Morgan, VT
age: 65
I just saw a program about Carlton Pearson,a defrocked bishop from Oral Roberts school of ministry.
He preaches that hell is only here on earth and when Jesus came to save the world ...
He did just that....we are all saved..even if we should chose to sin.
can't remember all that he espouses, but seemed very liberating.
any thoughts?

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
Do not know the man, but I can see why they did not want him in their
church. Many believe that satan, does not physically exist, that satan
or evil exist as a result of ego. There are others who believe that God
has allowed dark entities to manipulate negativity into his dominion as
a test pattern. As a result we are tested through many adversities. It
is thought the strongest force for wrecking havoc within a person, is our
own personal force. Our own negativity within.
Gnostics have been around since the beginning of time, and Gnostic christians
believe that we along with God, are the salvation of our own souls. That we
never need an intermediary. You were saved when you came into life. God
would not put you here unattended.
Now I am not saying this is my belief, simply informational as to why some
christians, have broken away from the standard institutionalized form of
christianity. I have know of some catholic priest who had to leave the
church, because they believed that religions should unite, and share their
beliefs with all others, in a mutual exchange for seeking truth..bet you can
imagine how that went over.

Seymour, IN
age: 61 online now!
Sure can Nonick, but that is one of the problems I had with christian 'not people the religion]. I cannot see a god that knows all did not see what was coming when he created satan and man. If he could see it then why do it. These are questions I asked myself you understand.
Why would he want to play with people by tempting or allowing them to be tempted, when he already knew the results. Why could he not just forgive, after all he made us as we are [I was not in eden, I did not choose to be born imperfect]. Why would he give me conflicting word like, 'an eye for an eye' and ,do not judge'. or 'love others as you yourself' but 'men would become lovers of themselves'??
And most of all why did he give me a brain to think and then tell me not to ask or think about anything other than so many of those conflicting verses??
I am not asking anyone to answer any of these questions, once again these are questions I asked myself over the years and spent many years feeling tortured by not getting a single answer from anyone that made any more since than the original words.
For many years I thought god let everyone else understand because he did not want me. But today I will not accept that any more and become defensive at anyone who says 'I will pray for you' cause it feels like that old feeling that god will listen to them but he does not care about me.
[Edited 9/29/2007 9:37:01 PM]