeping your breath fresh, showering, colgne, etc). Lets face it good looks last for only so long, personality on the other hand stays with you forever.
Thanks bro I def appreciate it
I understand where ur coming from
Idk like my personality is honestly if you get to know me is amazing
My sense of humor i know when times to get serious and times to fool around and have
Life is too short to be serious all the time ya know.
Like alot *not all women* of women these days care alot more on the looks then personality.
Most of my friends that are girls always talk about hot guys and such in a way it annoying but at the same time i tell them about personality that counts which is why they always get heartbroken and such cause the guy is a douchebag to them. Then they swear on all men that they suck but its not the case it depends on the type of person ya go for.
i really appreciate your comment and i hope things workout for u too bro  