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11/2/2007 5:20:45 PM Very sweet girl  

Howell, NJ
age: 38

It's getting cold at the Jersey Shore...

11/2/2007 5:24:28 PM Very sweet girl  

Grand Junction, CO
age: 29 online now!

So you need it warmed up there Troy?!?!?!?!

Smooches Melbie

11/2/2007 5:28:52 PM Very sweet girl  

Gainesville, TX
age: 33

how dare she call you small minded!!! troy, you tell her that in order to have teddy bear relations, such as you have, (poor bear), it takes a very wide open mind to think up that type of perversion. i will be the first to stand up for you and tell her you ain't small minded.

11/2/2007 5:47:17 PM Very sweet girl  

Hudson, NH
age: 42

Troy: I've never replied to those e-mail messages from the women in China. It has nothing to do with Asian women - I don't discrimiate - I also look at the distance thing (I draw the line at intercontinental). However, I like your approach...funny as hell. I might just start replying.

[Edited 11/2/2007 5:48:18 PM]

11/3/2007 6:04:14 AM Very sweet girl  

Bremerton, WA
age: 25

Actually, what you encountered was a nigerian scam ring. Had you started conversing with this individual little innocent pieces of info would be obtained and they would use your persona to con more people or simple steal your identity. Think about a simple conversation of heritage can lead to you blurting out your mother maiden name. Free credit cards here i come.

The overly abusive response you got is actually a ploy that sometimes work. By digging into you they are trying to make you feel bad and put you in a position to convince them that you arent what they say you are.

11/3/2007 6:10:08 AM Very sweet girl  

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52

and everytime you talk to them they are getting a mirror image of your computer syntex file
before you know it they can clone your information or worst penetrate your firewalls
these people are professionals and are not stupid

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