12/14/2008 7:09:51 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
A) Would you donate one of your kidney for your lover, if need may be?
B) Would you die to save your lover's life?
12/14/2008 7:13:57 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |

Metairie, LA
age: 47 online now!
I'll take C) Settle for mediocre love
for $500 Alex
12/14/2008 8:16:31 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |


Sedona, AZ
age: 44 online now!
For a loved one absolutely, a small price to keep them alive and well.
12/14/2008 8:21:03 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |

Rome, GA
age: 45
In a Heart beat yep sure would !
12/14/2008 8:36:57 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
tazz963 and sedonaphotofan you two are brave, selfless people and I guess Blessed to be able to experience that kind of love.  
Binderdundat please don’t feel bad, I am right there with you! Maybe one day we may meet someone that would have that strong impact on us and we may too be able to experience True Love Lucia
12/14/2008 9:17:45 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |

Metairie, LA
age: 47 online now!
tazz963 and sedonaphotofan you two are brave, selfless people and I guess Blessed to be able to experience that kind of love.  
Binderdundat please don’t feel bad, I am right there with you! Maybe one day we may meet someone that would have that strong impact on us and we may too be able to experience True Love  Lucia
lol... I don't feel bad, but thanks for feeling the same way!
Seriously... I don't think those are the only two tests of true love. If you'd have picked a couple of other examples I bet I'd have passed with flying colours!! 
12/14/2008 9:26:55 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
and it is not too late, since I looked at your profile, I know you are a Mom.  
same questions, A & B, and you would say "Yes, in a heartbeat!" if the life you would protect would be that of your own child!
We too know True Love, parental love at least 
P.S. Nice dog, we have a 7 years old German Shepherd as well and he would die to protect my child without hesitation. My child is 14 and the dog belongs to him.
12/14/2008 9:46:06 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |


Sedona, AZ
age: 44 online now!
I think that dads and moms are in the same boat. Protecting ones young is not even a thought for me.
I have found true love once in my life. In life i have always done badly on test, there is no way to know how we will act when the time come. For me I just know, and that has been a blessing. past relations besides my kids there are only two people that I would go to these lengths for, ad not anyone i was ever married to.
thinking about it, I also believe that if there is a test for true love it might not be true love after all.
I will have to ponder this a little more. This is a good question. I have hear so many people say that they would die for someone, I have often thought that was just lip service. When i was in the Marines, I put my life in the hands of my brothers ad they in mine. I have put my life in harms way so many times for my comrads but that is what service guys and gals do.
Life is a precious resource, when my time comes it does.
12/14/2008 10:06:14 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47

Hmmm "the test" is just something that sort of crossed my mind because I often say that "I Love most people" and I do to some extent, but I would not go into a surgery to donate one of my kidney or step in a front of a person to shield them from a possible life threatening harm, unless that person was my son.
Therefore, "Loving" most people ~ including my ex's ~ it is sort of nicer way to say "I wish all well!" but not really, truly love anyone other than my son.
The most touching real life event I am aware of and inspired me and my little love test, was when a man shielded his wife with his own body from gun fire of a mad man that mass murdered several people in some bank. When the paramedics arrived, she refused help and send them to help her husband begging them to not let him die.
From that day on, I realized that I too want to love someone like that.
It is not so much of how people feel for us (although only their love would cause us to open up), it is a lot of what we might be able to feel for them.
12/14/2008 10:32:35 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |


Sedona, AZ
age: 44 online now!
My biggest prayer is that some day you find someone that touches you that deeply. As for loves I got that close once and she was a marine I met many years ago. Since her i have done a lot of settling, i guess I can use this test as a bench mark, the next person i am serious about i will look at them and think would I give this person my kidney.
Thank you for your post, good luck on your quest.
12/14/2008 10:52:44 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
Thanks Karl, I wish you the same!
My conclusion is that if we take the easy route and settle for the person that seems to be so much in love with us, we are cheating them and ourselves! Time will fly and we will never really have the chance to search for and possibly experience True Love.
We Pursue Love, just like we have the freedom to "Pursue Happiness" and neither one is guaranteed to be found, but we have the freedom to pursue both.
12/14/2008 11:03:51 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |


Sedona, AZ
age: 44 online now!
Agreed, and well said, when i was 18 i joined the Marines, all laughed at me. No one except my mom had any confidence that i would make it. 15 year later it was time to move on.
People always seem to take the path of less resistance, relationship and friendship have become so disposable. One of the people i spoke of is a gal that i have been friends with for 31 years, we met on halloween back when i was in grade school. This is a friend that I love unconditionally.
For me the real test of true love in loving oneself and all else will fall into place. Both of your recent post are very connected. Thank you for taking the first step in writing this post. I still have a little mixed feeling on this topic, ai think at the end of he day, someone that I really cared about that meant the world to me, if they asked i would be there.
Have a beautiful week.
12/14/2008 11:18:21 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |


Wilmington, DE
age: 51
I would certainly give a part of my body to save a loved ones life..probably even anyones if I knew I could save them
as for giving my life for someones life...for any of my 3 daughters I would have to say yes..most certainly...I brought them into this world so it would be my duty to keep them in it as long as I can.
My life for another...that would be very hard..depends on the circumstances I guess.
12/14/2008 11:21:39 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |


Beaumont, CA
age: 33 online now!
Yes I would. I would do anything for the people I love and then some. 
12/14/2008 11:29:29 PM |
Practical Test for True Love |


Wilmington, DE
age: 51
Yes I would. I would do anything for the people I love and then some. 
I wish I had your heart ID...