11/5/2007 9:07:43 PM |
What melts your heart? |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55
Quiet times together. When I can look into the other person's eyes and know what they are thinking. No words neccessary. It hasn't happened in a long time. That just melts me into a puddle.
11/5/2007 9:22:29 PM |
What melts your heart? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Several things,
When he takes my face in both his hands and kisses me all over my face. In a manner that tells me he loves me and I mean the world to him.
When I saw my son bounce across the yard and swoop up his 10 month old and hold her up over him face to face and laughing with her as his wife looks on and sparkles of love and laughter in their eyes. (God is so good)
11/6/2007 10:55:42 PM |
What melts your heart? |

Utica, NY
age: 60
Watching my grandchildren being born... most recent, number 7 is 7 days old... precious, precious gift.
11/6/2007 11:10:34 PM |
What melts your heart? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
When my 2 grand daughters, who are expecting, say grandma has to be there when the babies are born.
11/6/2007 11:18:30 PM |
What melts your heart? |

Elk City, OK
age: 51
a sincere kiss
11/6/2007 11:58:11 PM |
What melts your heart? |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
That my stepson is glad I'm on a dating site.
11/7/2007 3:33:31 AM |
What melts your heart? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
Of course seeing my girls and my grandaughters, ANYTIME! 
Another is also, when I first see my sweetie come
online to IM with me, and I see:
"Hi Baby!" 
And his next line is: "I LOVE YOU" 
....just like that in big capital letters!
Get's me every time!
11/7/2007 6:37:14 AM |
What melts your heart? |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Thanks "Wade" you're a sweetie!
When you get that special call every night
11/7/2007 7:16:11 AM |
What melts your heart? |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
Reading the warm threads that you people write. 
11/7/2007 7:24:28 AM |
What melts your heart? |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
My heart melts at approximately 480 degrees F.
11/7/2007 7:38:15 AM |
What melts your heart? |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
Seriously, Is that the tempature that body tissue melts?. I have been reading on human tissue spontaneus (sp) combustion. 
11/7/2007 7:41:00 AM |
What melts your heart? |

Fort Calhoun, NE
age: 50
Finding a lost cat! Mine has been gone a few days and this morning as I was cleaning the dog runs, i heard him cry for me! How sweet! My mitten kitten came home.
OK, now human,
When he want to just be with you no matter where you are.. and surprises you just to be there. And what tru said about letting you know that others don't matter. Only one so far has done that for me.
11/7/2007 8:14:46 AM |
What melts your heart? |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
It was just a joke Herefrom, but if you want to be serious, I picked that temperature because I think we cook meat around that temperature. Fat melts at a few hundred degrees F, but the meat does not burst into spontaneous combustion.
11/7/2007 8:15:14 AM |
What melts your heart? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
The kiss good night and see her face in the morning before she wakes up. Thats when people seem to be most at peace...
Later, Blu
11/7/2007 10:13:09 PM |
What melts your heart? |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
when she says she loves me... and whispers yessssss