2/21/2009 9:20:31 PM |
what is it with guys now days! |
Martinsville, IN
age: 22
ok i've been talking to this guy for awhile and we have seen each other a couple of times. he's jealous of my guys friends and is every time i hang out with one of them. its not like anything is going to happen with me and my guy friends. he's wanting me to drop my guy friends and i'm not even in a relationship with this guy. i told him that wont ever happen with my dropping my guy friends or any of my friends. i feel like i'm hitting my head up against a with this guy. is it with guys today. is there a real man out there that doesnt care if his girl has guy friends? can you guys give me some adivce on how to better handle this guy.
2/22/2009 6:47:53 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |

Greenwood, IN
age: 37
the problem here is that the guy you are dating knows how he was or is and thinks that other guys will want to do the same with you...
it is a big problem most guys have,,but hold your ground,kick him to the curb and find someone that is confedent in himself and the relastionship that he is in...
i know,,,easier said then done,,,but that is why we have a filter inside of us..to weed out the bad ones,and hopefuly find the right one..
don't settle for anyone,,be upfront with the next person from the start about your other friends...
JMO,,,hope it helped
2/22/2009 11:28:01 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |
Lafayette, IN
age: 19
the problem here is that the guy you are dating knows how he was or is and thinks that other guys will want to do the same with you...
it is a big problem most guys have,,but hold your ground,kick him to the curb and find someone that is confedent in himself and the relastionship that he is in...
i know,,,easier said then done,,,but that is why we have a filter inside of us..to weed out the bad ones,and hopefuly find the right one..
don't settle for anyone,,be upfront with the next person from the start about your other friends...
JMO,,,hope it helped
lol amen jewelerman
i know... you should tell him he has to dump all his friend as well and see what he thinks about that 
but i say if he is trying to control you this much just wait till you guys are going out or even worse...

2/22/2009 6:03:18 PM |
what is it with guys now days! |
Martinsville, IN
age: 22
the problem here is that the guy you are dating knows how he was or is and thinks that other guys will want to do the same with you...
it is a big problem most guys have,,but hold your ground,kick him to the curb and find someone that is confedent in himself and the relastionship that he is in...
i know,,,easier said then done,,,but that is why we have a filter inside of us..to weed out the bad ones,and hopefuly find the right one..
don't settle for anyone,,be upfront with the next person from the start about your other friends...
JMO,,,hope it helped
i did hold my ground with him and he didnt like it very well. i even went as far as telling him that i dont need a guy that gets upset every time that i want to hang out with my friends or trys to help them. or trys to make me feel guitly for hanging out with them. i told him if he didnt like that tough cuz that wasnt ever going to change. so i told him he could hit the road. thanks your adivce did help me.
2/22/2009 6:17:11 PM |
what is it with guys now days! |
Martinsville, IN
age: 22
lol amen jewelerman
i know... you should tell him he has to dump all his friend as well and see what he thinks about that 
but i say if he is trying to control you this much just wait till you guys are going out or even worse...

thats funny but i would never do that. i dont believe in doing that. i know it would get worse later on. i've seen it happen around me to other people that i know. i've always told myself that i would never let a guy control me in anyway. he was kind of anyways.
2/22/2009 7:48:30 PM |
what is it with guys now days! |


Fort Wayne, IN
age: 26
drop him off your phone and schedule
I have similar problem with girls; they want to dictate my life, and who i hang with, yet most of them expect me to be subservant when it has to do with their group of friends.
2/24/2009 5:07:29 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |
Niles, MI
age: 45
ok i've been talking to this guy for awhile and we have seen each other a couple of times. he's jealous of my guys friends and is every time i hang out with one of them. its not like anything is going to happen with me and my guy friends. he's wanting me to drop my guy friends and i'm not even in a relationship with this guy. i told him that wont ever happen with my dropping my guy friends or any of my friends.  i feel like i'm hitting my head up against a  with this guy. is it with guys today. is there a real man out there that doesnt care if his girl has guy friends? can you guys give me some adivce on how to better handle this guy.
He is just being an A hole!! Get away from this guy fast as he does not care
about what your wants are. This does not just apply to the friends thing,
but he will try to control all of your life. Run away fast!!!
There are guys out there that are decent and actually care about what
you want. A relationship goes both ways. Just keep looking and you will
find a decent guy to be with.
3/17/2009 2:46:28 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |


Farmington, NY
age: 38
get him all hot and bother one night then drop a bucket of ice water on his manhood then shoot him.
If you not up for that, then you could always come with me to the pub and tell him where we are and invite him to join us 2 hours after we get there.
just a thought.

