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12/2/2008 4:20:32 PM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,632)
Sanford, NC
age: 31

does looks really matter can kindness and personality really make up 4 the loss of good looks? then ladies help me out on a scale of 1-10 wat would u rate my looks by looking at 1 pic. i might need 2 go find sum personality .

12/2/2008 4:35:03 PM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

West Des Moines, IA
age: 31

I think looks matter to that point that I need to be attracted to the person but I also think that people are very different in what they find attractive. What I might think is attractive is not the same as other girls. Personality is extremely important! I don't care how hot you are if you don't have a personality to go with it I'm not interested!

12/3/2008 4:08:12 AM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

Provo, UT
age: 43

i totally agree, there does have to be some physical attraction of course, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. But if someone doesn't have a interesting personality or is shallow then their looks don't matter one dam bit, in fact that can make a person (man or women) ugly on the outside as well as on the inside. I personally try not to go by someones looks at first, but of course if i'm not at least some what attracted then it most likely wont work out anyway. gl in your search

12/3/2008 4:12:54 AM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

Provo, UT
age: 43

took a look at your pics and profile and you are a nice looking gentleman, my only suggestion would be maybe take some closer pics, farther away pics are a bit blurry. and smile it makes people wonder what you been up to

12/3/2008 11:02:18 AM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,632)
Sanford, NC
age: 31

thanx 4 u advice my real problem is alot of women think im only after 1 thing and these women dont even know me. they are judging me by my clothes and looks thats so unfair. i had 1 girl say " u r so cute if u didnt have kids id b wit u in a hot min" well sorry ladies my kids r my heart my soul and my life. they r #1 to me. cant accept my kids i cant accept u. im raising my kids on my own they live wit me and thats how its goin 2 be. if u dont like that then u r not looking 4 a real man go find u a boy 2 play wit. ladies if you dont want a man who has kids then dont make any smart @@@ coments ignore their request or just block them. the same goes 4 men. U CANT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER thanx 4 the advice im open 2 hear more

12/3/2008 1:02:40 PM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,138)
Orem, UT
age: 34

all women thinks us men are after one thing. thats just what they do. If i was to translate that being Dr. Rich that maens the men do want one thing or the women do. I wonder who it really is?

12/3/2008 8:23:10 PM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

West Des Moines, IA
age: 31

Quote from funrich:
all women thinks us men are after one thing. thats just what they do. If i was to translate that being Dr. Rich that maens the men do want one thing or the women do. I wonder who it really is?

I only want one thing------> an honest man!

12/3/2008 9:06:01 PM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

Carbon Hill, AL
age: 28

looks dont matter to me.
and i would give you a 9.

12/4/2008 10:28:11 AM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

New Haven, KY
age: 34

Looks are nice and all, but in the end it's the personality that matters most.

12/4/2008 11:26:59 AM LOOKS ONLY!! 4 women only  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,071)
Villas, NJ
age: 33

ur cute but wheres ur smile plus ur too far away