11/25/2008 7:47:28 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Lenoir City, TN
age: 37
i dont understand why a married man would come on a dating site, if you're unhappy in your marriage then mayb u should just get a divorce. if i knew my husband was on a dating site i would b devastated. mayb they just dont care about their spouses feelings, because if they did they wouldnt b here. what do u think? 
11/25/2008 10:42:16 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Memphis, TN
age: 29
Its called creeping. Alot of married people, especially men do it. They get bored with marriage. Or they dont want to work on their marriage, so they go looking for women on the side.
11/28/2008 9:00:40 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |
Sparta, TN
age: 49
Whos married???????
12/2/2008 8:33:14 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Mount Pleasant, TN
age: 39
AMEN angel baby
i agree 100% omg their not happy being married move on we need single honest men come on people
dont yall agree   
12/2/2008 9:07:15 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Lenoir City, TN
age: 37
i have unfortunately come across a couple here, im no homewrecker period! sometimes they hide it well but they will always get found out, thank god i didnt go out with em, i would have felt like a complete jerk. i just think its sad how some men have no respect for their spouses anymore. they dont think about the total devastation they cause. 
12/2/2008 2:43:56 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 37
its not only mem ladys
12/2/2008 2:44:15 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 37
its not only men ladys
12/2/2008 5:02:13 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |
La Vergne, TN
age: 38
i think most men think sex = love. as a result they convince themselves they need more and look elsewhere. like animals.
12/3/2008 12:59:20 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Alcoa, TN
age: 30
People please post right info on profile. Try to talk to one and get response back I come here for friends and married yet have single on profile. 
And nice thread by the way.
12/3/2008 5:25:12 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Unionville, TN
age: 48
Iam not married and never have cheated on a wife or girlfriend..But,I have been cheated "On"!!So,Its not just the MEN?..Have a Good Day,Henry
12/3/2008 8:39:40 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Lenoir City, TN
age: 37
Iam not married and never have cheated on a wife or girlfriend..But,I have been cheated "On"!!So,Its not just the MEN?..Have a Good Day,Henry
you're absolutely right, its disgusting either way u go. im like u i have NEVER EVER cheated but i have been cheated on, they dont realize (or care) how deep the hurt goes. i do however believe that someday they (men and women) will reap what they sew.
12/5/2008 11:06:41 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |
Chattanooga, TN
age: 26
i man that cheats on his wife is nothing more than a deuche bag in my own opion. as for my self i am single and have never cheated on any of my past girlfriends but they cheated on me
12/5/2008 11:15:19 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |
Lenoir City, TN
age: 32
i renently met s very got guy.we got alpong dood,but comr yo find out hr hsd whole new family.gely like a fool
12/13/2008 5:28:37 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |
La Vergne, TN
age: 38
thanx for the pill, lagizztic. what thread?
12/13/2008 5:33:58 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |
La Vergne, TN
age: 38
good pill. little rough for the 1st time, but went down.
12/13/2008 2:33:18 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 67
FYI...I read that about 30% of the people on the datings sites are married...men and women. There are sites available for such people...my ex posted an ad on a site for "The Lonely Housewife's Club" site and he didn't even have enough sense to cover his tracks. This world is made up of all kinds. You have to be careful on these dating sites. Some people are just on the sites to "play" and waste their time and yours...I guess they don't have much of a life and nothing better to do. People also post 20-30 year old pictures. Of course, some people are on this particular site just to make friends and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that as long as they are honest about it up front.
I have found that if you communicate with them via email, you just go by your gut feeling. You ever hear the expression of watching out for the lights? Red means STOP...Yellow means approach with CAUTION...and Green is a GO FOR IT! Learn how to read the "lights" in all areas of your life. Liars usually trip themselves up sooner or later. My ex was a good con man and I was too naive (spelling?)...it is thru my time with him that I learned how to "Read The Lights". There are a lot of decent men and women on the sites who are looking for a good relationship...it is just a matter of finding them.
I never thought I would join one of these sites myself but it is difficult to meet someone as we sure do not wear a sign on our backs everytime we go out the door. I feel if the good Lord's plans are for me to meet someone He will make it happen!!!
This applies to you also.
Just try to keep a positive attitude but be cautious...
[Edited 12/13/2008 2:36:56 PM PST]
12/13/2008 2:42:37 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 67
i dont understand why a married man would come on a dating site, if you're unhappy in your marriage then mayb u should just get a divorce. if i knew my husband was on a dating site i would b devastated. mayb they just dont care about their spouses feelings, because if they did they wouldnt b here. what do u think? 
To me a person is either a good person or not...when it comes to marriage, it is black or white...there is no grey. I was devasted when I found out that my husband was on the dating sites....plus doing a lot more than this...that is why he is my "ex". But I also have a lot of friends who have good marriages so I know it is possible and there are a whole lot of decent people out there. I, like many others, just happened to get hold of one who was not a decent person.
