10/27/2007 8:17:30 PM |
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Frankenmuth, MI
age: 27
I just recently got out of a 2 year relationship and had to move back home with my mom and dad. He broke up with me and totally broke my heart.I talked to him about 2 weeks ago and he told me that he is not going to promise me tht we will get back together, cause he does not know. He does not want to get my hopes up. But he also said that I should just give him some time. and that he still wants me to keep in touch with him. Does he mean that he just needs some space and that in the future we could possibly get back together or is he just trying to let me down gently and he has no intention of getting back together. I keep holding on to that saying and dont know what i should do?
10/27/2007 8:36:24 PM |
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Brooklyn, NY
age: 32
Hi, Bree...First of all, I am really sorry that your relationship ended. It sucks...
But, to answer your question, I'd say don't wait...I am sorry to say, but it sounds like he wants to keep you on the "back burner". He wants reassurance that there is someone waiting for him. I think that deep down you know that you shouldn't wait around for him (otherwise you wouldn't question your decision). If he broke your heart and he really feels any remorse about it at all, then he should be by your side, making sure that you are OK....and not asking you for time out...He doesn't deserve you...I'm sorry if that's not the answer you were looking for, but that's now I feel after reading your post...
10/27/2007 8:36:41 PM |
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Weatherford, OK
age: 46
You did not indicate why he broke it off nor his age. The fact that after two years, you are the one having to move back home says a lot. Could it be that he is wanting or is dating someone else and needs time to see if that relationship develops. I don't know but something to think about.
10/27/2007 8:45:14 PM |
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Johnstown, PA
age: 53
bree what it means is he wants you to hang around while he messes around and if he gets tired of that he may be back
10/27/2007 8:47:52 PM |
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Frankenmuth, MI
age: 27
I really dont think that he has anybody else. He is an alcoholic and I think that he missed his friends and was tired of my b*tching at him for his drinking. I tried to help him and be the support that he needs, and i dont doubt that he appricaited it, but I think that he is in love with his beer then anyone else. He is 25 and I am 27. I am in school full time and have a 5 year old daughter. We had a place together and it sucks that I had to move back home but I still hold on to what i dont know
10/27/2007 9:14:39 PM |
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Longmont, CO
age: 41
he's playing on your feelings right now and it's working. you more than likely are setting yourself up to get hert even more, and by sitting around waiting for him you might miss out on another chance to meet someone else. good luck girl.
10/27/2007 9:14:41 PM |
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Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36
he's with somebody else......
if anything he would stay if just for the sex. i'll get bashed for that,but that's the truth. if he really cared,he would be with you to make sure all was ok.
10/27/2007 10:37:45 PM |
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Selah, WA
age: 46
Sounds like head games to me. Either he wants to or he doesn't, it's that simple. Him hawing around sounds like games.
10/27/2007 10:41:27 PM |
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Jamestown, TN
age: 50
I agree with chopper he is an ass and you need to forget him and move on. I have been there and it aint a good place to be. So hon if you can just move on and good luck.
You got friends here who love ya.
10/27/2007 10:42:40 PM |
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Baytown, TX
age: 32
Maybe he was drunk...  
10/28/2007 12:03:09 AM |
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Biddeford, ME
age: 41
OUCH! Enze...I think she already let us know that is part of the problem...not a lot of tact or diplomacy there. She is hurting.
But it does sound like he is playing games, hun. NOT worth your time, energy, love or effort. Its soo hard to move on, especially when you have put a lot of time and effort into the relationship. But CUT your losses. It doesnt sound like he is there for you. Dont walk...RUN! You deserve better! And there are many men out there looking for a good woman...Stick around! They are out there...
Good luck.
10/28/2007 1:48:04 AM |
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El Reno, OK
age: 40 online now!
If a Man truly care for me, He would not tell me to wait...jmo
10/28/2007 5:19:41 AM |
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Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
I agree with most of the answers given on here. If he truly cares for you he would not tell you to wait. Sounds to me like he is interested in someone else and keeping you for a backup. Don't let that happen to you. There is someone out there who will treat you with the love and respect you deserve. Good Luck.
10/28/2007 5:45:58 AM |
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Middlesboro, KY
age: 50 online now!
Sorry about your relationship sweetie...but
when a man says he don't know what he wants...what he is really saying is that he don't want you!
Chalk it up to bad judgement and move on.... you're admittedly broke, so he won't be back!! JMO
10/28/2007 6:25:41 AM |
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Gaithersburg, MD
age: 47
I have a hard time bashing someone I have never met. I read there could be some other things to consider here. 1. Alcoholics think and act on different impulses than sober folks -- breaking up with you may be a way he can hate himself more than he already does, convince himself he is without self worth, and needs to drink to cure the pain. 2. You said you had a broken heart, which I read as you love him. Though it may never work, I would want to try as hard as I could before giving up for good. 3. His alcoholism effects you and your child -- give alanon a try -- it may help convince him to get help too. 4. Pray for him, Pray for yourself, and thank God for your parents. You have been blessed in many ways, focus on your gratitude. Remember that God works in God's time and he loves you. 5. It's much easier to say than do, I wish I could act anywhere close to what I've just suggested for you.