11/15/2008 10:15:05 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Muskegon, MI
age: 49
Here's the story in kinda short form....
Back in mid June. I saw someone on here that i would like to get to know better. Si i sent her a message and she responded. To speed it up.. we changed phone numbers and talked on the phone for a week.. then we met for coffee. Then we talked more on the phone. We had gone to dinner, movies and more coffee (even went out and hit a few on the driving range). Well.. now comes the problems. In the beginning I was told by her that she had this thing to do until Sept. which i had no problem with.. would give me more time to get to know her talking on the phone and the times we met. Well.. Sept came and time was moved to Nov. That was fine with me. During this time from June to Nov i was being told that everything was fine with us. I was being told this would/could be a long term relationship. Feelings were growing at this time. So 2 weeks ago (Nov 1) I invited her to a party that had my family there. I asked her if she would like to go and meet them and she said yes so we went. Everything was fine my family liked her and she said she liked them. We talked on the phone again all next week. Then we met again on Nov 8th (last Sat). 5 minutes after we sat down for coffee she got a call and said she had to go help her sister.. i was ok with that. 9 pm we left and that was the last i have talked to her (we talked on the phone daily for hours at a time during this whole time from June to Nov). She no longer answers my calls or messages.. so can somebody maybe tell me WHY? or was i just getting BS the WHOLE time and fell for it hook line and sinker???? (she still wont answer today 15th). For those that may ask... I treated her with the upmost respect.
Thank you and have a great day and best of luck to all of you
11/15/2008 10:25:49 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |

Clarkston, MI
age: 50
Sounds like her boyfriend just got Parolled!
11/15/2008 10:43:14 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Muskegon, MI
age: 49
i dont think that was it.... no clue as to her having one
11/15/2008 11:42:08 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
New Boston, MI
age: 49
You were fine but, to be brutally honest, I think that your friend had something going with someone else and she was biding her time with you, keeping her options open, until something resolved with the other. I've experienced this same scenario before.
The only other explanation is that something terrible has happened in her family and this how she mourns or deals with it.
11/15/2008 12:25:18 PM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Muskegon, MI
age: 49
that entered my mind. has one friend on her profile. i have thought about asking him
11/15/2008 4:44:01 PM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |

Saginaw, MI
age: 34
I have to agree that it sounds like this "thing" she had to do was another guy...and you were her safety net for if/when that didn't work out.
Personally, I wouldn't contact her "friend" because that's just creepy/stalker-like. I don't agree with what she did by any means, but you'll just make things worse if you keep calling/texting/emailing. What she did is very unfair, but you really need to let her go and when she comes crawling back, remember the way she treated you before you agree to take her back.
11/15/2008 7:16:24 PM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |

Houghton Lake, MI
age: 60
Here's the story in kinda short form....
Back in mid June. I saw someone on here that i would like to get to know better. Si i sent her a message and she responded. To speed it up.. we changed phone numbers and talked on the phone for a week.. then we met for coffee. Then we talked more on the phone. We had gone to dinner, movies and more coffee (even went out and hit a few on the driving range). Well.. now comes the problems. In the beginning I was told by her that she had this thing to do until Sept. which i had no problem with.. would give me more time to get to know her talking on the phone and the times we met. Well.. Sept came and time was moved to Nov. That was fine with me. During this time from June to Nov i was being told that everything was fine with us. I was being told this would/could be a long term relationship. Feelings were growing at this time. So 2 weeks ago (Nov 1) I invited her to a party that had my family there. I asked her if she would like to go and meet them and she said yes so we went. Everything was fine my family liked her and she said she liked them. We talked on the phone again all next week. Then we met again on Nov 8th (last Sat). 5 minutes after we sat down for coffee she got a call and said she had to go help her sister.. i was ok with that. 9 pm we left and that was the last i have talked to her (we talked on the phone daily for hours at a time during this whole time from June to Nov). She no longer answers my calls or messages.. so can somebody maybe tell me WHY? or was i just getting BS the WHOLE time and fell for it hook line and sinker???? (she still wont answer today 15th). For those that may ask... I treated her with the upmost respect.
Thank you and have a great day and best of luck to all of you
Sucks, doesn't it??!! Had the same thing happen to me, only my "friend" (and I use that term loosely!) kept me on the the string for nearly 2 yrs..until he met someone younger! It's a great life if you don't weaken there kiddo!!! 
11/16/2008 3:05:03 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Dearborn, MI
age: 41
I realize now after reading some of these post's that their are
people out there who are on this site just to do that [ keep you hanging
then vanish ] very cruel when you are playing with someone's heart.
11/16/2008 5:22:58 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Fruitport, MI
age: 36
Did she ever mention anything about being in an abusive relationship before? Does she have any kids? It sounds to me like she may have linked back to someone in her past. That kind of stuff really sucks but use it as a learning experience.
11/16/2008 5:46:07 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Muskegon, MI
age: 49
her youngest kid is mid 20's. and looks like a lot are here just to play and see what happens
11/16/2008 5:50:42 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Muskegon, MI
age: 49
it's more of just wanting to know if i got played.
11/16/2008 6:09:30 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |


