Columbia, TN
age: 50
What do you guard your heart against? What is you wall made of?
People who claim they have something to offer me.. but only wish to dangle it in front of me... just out of my reach
My wall is made up of solid mistrust.. but with a door that can be opened when I want it to

Selah, WA
age: 46 online now!
I have too many windows in my wall so I had them framed ... might as well have the windows look nice if someone is gonna peek inside. Hmmm guess that makes them peeping Toms 

Poway, CA
age: 48 online now!
nowadays i don't know what to think about walls and all they imply,i decided to remove my walls recently and let in some light...i'm thinkin if i let in the world,really open myself up to it and all IT implies that i will be stronger, more in tune with myself and everyone else i share it with.