12/18/2008 5:32:31 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |
Gainesboro, TN
age: 33
I read this yesterday and thought about it all night. I am on this site and I am married. I am a great husband, a great father, and a hard worker. I have everything any one could ever dream of; paid for new cars, a brand new house that's only on a 3 year loan, the most handome and smart four year old in the world, a job where I almost never have to lift a finger, and a beautiful wife. I am also a very smart person and I have known for many years that my wife no longer loves me. She never has a smile, a touch, a hug, or a kind word ever. So why don't I leave her? Because I would never ever walk out on my family ever. I love my wife she just doesn't love me. Why don't I just find somebody on the side? Because I work every day and play with my son every night. I don't get out to meet people. Do all of you that say married men on here are dogs think that I should just sit in a hole and take crap forever, or do you think that I should try to find uplifting people to be around and make my life happier. The way I look at it if I get more and more friends and I am more and more happier, then maybe she will start realizing that I don't need her and that she actually does love me. I may actually be saving my marriage by being on these sites. I suggest you get to know the person before judging them so quickly. There are a lot of dogs out there but there are also a few married men out there that would just like to meet someone new.
12/18/2008 10:56:34 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Lenoir City, TN
age: 37
I read this yesterday and thought about it all night. I am on this site and I am married. I am a great husband, a great father, and a hard worker. I have everything any one could ever dream of; paid for new cars, a brand new house that's only on a 3 year loan, the most handome and smart four year old in the world, a job where I almost never have to lift a finger, and a beautiful wife. I am also a very smart person and I have known for many years that my wife no longer loves me. She never has a smile, a touch, a hug, or a kind word ever. So why don't I leave her? Because I would never ever walk out on my family ever. I love my wife she just doesn't love me. Why don't I just find somebody on the side? Because I work every day and play with my son every night. I don't get out to meet people. Do all of you that say married men on here are dogs think that I should just sit in a hole and take crap forever, or do you think that I should try to find uplifting people to be around and make my life happier. The way I look at it if I get more and more friends and I am more and more happier, then maybe she will start realizing that I don't need her and that she actually does love me. I may actually be saving my marriage by being on these sites. I suggest you get to know the person before judging them so quickly. There are a lot of dogs out there but there are also a few married men out there that would just like to meet someone new.
im sorry but u need to wake up if shes not in love with u anymore then shes just not. u cant make someone love u, so dont decieve yourself. and cheating is cheating whether it be physically or mentally. dont think for 1 minute that your son doesnt know whats going on, u absolutely cannot deceive a child, my 4 yr old asked me 1 day "mommy why r u so sad all the time?" thats when i realized that he knew more than i thought. when i left my husband i was happier and my kids noticed it and they told me as long as i was happy they were. my 4 yr old doesnt walk around lookin like its the end of the world anymore, even though we arent together were still civil to each other for his sake, and he is alot happier because of it. men who cheat ARE dogs, ive been cheated on many times and it hurts like u couldnt imagine, it kills your self esteem, and it makes u feel like your not good enough. and i carry that with me every day. it takes a long time to build back up your confidence in yourself and its hard. ive finally reached that point, i realize i didnt cause him to do that, and hes the 1 with the problem. to the married men on here when u cheat that means that u have brought someone else into your world and there r always feelings involved regardless of the situation, SOMEONE is gonna get hurt 1 way or the other, so stop thinkin with the wrong head and have a little respect for yourself, your wife, and that other person. 
o and if youre married jim5144 then why does your profile say single? stop trying to decieve people and then try to make yourself look like a wonderful man.
[Edited 12/18/2008 10:59:12 AM PST]
12/18/2008 11:47:45 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |
Gainesboro, TN
age: 33
Are you flirting with me?
12/18/2008 8:38:43 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Lenoir City, TN
age: 37
absolutely not! i think married men that look outside their marriage is disgusting and i wouldnt associate with such a person! i have morals. 
[Edited 12/18/2008 8:40:12 PM PST]
12/25/2008 6:29:58 AM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Jamestown, TN
age: 44
I"M not hiding anything I even told her that I was on here looking for friends while at the same time trying to get her to change her mind she will even tell and does tell people I never did nothing wrong so don't be to judgemental I am only talking as friends while waiting to see what she is going to do.she has put the divorce off till after the first of the year and I do hope we can work it out.I had some good friends on here before her and still do ,It's not all about SEX some are just lonely.
12/25/2008 5:26:22 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Lenoir City, TN
age: 41
Angel I know how you feel every woman I have been involved with for the past 25yrs. Has cheated on me.That"s why I divorced my ex wife.After that it was the girlfriend.So what gives here?Why can"t folks just say hey I"m not happy and move on.I was married for 19yrs and I never ever cheated on my wife.I just don"t get it either.A divorce is not really that expensive if you really really want out.Took judge russell all of about 5 minuites to grant me mine.
12/28/2008 2:38:21 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |
Murfreesboro, TN
age: 53
Any married person who cheats is not happy. It is wrong to be the other woman or man, not fair to anyone. Dishonest is not anyway to be in any relationship. I been there, married 21 years and found out that my X had 7 girlfriends and wondered why. I thought it was my fault but was never. And he still wanted to stay married and ask my forgiveness.Now he is on his third wife and it is not working out. I wonder Why???
1/6/2009 3:56:33 PM |
what is with the married men here?! |

Memphis, TN
age: 32
There even keeps being an ad at the top to go to a site SPECIFICALLY for finding married women to date. wtf? Who goes out intentionally looking for married people to date?