10/16/2007 3:08:16 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
I am wondering if men in my age group have lost their ability to be goofy. I met with someone recently.. and I could just tell that it took everything in his power to even laugh. There was absolutely no chance that he would even think about doing something goofy like walking hand in hand in the rain.. or go skinny dippin ( in a private area and after dark, of course). There was no michief in his eyes whatsoever ( SIGH) Does the inner child disappear after 50? It sure hasn't for me! I can't possibly be with a man who doesn't have the inner child to come out and play wiff my inner child
10/16/2007 3:43:54 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Wood... I kinda figured that out about you lol
My ex has NO sense of humor and I just got to the point where I couldn't stand it!
10/16/2007 3:53:01 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
It's not always about being proper---It's about being fun and living in the moment and laughing a real laugh    
10/16/2007 3:56:32 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
This guy had alot going for him.. but.. I just could not live with someone who didn't laugh at me, at life, at himself.
10/16/2007 4:02:01 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
My problem is I have to be serious 99% of the time. Take my profession, it is very difficult to get anyone to laugh and I have a wife with many health issues I take care of. This web site is one way I get a bit of a release and I love it. I once had the opportunity to go skinny dipping after dark in a private pool but turned it down. I was single at the time. Everytime I think about it I am really sorry I made that decision, should have shed the clothing, and had a ball. I hope to retire soon and rid mysellf of the uptight world of Corporate America and start to laugh again. To answer Trublu's question, its not that men over 50 don't want to laugh or have a good time, it is more like they are afraid to or forgot how. Encouragement from the ladies can do wonders.

10/16/2007 4:10:49 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
cmed.. anytime ya need a laff.. come find me!
10/16/2007 4:13:39 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Whitmore Lake, MI
age: 50
I love to laugh and joke around
10/16/2007 4:18:12 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
steak.. we don't mean while you are masterbating lol
10/16/2007 4:24:39 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
I know what you mean Tru I met this guy one time that I had been lik a pen pal for 2 years and we finally got to meet and I know he had to have thought I was weird or something but he would not laugh at anything. To serious for mw. I want to laugh! I may not be able to do much but I can still laugh. That is important to me.
10/16/2007 4:24:49 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
that is exactly what I was talking about.. get ur mind outta the gutter
It's very important to me too pk
[Edited 10/16/2007 4:25:51 PM]
10/16/2007 4:25:38 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
Hey wood I know where that place is. It is out by Stockton lake. Right?
10/16/2007 4:37:25 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
Every time I saw that place I would always get a good laugh. Only another person from around here would know of that bait shop.
10/16/2007 4:48:13 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
Now Tru I think you know me well enough by now to know I like you be a little silly every now and then. I think the guy you were with was most likely like that all his life. JMO.
10/16/2007 4:52:32 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Am sure he was Way.. I actually noticed it before I met him but was hoping that his silly, funny side would show lol WRONG!
10/16/2007 4:56:42 PM |
Men lose their ability to have fun AND still be serious? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
Then he wasn't for you Tru for sure.