4/23/2009 1:16:31 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Temecula, CA
age: 64
Sounds familiar ~ Sexually desperate meets pain , anguish , misery , with lots of new information and ideas . I learned that alot of things are much different than what had believed . It expanded my horizons in a great way . But it was real hard on my pride .
4/28/2009 7:05:18 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Wichita, KS
age: 49
Yes I have and sometimes it works well.
4/28/2009 8:01:24 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Tulsa, OK
age: 23
Ive Done It :].
5/3/2009 4:24:00 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Bozeman, MT
age: 53
I answered one like this before, I said I wouldn't do it, but now I'm seriously considering it. The guy I'm considering is close by and going through the same kind of loneliness that I am. However, considering is not actually doing it!
5/3/2009 5:36:50 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Woodbury, NJ
age: 59
this is really a liberating topic for us women of all ages....I've tried in the past and found it's not for me..
But I say if it works for you and emotionally you can handle it then I see no harm in two people satisfying each other and still able to stay friends... Like Elaine and Jerry in Seinfeld.
At this time of my life I want it to go the opposite way... friends first and if we connect in many ways AND he turns me on then I've hit the jack pot.
5/3/2009 6:14:05 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Heavener, OK
age: 27
you are very wise indeed madame
5/3/2009 10:25:30 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Charlotte, NC
age: 60
Years ago, I had a male friend who became a FWB. I didn't like the situation. I prefer Male friends to be Only friends. The other just doesn't work for me.
5/16/2009 4:16:20 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Farmersville, TX
age: 28
There is nothing wrong with FWB, I tried it, and he became my best friend, we was inseperable. It wasnt just for the sex, and most of the time that is what people believe friends with benefits is all about is sex. We both had been in bad relationships and wasnt looking to be in any relationship, we both was just sexually frustrated from lack of sex so we took our frustrations out on each other. We agreed if either of wanted to be in a relationship the sex would end but we would STILL remain friends. That was the best sex I ever had in my life! We are still friends, still hang out, still go places together and still there for each other like friends are. Had seen him at a bar with a irl he started dating and it seemed to bother him when he seen guys talking to me and flirting with me. He could never admit to wanting
5/17/2009 8:59:18 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Kent, WA
age: 59
FBW doesn't mean just sex. It means having a friend that you have sex with. It means caring about this person, or you wouldn't be friends in the first place. It means you both know that the relationship won't be like a romantic movie, walking off into the sunset holding hands forever. It takes two people who really know themselves very well and are emotionally secure.
IMO, a f**k buddy is just that. Someone you f**k. Not necessarily someone you care about and are friends with.
5/17/2009 10:54:57 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 66
 I have never, thought about one, but it dosen't, sound all tha t bad.    Does that make me, a bad gal, Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
5/17/2009 11:32:55 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Danbury, CT
age: 56
I totally agree with LAKC, I would never be able to have a FWB or Booty Buddy as I prefer to call it. I would too break the rules and fall in love too. To me, it's not about the sex but rather the love that is supposed to eminate from it. That is why they call it "making love". To me, it is the beginnings of a deeper and longer lasting relationship rather than just libido satisfaction. BUT, just my opinion. 
5/18/2009 3:43:26 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Walton, KY
age: 48
I was recently asked if I wanted a friend with benifits ...Hummmmmm ,,I did not know what to say cause I had not given it much thought .. .I am thinking about it now ...what are your thoughts ?
Nope . . . I'd rather hold out for "the real deal" !

5/19/2009 11:27:11 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Licking, MO
age: 27
Be there ,done it and never will again. My heart can't take it.
5/19/2009 9:45:18 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Schertz, TX
age: 39
I find they want the benefits more then the friendship. Not worth the time since I am looking for more and they just want to get laid. Done it before but we aren't friends any more becuase actually you have to be friends first then work into the attraction. If not then it is just booty calls. lol
6/2/2009 12:04:43 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Graysville, AL
age: 47
I am new to all this internet dating and I do have an older guy 63 who is a friend with benefits. I always know that if I don't want to have a date or be tangled up with someone I can always make a visits to his house and spend the night. works great for both us!I didn't actually think this would work beacuse of the age difference I found out really quick that this is great we have been seeing each other for 7 months.
6/3/2009 5:59:55 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Reston, VA
age: 52
not for me, guys that want to have sex with me are a dime a dozen
8/16/2009 11:03:43 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Jackson, MI
age: 47
No way!!! Never would.
I want love & romance, faithfulness...forever!
Its all or nothing with me.
8/17/2009 1:26:19 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Layton, UT
age: 52
Well, I am considering it. Getting very tired of satisfying myself all the time
8/20/2009 8:52:07 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

