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1/10/2009 8:54:26 PM lack of respect  

Metairie, LA
age: 28

what is up with people who will talk to you for a while, whether emailing, on the phone, or socially, and just all of a sudden don't want nothing to do with you? It's like you never existed. I could never do that to someone.

1/10/2009 9:09:46 PM lack of respect  

Moundsville, WV
age: 34

Dude get use to it, i just got out of a relationship like that and she was in her 30's.
Just one day all the sudden she pulls a kisersosay on me and just like poof she was gone.
She called me 3 weeks later and said she was sorry, that she just needed time to think.
So i thanked her for calling and told her it also gave me time to think and that i think she did me a favor.

1/10/2009 9:10:57 PM lack of respect  

Moundsville, WV
age: 34

Quote from karmabelievr:
Dude get use to it, i just got out of a relationship like that and she was in her 30's.
Just one day all the sudden she pulls a kisersosay (usual suspects) on me and just like poof she was gone.
She called me 3 weeks later and said she was sorry, that she just needed time to think.
So i thanked her for calling and told her it also gave me time to think and that i think she did me a favor.

1/10/2009 9:40:01 PM lack of respect  
Baker, LA
age: 45

You have an interesting topic...I've met so many people just like must be a sign of the times...I guess there are a lot of people that go fishing just to get their pole wet but don't really want to bring any fish home to clean....

1/10/2009 9:44:50 PM lack of respect  

Lincolnton, NC
age: 44 online now!

That has also happened to me many times. It's unbelievable and it takes a while to get over it. Would be alot easier for them to explain no matter how bad the reason than to just not say. Quicker to get over with an explanation as it takes alot longer to wonder and try to figure out what happened. I can't explain and it blows my mind.

1/10/2009 9:45:47 PM lack of respect  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,749)
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 61 online now!

You may not do it--but there are those that do. its a big world out there--endless numbers of people who all have different styles of relating to others. There is NO accounting for poor taste.

1/10/2009 9:52:49 PM lack of respect  

Goshen, IN
age: 29

They were just getting out of the way for the right/good one to come along.

1/10/2009 9:55:41 PM lack of respect  

Lincolnton, NC
age: 44 online now!

Quote from cinthianna:
They were just getting out of the way for the right/good one to come along.

OHhhhh, thats encouraging. Thank you. It made me smile.

1/10/2009 11:42:18 PM lack of respect  

Fort Collins, CO
age: 58

It would be nice if someone told you that they really aren't interested in you before they dissappear, but that rarely happens. You just have to let them go and wish them well, and not take it personally. They're basically doing you a favor getting out of your life before you get too attached.


1/11/2009 2:03:24 AM lack of respect  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,397)
New South Wales
age: 51

Yeah I agree I really hate it when people do a runner and just disppear off the face of the earth...I find that very offensive at least have the decency to say sorry but no thanks....Then everyone knows where they stand... A little respect goes a long way ...

1/11/2009 4:33:21 AM lack of respect  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,289)
New Port Richey, FL
age: 39 online now!

thats life..

1/11/2009 4:50:24 AM lack of respect  
Albany, NY
age: 45

It seems to me that they are (non-verbally) communicating that they're just not interested. I don't take it personally, they realized I wasn't what they were looking for. It only bothers me if I liked them more than they liked me--the rejection thing and nobody enjoys that feeling. It happens and that's life! We can't maintain contact with everyone we meet in life, most people just don't have that kind of time.

1/11/2009 5:07:36 AM lack of respect  
Prescott, AZ
age: 50

was coming to close to meeting in real life for her
and you would have known she lied about too many things

so its on to her next fantasy world guy

1/11/2009 6:04:23 AM lack of respect  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,734)
Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 61

If this happened IRL, you would just chalk it up to their loss. You have to take the same stand on the internet. Otherwise, your heart is out there for everyone to see and there are those among us who would love nothing better than to pounce on it and hurt it. It has nothing to do with you - it's their drama, not yours.

I've had a few dates that disappeared for no reason and yes, it bothered me a little bit because I thought it was spineless of them. But then I figured if this is the way the relationship would start out, I don't want to know how it ends, ya know? If this is their "best foot forward" I am not interested in the end of the book!!

1/11/2009 6:59:21 AM lack of respect  

Over 4,000 Posts! (6,542)
Omaha, NE
age: 50

only has happened online

I'm sure there was a good reason for it maybe being married

So that favor was good for me