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12/18/2008 1:39:05 PM OK Ladies...Tell the Truth?  

Licking, MO
age: 27

ya i have got on there too. you learn how mwn can be so stuipd at times.

12/19/2008 3:10:04 AM OK Ladies...Tell the Truth?  

Provo, UT
age: 43

yes i have also looked it is very enlightening, and to the question of can we post in there i have heard that if you do you can get banned im not sure but maybe read the rules first i dont think i would want to post anyway,

12/19/2008 7:00:51 AM OK Ladies...Tell the Truth?  

Vernal, UT
age: 27

I haven't looked...but I think I ought to go and check it out...

12/30/2008 2:32:14 AM OK Ladies...Tell the Truth?  

Dallas, TX
age: 25

I took a long look!!! I enjoyed it alot. I learned that I may need to work on a few things b4 stepping out there. I like that men can be themselves w/ each othr as should we. I dont judge them for anything that they say b/c at the end of they day we all say some wack out stuff.

1/2/2009 10:47:33 PM OK Ladies...Tell the Truth?  
Oklahoma City, OK
age: 59

Curiosity always kills the cat! I have 'peeked' just to see what they say about us. And, yes, they do the same thing. Someone needs to tell them that they will never understand

1/2/2009 10:55:51 PM OK Ladies...Tell the Truth?  
Midlothian, VA
age: 47

yes i took a peek, some of it really shocked me ,they just dont understand us

1/3/2009 1:29:24 PM OK Ladies...Tell the Truth?  
Over 2,000 Posts (2,930)
Carmi, IL
age: 60

No I have not. I think they are entitled to some privacy, just as we are here.