Willimantic, CT
age: 42
I have raised my two teens singlehanded for many years now,and have experienced many joyful adventures.One thing I have discovered along the way,is that us single fathers experience the same difficulties a single mom does when it comes to online singles sites.Children seem to scare a lot of potential "partners" away for some reason.Ladies,dont pass by the single dads....think of the morals and drive they posess to raise their children.Peace to all.Dave.

Milford, CT
age: 51
Hats off to you single dads! I commend many fathers out there who raise there children! Take a Bow. This lady wouldn't pass a single Dad. Be Proud of the Dad you are. My childrens Dad, totally walked away. Not Nice! So HIGH FIVE to all you single Dads! 

Torrington, CT
age: 35
The women who pass you up because you have kids, are not someone you'd want to be with anyway....
Be patient, she's out there...

Newington, CT
age: 53
Every time I tried to date a single dad, they would make plans and at the lat minute they would cancel because of something to do with his kids. I would be put last on the back burner. Then I would be invited out again and it would happen again. This has been my expierence.

Bristol, CT
age: 49
I have found this equation to be true
Single Dads = sexiness



Fairfield, CT
age: 43
I have found this equation to be true
Single Dads = sexiness

Scarfs I think you scared him away...he's gone and I never noticed this thread before