3/17/2009 6:52:22 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |

Greenwood, IN
age: 56
Do you REALLY want a guy that doesn't care? Balance is the secret.
3/20/2009 8:54:00 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |
Syracuse, IN
age: 40
Its got a lot to do with him being insecure and having trust issues. Then on the other hand you have to ask yourself if you were in his shoes, would it bother you if he was hanging out with his female friends??
There is a thing of mutual respect you have to have in a relationship, personally I would never put myself in a situation that I would be uncomfortable with if my significant other was doing it. Its been done to me before and she couldnt understand why I got upset. Needless to say, I'm single and would much rather be single than play any of these headgames again.
5/29/2009 2:33:12 PM |
what is it with guys now days! |

Evansville, IN
age: 47 online now!
obvously the guy is insecure with himself and controlling. RUN away as fast as you can
6/9/2009 9:28:44 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 22
I kinda see where the guy is coming from. My ex, who I was with for 9 years, and got really serious 5 years ago, decided she would cheat on me with her friend (who she has only known for 6 months), after I proposed and she accepted. So he may have had something happen.
Myself, I wouldn't care. If there is something between me and someone else, I would trust them to do the right thing. Plus, friends are nice to have, and is a deep bond. And chances are, if a guy friend had feelings, he would have made them known.
6/10/2009 1:23:44 PM |
what is it with guys now days! |

Decatur, IN
age: 36
well chances are he thinks there is more to your relationship.And if there isn't I would end the friendship.There is nothing wrong with having guy friends as long as your mate knows them.And if he doesn't then why not?I don't think guys have a problem with the friends part,but knowone want to be made a fool of.And I have heard alot of women complain about the same thing.But useually they have slept with those so called friends.Try to put yourself in others place.
6/22/2009 6:39:19 PM |
what is it with guys now days! |
Indianapolis, IN
age: 41
Sounds like to me he is very insecure with himself and dosen't know how to treat a women with respect. I bet he is very jealous and won't let you out of his sight and has to know where you are at all times. If he is like this only after three weeks, you should get away from him because he will not stop.
6/22/2009 8:44:34 PM |
what is it with guys now days! |

North Vernon, IN
age: 26
I'm going with the insecurity on this. He's probably got it in his head that if you hang around with your male friends that you might get more interested in one of them instead of him, but at the same time he should also realize that if you wanted to be with one of them that you would've by now. I can kind of understand his feelings and you should talk to him about why is thoughts on the situation are wrong and that if you were going to be with one of your other male friends that you wouldn't even decided to go out on a date with him in the first place. I've been down a similar road in the same position as him and I know how it feels to be in that position, but if you want to be with him you have to clear up any confusions he might be having and try to work it out. If that doesn't work, just tell him that you don't appreciate that he's trying to keep you away from your friends and if he doesn't like it he can go along on his merry way to someone else.
6/24/2009 12:08:01 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |

Monticello, IN
age: 19
most of us just dont care lol
6/24/2009 2:25:14 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |


Fort Wayne, IN
age: 26
Too much confusion
7/14/2009 1:47:58 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |

Veedersburg, IN
age: 18
hey if he cant respect you enough to let you have guy friends when you aint that serious.. id tell him to accept or theres the door... course i can say that from a bunch of experience.. and i maybe to cold but oh well
7/15/2009 6:55:18 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |
Kendallville, IN
age: 35
Dump him and live free. Find a guy you DESERVE, one who doesn't have self confidence issues.
7/19/2009 10:09:42 AM |
what is it with guys now days! |


Fort Wayne, IN
age: 26
ok i've been talking to this guy for awhile and we have seen each other a couple of times. he's jealous of my guys friends and is every time i hang out with one of them. its not like anything is going to happen with me and my guy friends. he's wanting me to drop my guy friends and i'm not even in a relationship with this guy. i told him that wont ever happen with my dropping my guy friends or any of my friends.  i feel like i'm hitting my head up against a  with this guy. is it with guys today. is there a real man out there that doesnt care if his girl has guy friends? can you guys give me some adivce on how to better handle this guy.
Alot of boys claim, they don't mind, but can get jealous quick, yet, around 22, the same will be said about girls. I have known plenty who get posessive, when they find you're friendly with other girls, even if you're monogomous. Both boys and girls around 22 don't fully trust their prospects, or lovers with others of their gender. It's not a gender specific habit. If the guy you're with acts stupid, just at the mention of you hanging or being friends with other males, drop him that second.
7/22/2009 5:13:20 PM |
what is it with guys now days! |

Lafayette, IN
age: 28
The answer to your problem is ditch the douche. If you can't have friends cause you're in a relationship then you won't be yourself. You had these friends when you met right? So taking everyone out of your life and putting all your attention on him is what he wants. That's one of those relationships where ya both end up with nothing cause next thing you know he'd be getting jealous that men work where you work. Get out while you can and get involved where you can be yourself. It's the only way a relationship will work.