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11/19/2008 9:46:56 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Warren, OH
age: 29

Ok let's be clear here I know I'm good looking but I'm not gay Shane thank you but I love women way to much to swing from that vine.

[Edited 11/19/2008 10:10:39 PM]

11/19/2008 10:01:10 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Middletown, OH
age: 34

You're way too insecure to go making yourself seem secure. I compliment anyone male or female, if I think they happen to look nice. Don't make this some huge deal over a compliment, laugh about it and move on.

11/19/2008 10:09:50 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Warren, OH
age: 29

It's hard to laugh when a guy said your cute because I just never wanted to hear that again. O.k my best friend in high school that I played football with him and even took showers with him after games he then came on to me one night. That's when I started hating gay poeple for years now I've grow from that hate to you can't change them. So if they don't hit on me I wouldn't say a word to them.

[Edited 11/19/2008 10:28:10 PM]

11/19/2008 10:13:55 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Middletown, OH
age: 34

I was only being nice. If you need to go to therapy over a compliment then you have major friggin issues. No need to stick out your chest like Tarzan here for the ladies, I'm sure they get it you're straight. Let it go.

11/19/2008 10:37:31 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Middletown, OH
age: 34

I can see you have issues over this. But not everyone has came on to you like that and merely saying someone looks "cute" is just a friendly gesture. To me at least. I would tell a woman this as well. I am sorry for your friend really. Altho he shouldn't have done what he did. I never would do that. Heck I wasn't even the one to message you first privately. You messaged me pleading for an ear or someone to talk to over something or other so I messaged you back. It seems you have a lot going on right now and maybe the internet isn't the place to deal with it. But whatever is wrong, you can't go hating every single person in life over what 1 person did to you. That's just ignorant. And please don't discuss things here, I'd rather not talk about it in a chatroom. Maybe someone, some girl, will see this and talk with you because it seems you have a lot of issues going on and not just with gays. With women in general.

11/20/2008 7:05:34 AM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Alliance, OH
age: 23

woahhh this is was not meant to be a gay talk. I am trying to find the young people! Lets not turn this post into something political. lol

11/20/2008 8:57:53 AM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Warren, OH
age: 29

My last post to this Issue I have no problem with the ladies I was married for 8 years and in one day it was over. I understand know alot more then I did 6 months ago. I'm not into picking a girl up in a bar and with working two jobs I don't have time to figure somthing else out to meet girls.

11/20/2008 8:59:38 AM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Miamisburg, OH
age: 55

Hmmm, I believed they all moved to Alaska!

11/20/2008 9:13:01 AM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Geneva, OH
age: 23

i'm young! but i feel so old.

11/20/2008 9:53:15 AM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Alliance, OH
age: 23

Quote from jonathanryan17:
i'm young! but i feel so old.

me too! i think it is the baby that ages me so! crazy lunatic! What makes you feel so old? Sometimes my knees hurt when the weather changes

11/20/2008 12:00:46 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Atwater, OH
age: 38

age is just a number

11/20/2008 12:05:55 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,198)
Cleveland, OH
age: 44

I'm young at heart. Does that count?!!?

11/20/2008 1:54:44 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Alliance, OH
age: 23

young at heart is dandy! keep up with it cutie

11/20/2008 5:58:33 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

North Canton, OH
age: 31

im 31 but i do not look it and i am very frisky!! can you keep up?

11/20/2008 6:15:47 PM ahh where are all of the young ohio people!  

Bedford, OH
age: 27

I'm Old