Fresno, CA
age: 47
Forgazm... save your energy for your children. Try to treat your ex with respect in front of your children. It sounds like she needs to go to counseling.
I hope it works out for you. Maybe you can get some assistance from legal aid.

Summerville, SC
age: 51
ranchey.... Children aren't clueless.... and it seems that the reasons that the wife has done what she has throughout her marriage... yes, don't forget it is her's too. ... she is not being fulfilled with what she needs or wants or like she needs...perhaps it is the thrill of it because she is getting away with it. Yep, is it probably deeper then all the history that we aren't privy to and shouldn't be... but obviously, this young man wants to figure out what he can think about to do for himself so that he can make a positive differnence in his children's lives. He is seeking ideas of what he needs to do because he knows he has to do something, and soon. See....if he becomes week and sick and hurt, depressed, etc.... then he is not able, nor capable to handle what he needs to as a man to his children...and believe me, his children see all, feel all, and are open to everything in the household. He knows now while he has the strength to make a choice to make action on that choice.

Holland, MI
age: 30
well thats kinda why i say... its not a good place for the kids
god forgive me i didnt want to bring this up....
she has mental isues and she has been to "pine rest" if you dont know what this is, its a mental place where people go to try and get better.... the reason why i married her was cause i really liked her.. then i fell in love.. then got married and all hell broke loose... we divorced for two years then remarried again 2 years ago.. now its back to the same old routine... shes cheated on me 17 times we have a kid with someone who doesnt even send his own son birthday cards or christmas preasents
she talks on the phone to him all the time.. when we got divorced i paid child support on jacob and didnt fight it but.. one question y doesnt she go after him for child support she calls him all the time...
any way it doesnt bother me i would rather pay child support and have the kids have the things they need for school then see them go without.....
even her grandma uncle and her grandmas sister c how wrong shes doing me even though her mom and dad are eating popcorn and having the time of there lives watching me go threw hell....
god help me...
im so stressed about it but i know that some day ill b with someone who really cares and wont put me through the shit she has...
hell i wouldnt b on this dating sight if i didnt believe it...