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10/12/2007 6:16:09 PM power of prayer  

Wabasha, MN
age: 47

how many belive in it.

10/12/2007 7:52:16 PM power of prayer  

Yelm, WA
age: 45

i do...

10/18/2007 6:35:30 AM power of prayer  

Guntersville, AL
age: 37

prayer woks!!seen it and am a result of it!!!

10/18/2007 3:57:50 PM power of prayer  

Owatonna, MN
age: 40

yup - there is power in prayer

10/18/2007 3:59:16 PM power of prayer  

San Clemente, CA
age: 38

i pray i dont get kickeed off again

10/18/2007 4:17:28 PM power of prayer  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

Then dont say what you really mean on the religion forums 'tard! hahahahahaha

10/18/2007 4:18:00 PM power of prayer  

San Clemente, CA
age: 38

10/18/2007 4:19:03 PM power of prayer  

Howell, NJ
age: 38

The more i pray the more i see the Devil(Soutry)

10/18/2007 4:32:47 PM power of prayer  

Morgan, VT
age: 65

"the sincerity of any prayer is the assurance of its being heard.
...God answers the soul's attitude,not the words.
...Pray only for values,not things;for growth,not for gratification."

10/18/2007 5:21:12 PM power of prayer  

Monteagle, TN
age: 53

Sincerity is no guarantee for the truth, a thief is sincere.

10/18/2007 5:36:51 PM power of prayer  

Morgan, VT
age: 65

10/18/2007 6:00:44 PM power of prayer  

Corona, NY
age: 36

That was the beginning of my faith in God so when things came out of my control with no one else but only The Lord then I felt ashamed that I did not believe before.

...I was in a totally different place did not know the language and was hungry and tired my only alternative was a prayer when I came out of the balcony there was fresh cheese, bread and water enough for the family ...I had goose bumps ...I guess i experienced what the Bible talks about Mana.

Another time I lost a job when in crisis I was really young and new in a far away land then with tears I looked at the stairs and found this poem DO NOT QUIT...and I found a better job...

I guess it is all about the faith and admiration each one has for the Creator. I have so much respect for him, I see Creation and I think how fortunate I am that I can see 'cause I think God is The most Amazing sculpture ever lived such natural colors that he blends in the oceans, in our skin, in our pores and the constant palpitating of the hearts such precise colors like a panther.

When I meditate in this I pray and it is a way of loving and admiring life and hating war 'cause it destroys the core...the essence so yeah it is so good to pray 'cause then God somehow brings the best out of you...certain things that we all have to go through for an inner lesson 'cause there is so much to learn...

The power of prayer just helps when things go wrong to reach out and find that inner peace guessing as if God whispers He wants our attention of course we are his children such rebel ones, I do things that when everything around is a chaos that quiet voice it is there to know the difference as the breeze of the air, as peace, as an invisible hug is to me the power of prayer...
or in darkness there is that beautiful moon such lamp, sparkling stars, He just keeps holding the world with patience as he held the cross so humble and truth...

[Edited 10/18/2007 6:07:22 PM]

10/18/2007 6:01:42 PM power of prayer  

Seymour, IN
age: 52

i have served the lord all my life and he has never failed me when i have prayed,,, God does answer prayers

10/18/2007 7:08:15 PM power of prayer  

Poquoson, VA
age: 63

My mother prayed for me every day I was in Vietnam and I left there without a scratch. An entire family, a Nun I know (I am not Catholic), and probably some I am not aware of prayed for me when I had prostrate cancer. I am cancer free. People prayed when I had my heart attack, I am still here. I never prayed for myself any of those times . However, when I went to Vietnam it was with the thought that if God wants me to die there it will happen and with that in mind I stopped worrying about it. Many prayed for a neighbor of mine with leukemia that was given two months and she is still with us. Many doctors believe in the power of prayer. There is no scientfic explanation but it so often seems to work.

10/18/2007 7:23:57 PM power of prayer  

Belchertown, MA
age: 57

Prayer is powerful and life changing..Prayer is most powerful when the
intention is sincere...when there is faith...acceptance of what God
will send your way. Most powerful is a prayer of thanks
for something in advance of its if it has already been received.
Faith to accept that GOd will respond.

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