El Paso, TX
age: 31
My profile states not looking for a KISSING FRIEND!!
that doesn't mean I haven't done it in the past I'm glad we have OPTIONS...oh and by the way the BENEFITS I got from him were TREMENDOUS 
Edited to add: flashback    
[Edited 8/20/2009 8:54:08 PM PST]
8/21/2009 6:33:23 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Lebanon, PA
age: 63
CTDT--currently there, doing that. Yes, in a FWB relationship and could not be happier with it. I am not looking for the next great love of my life, but do get lonely, and self-sex is just not the same. If you want commitment, LTR, then it is not for you, but if you like being single, and have found someone you enjoy being with and are attracted to, why not?
8/21/2009 11:52:55 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Pittsburg, KS
age: 52
ya i thought i was with someone and it turned out to be fwb he never had told me i fell in love , now im open to it till i find that right one
8/21/2009 3:35:29 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Lobelville, TN
age: 51
I have an ex in Florida and he is a friend with benefits. The sex was always great and he remained a great friend. His brother thinks I am after his money because he is older than me but we are more compatible in ways he'll never know.
8/24/2009 4:29:00 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Portsmouth, VA
age: 45
OK for those who really don't get it, it is simply. Friends with benifits really is a nice thing. I have had two in my life and both were great. They were someone you could count on to be there when you needed them. Yes the benefits were good but the friendship was great. Both were over 25 years ago and I still have very fond thoughts about both. You can relax because you both know neither one will go off the deep end. If chatting is all you want then go at it. But you know each other and sex is great because no stress over will he call tomorrow or does she think this means we are getting married. 
8/24/2009 6:17:45 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Covington, KY
age: 47
I was recently asked if I wanted a friend with benifits ...Hummmmmm ,,I did not know what to say cause I had not given it much thought..I am thinking about it now ...what are your thoughts ?

I'm amazed at how many people find this to be OK when in reality it equates to being nothing less than a hooker, but not getting paid. Cracks me up as the renaming of the term is nothing less than an attempt to glamorize or make it to appear OK.
Geez, face facts . . . and get some self respect. If not, your souls will continue to be empty.
8/24/2009 9:59:36 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Portsmouth, VA
age: 45
No I do not agree. Like I said before it takes all the presure off both . If something happenes then so be it. It allows you to maybe enjoy something that you might not have been able to really enjoy with all the date stress there before.
8/24/2009 12:57:13 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Layton, UT
age: 52
Well, I have considered it, but realized I just don't want to be the one left behind when he finds someone else who is more of what he wants. I don't share and would probably fall for whomever I was FWB for. That just leads to heartache and I am weary of getting my heart broken.
8/25/2009 8:14:56 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Silver Springs, FL
age: 41 online now!
i think its the generation, i got two in that generation, one is for it one isnt. i am not into that. seems there isnt anything to it ,no feeling whats-so ever. that is a personal choice, not for me.
8/26/2009 11:14:05 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Hattiesburg, MS
age: 32
I did this shortly after my divorce. There is no way I could do it again because the friend fell for me. I'm not saying that somebody will fall everytime it happens but at some point somebody is going to get feelings confused and I can't do that to someone again or have it done to me.
8/27/2009 9:25:53 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Crescent City, CA
age: 27
I would as long as there is COMDOM use going on with all he is having fun with.    
8/28/2009 9:36:34 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Saint James, MO
age: 57
No one has stated that they became involved with someone with marriage in mind and agreed on between the two of you, only to figure out waaaaaay down the road the likelyhood of that happening has turrned into a fuzzy dream.
Anotherwords, marriage was the carrot dangled to get you into a fwb thing.
And sometimes the fwb thins to just f**kbuddy (I hate that word AND term), depending on now much niceness is needed to keep the girl around.
This happened to me, and I kept on believing the marriage lie for 4+years.
Now that the truth of the matter is clear to me, I'm quite at a loss what to do. But I know continuing in this is wrong for me.