12/27/2008 4:05:59 PM |
rate your holiday and why |

Chester, VA
age: 55
Hi everyone, well its over and we made it! Id give mine a 5, Ive had better and Ive had worse, I was blessed to have my health and went out to dinner alot and caught a movie saw a few friends, got a few gifts and was warm , could have been nicer if I had spent time with a special someone and if my son had made a little more effort to participate , ok lets hear it
12/27/2008 4:13:11 PM |
rate your holiday and why |

King George, VA
age: 45
Well I would rate mine about a 6 out of 10 I was lucky to have family but alone for the first time in 18 years.no one to give that good night kiss to on Christmas Eve! New to the site have had a few hit's in 2 days
12/27/2008 4:21:20 PM |
rate your holiday and why |


Richmond, VA
age: 40
Hard to rate, I guess a 6 for the season, and a 2 for Chrismas day. Celebrated early with my parents, sister, brother in law and neice last Saturday. That was nice, but made Christmas day pretty long and lonely.
12/27/2008 4:34:11 PM |
rate your holiday and why |


Lynchburg, VA
age: 62
I would have to say 10..I am in Louisiana....with a girl friend
from DH...this is the first time we met...and spent Christmas
with her daughter in Dallas...
We both hope this time next year we will be spending it with
a special someone...  
12/27/2008 4:41:51 PM |
rate your holiday and why |

Chester, VA
age: 55
long day I agree, put all the decorations away so I would have something to do to pass the time
12/27/2008 4:44:02 PM |
rate your holiday and why |

Virginia Beach, VA
age: 51
It seemed this holiday was just another day. I'll rate it a 3.
12/28/2008 7:37:06 AM |
rate your holiday and why |

Troy, VA
age: 50
Hum have to go with a 4 this year,so far. Friends scatter home to relatives. Family lives all over the country, to far to travel. The holidays can be hard on us single folk esp ones without family close. Hey there's still New years eve that's more on night for us. Anyone want to meet 3 minutes before the ball drops for warm-up (lol)
12/28/2008 8:56:35 AM |
rate your holiday and why |

Roanoke, VA
age: 54
I rate it a 9...I only had 3 pieces of coal in my stocking!
12/28/2008 11:42:10 AM |
rate your holiday and why |

Manassas, VA
age: 50
It's a 10 for me. I have my son with me and that is all I need. His smile and love!

12/28/2008 1:08:08 PM |
rate your holiday and why |

Fort Eustis, VA
age: 27
i would say my christmas was an 8 out of ten i wasnt home for the secound time in two years but i got to spend it with some good friends in wasington dc touring the monuments
12/28/2008 3:24:57 PM |
rate your holiday and why |

Newport News, VA
age: 57
2 thumbs up - wonderful time with family and friends.
12/29/2008 7:52:34 AM |
rate your holiday and why |

Arlington, VA
age: 62
I am glad to see that I am not the only one who didn't think this was the best Christmas ever, still fighting the loss of my husband of 41 years. The blues hit at Thanksgiving and have been hard to shake this year. However, I have decided that 2009 is going to be my year and I'll come first and put the blues behind me!!
12/29/2008 9:26:34 PM |
rate your holiday and why |

Richmond, VA
age: 66
Hi everyone, well its over and we made it! Id give mine a 5, Ive had better and Ive had worse, I was blessed to have my health and went out to dinner alot and caught a movie saw a few friends, got a few gifts and was warm , could have been nicer if I had spent time with a special someone and if my son had made a little more effort to participate , ok lets hear it
Maybe a Six/6 for reasons same as Chickys', minus the son part. Expect my New Year about the same.
This year has been a big transition for me but I do expect '09 will be different better. 
12/31/2008 5:20:33 AM |
rate your holiday and why |


Strasburg, VA
age: 48 online now!
It's not over as far as I am concerned. I'm still celebrating!

1/1/2009 7:33:47 PM |
rate your holiday and why |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
I'd say the entire holiday was an 8, I had family, and I had someone to spend it with, could it have been better? Of course, but hey, that's the holidays, right? Next year, it can be better, could be worse, but I'm hoping for better. Come on people, we're alive and we made it through another holiday. Move on.
[Edited 1/1/2009 7:37:22 PM]