Metairie, LA
age: 47 online now!
and it is not too late, since I looked at your profile, I know you are a Mom.  
same questions, A & B, and you would say "Yes, in a heartbeat!" if the life you would protect would be that of your own child!
We too know True Love, parental love at least
P.S. Nice dog, we have a 7 years old German Shepherd as well and he would die to protect my child without hesitation. My child is 14 and the dog belongs to him.
Ok... yes... in that context. My grandchild too
And German Shepherds are the best!!!
Edited to add:
We Pursue Love, just like we have the freedom to "Pursue Happiness" and neither one is guaranteed to be found, but we have the freedom to pursue both.
"As if the search to live honestly is all that anyone needs, no matter if we find it." ~ Tracy Chapman
[Edited 12/15/2008 6:23:55 AM]

Charles Town, WV
age: 43
for a lover, no....
for my 2 children, absolutely...I would die for them.

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
Yes to both questions. for my True love or my son.

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
The husband that shielded his wife with his body and she refusing medical help even though she was bleeding/hurt inspired me to aspire for more in love than just the ordinary.
Many of you seem to already been Blessed with a healthy True Love ability, and it is moving me to tears to see how many people will put their loved one before themselves.
May will all Truly Love, push our limits and grow!
Thank You all for posting 

Chandler, AZ
age: 55
Of course I would in a heartbeat. Yes I have put myself in several situations that saved a life and almost took mine. I would do it all again.

Lewisburg, PA
age: 56
Then there was the wife that confronted her husband. I saw you were in a chat room last night and you stated in a very sincere way that you would donate an organ if your loved one needed it. Well honey I am so glad to hear that because I NEED A HEART TRANSPLANT.
[Edited 12/23/2008 9:11:25 AM]

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
Thank you rickylee515 ~ you are a very generous man, thank you for posting.
singleagain57yo ~ The Husband looked at her livid: “Woman! I’ve worshiped you for over 50 years, and I can swear that You DON’T Have a Human Heart! You had a mechanical/artificial heart all along, didn't you?” 