Woodbridge, VA
age: 33
Isn't everything alittle tougher the older you get? Or is that me?

Stoughton, MA
age: 49
i think its harder to find a date as you get older...were do u go...im to old for the club seen.. ect

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
I guess I'm on the other end of the spectrum? Dating has gotten a whole lot easier, in fact, I don't even have to try for some reason? I've found that the world is filled with 40/50 ish year old women looking for a last chance at romance. All I have to pretty much do is sit back, smile and hope I don't say something to ruin it. I have found that if it is a younger woman, I act a little like an asshole and she is mine, for the older women I can be myself. I'm tending towards older women these days, because I like myself more than the asshole.

Biddeford, ME
age: 41 online now!
I have found it easier, possibly because I am not so worried...this is who I am, this is what I am...I didnt try to present myself in my profile any particular way, I just wrote what I felt. I think that it is very easy to see when men do that, also...it seems like a lot of people just dont even bother to read the profiles. But, for me, I do, and it shows when someone just doesnt care, or they are just writing what they think the women want to hear. Be honest. Write from your heart, I mean, seriously, what do you have to lose? finding someone who you are afraid to be yourself with? The hell with it! Present yourself, the good, the bad and the ugly, and be willing to accept the same for someone else. Then, you dont have to pretend, or ACT a certain way...you are who you are, and if you present it that way...YOU WILL get responses!
[Edited 11/3/2007 2:44:17 AM]

Middlesboro, KY
age: 50
You're right chopperbabe... in fact I'm making up an application form just for dating... it's gonna be a doozy... 

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
Not really,
just the playing field aint so young or numerous

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
I think we have a great time coming up,
its time for the Boomers to hit retirement
and we always know how to have fun