Mount Pleasant, MI
age: 44
If she does'nt have enough respect to at least say "goodbye" then screw her. I would'nt waste another minute thinking about her. If she ever has second thoughts, I'd let her be the one calling and giving explanations. The explanation I'd like to hear is the "why I did'nt say goodbye" one. That leaving things hanging siht is for the birds. Cut her loose.
[Edited 11/16/2008 6:09:54 AM PST]
11/16/2008 6:33:04 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Holland, MI
age: 27
Sounds like her boyfriend just got Parolled!
you know what i agree with u dude lol, cuse 10 years ago that was me lol
11/16/2008 6:51:29 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Mount Morris, MI
age: 54
I tend to agree with jlk57 and jps100x. Sounds to me like she was dating someone else and was just stinging you along until she found out how things would go with the other guy. I know it hurts.... it's happened to me just recently. But, I guess we can both learn from our experiences. I, for one, don't want to keep a lock and key around my heart, but I guess a bit of a net wouldn't hurt.
My experience was that I dated this guy all summer. He told me from the beginning that he was going to be moving to another town across state in a few months. But, it would be a temporary move. He said the reason he was leaving this area was to get away from hi ex-wife because he pestered him all the time. He didn't live far from me and we hung out 2 or 3 times a week. Either at my place or at his. Come October, he did move, but I did expect to keep in touch with phone calls, occasional visits, etc. But, nothing.... an occasional IM on line, but that's it. I asked him when he would be coming to visit or when I could visit him and he said he was really busy and he would let me know. (Keep in mind that he is retired.) Well, personally, I think he had someone in the other town and I was just someone to bide his time with until he could sell his house, and get his affairs in order here before he moved.
Like I said....it hurts (a lot), but we just have to move on. I haven't given up on finding someone and I don't think you should either. Just try to forget about her and find a good honest woman, who doesn't have "something going on",!!
If you would like someone to talk to, I would be more than happy to listen....we can compare notes....lol.
Good Luck and I sure hope things go better for you with your next relationship.
11/16/2008 7:36:33 AM |
Maybe somebody can tell me why. since she won't |
Muskegon, MI
age: 49
i have been giving this some more thought and after 20/20 hindsight. I now believe that she was talking to another and seeing them at the same time. she was just playing both ends to see how things might work out. after the 8th. she decided on the other. and i forgot to mention before that there was a weekend that she said she went to jail because she assulted her daughters ex. but now i believe that wasnt it at all.. she spent the time with the other man. and she hasnt told me it's done because she may change her mind bout the other and keeping me in the wings. which i have no come to a decision.. that i will not take her back.. unless of course i use my so called little brain that she believes most think we use anyways (some may people catch on to that... a slight word of warning to any others)