11/2/2007 8:17:43 PM |
can someone help me |

Holland, MI
age: 30
ok im trying to figure something out. ive had a horrible 10 year marriage and just recently seperated. my ex has cheated on me 17 times and we have 4 boys one of them was with my best friend..
i am a very funny guy my goal in life is to make everyone laugh atleast once..
i treat women how i would expect to be treated.. i go out of my way to make her feel appreciated and loved..
im lost in what im trying to explain..
my ex has put me down over and over and over again telling me how no other woman would ever want me and that i was worthless.. yet i did everthing for her and the kids ( is she just pissed off and continuing to say things to make me feel even worse about myself? )
even though she has cheated on me many times i still feel like i have to b there for the kids because i came from a broken home... i love my kids extremely above most men who would rather walk or not care to hear of them...
i am a great father and a great husband but im not quiet sure that ill ever b able to find the right person for me. there are people on here that i care about after having numerous conversations with and one girl in particular that im interested in..
I dont do drugs and i dont drink much and when i do drink im a happy drunk and i never get shit faced lololol...
my biggest problem that im facing is that even though im lonely and need the companion ship i fail to go out looking for the special someone 
can someone help me.....
11/2/2007 8:23:26 PM |
can someone help me |

Nicholasville, KY
age: 35
i lived about the same way only a man did me that way i was with him 18 years and she will keep doing u this way till one day u wake up and stil love them but u just know its over been divorced about 6months he has moved on i am still looking and still love him
just have to move on
11/2/2007 8:27:48 PM |
can someone help me |

Holland, MI
age: 30
and yet another question i live with someone else and i help them out alot because they are disabled... i made them a screened in porch made them a deck for there hot tub hooked up the 220 for electric i got them a ceiling fan and installed it put up fences make dinner for them clean the house do the dishes....
and they have a friend who comes over... which just happens to b a semi nude playboy model..
she is cute but im not 100 percent interested in her... and to top things off she seems to come over alot when no one else is around if im in my room she comes in there lays on my bed tells me how comfortable it is....
am i a complete retard or is she coming on to me???
the divorce is not yet final so i wont have sex with her but its really been bothering me alot....
please help..
11/2/2007 8:29:53 PM |
can someone help me |

Virginia Beach, VA
age: 53
...you act in certain ways because you have certain thoughts that, over your lifetime, have become habitual...habitual patterns of thought and perception will begin to lose influence over you once you become aware of them...
11/2/2007 8:30:11 PM |
can someone help me |

Summerville, SC
age: 51
sounds to me that you don't have the problem. She does. Divorce her and take your children. yep...another broken family; but borken families can be fixed.; living and dying a miserable life is too late. You only have one life and remember, what your children see her doing, they will find it acceptable and it is not. I spent many years being degrading like you; I waited until my son proved to me that he was a man by joining the military. I have been in peace with my life ever since... and just a note to that...he, my son, asked why I didn't do it sooner.... ok, nuff said... good luck in making choices that only you can.
11/2/2007 8:43:35 PM |
can someone help me |

Summerville, SC
age: 51
make a decision of living by your on ethics. Think of what you wife has done, just remember that a woman can be as flirty and etc to you..but you are being the man you feel you are, one with a code and until you completely remove your self out of your current vows, you will regret any decisions for a personal satisfaction of a few hours of satisfaction...if this bunny really is interested in you...she'll be there when you're free. And you know something? When you're free...you may not want to become involved with anyone immediately as there are personal adjustments, especially because you know you're better and worth more then just a fling. At least that's what I see from what you say about yourself.
11/2/2007 8:44:36 PM |
can someone help me |

Iowa City, IA
age: 30
wow your story is just like mine what do we do. Ill tell you what she is a b*tch and dont go back to her. buy a RC airplane boys love planes. Spend a lot of time with the boys and have fun. you are some much better then her. just have a good time with the kids. kids are better then sex anyways. F*CK THAT B*TCH , F*CK THAT B*TCH and F*CK THAT B*TCH OK
11/2/2007 8:47:17 PM |
can someone help me |

Iowa City, IA
age: 30
you are the man
11/2/2007 8:49:07 PM |
can someone help me |

Iowa City, IA
age: 30
f*ck that b*tch . your are the shit man f*ck her now go get some p*ssy
11/2/2007 8:51:08 PM |
can someone help me |

Holland, MI
age: 30
i kinda agree with you...
i really have no interest in BEING with ne one i figure ill stay single a while unless i really feal comfortable with her but at this point in time i dont really feel like seing anyone but yet the sexual urges are there
i guess u could say that im not ready for a marriage yet and im not ready to settle down with anyone in that manner... but i would like to start dating but its been so long since i have actually dated or had the urge of wanting someone...
now i guess im looking for a friends with benifits type of relationship untill i find the right person... is this wise?
11/2/2007 8:51:28 PM |
can someone help me |

Selah, WA
age: 46 online now!
It's a control thing when they make you feel like something they are trying to scrap off their shoe. I know, I've been there. Brained washed to believe that I am unworthy of anyone. But he lost ... me. He knows it too and what he had he will never get again ... me 
Do some healing and learn to love yourself in order to love someone else.
11/2/2007 8:52:46 PM |
can someone help me |

Iowa City, IA
age: 30
your to cool man you look happy. stay that way
work your ass off make money and dont change for anyone
your are the shit man F.T.W
11/2/2007 8:53:01 PM |
can someone help me |

Seattle, WA
age: 43
Well i wouldnt have quite put it that way, but Zagi is right, Its all about the kids now! and i've found out how i maintained a relationship with my ex has reflected, how they've grown up!. There pretty damn good kids and they can see thou the bullshit
11/2/2007 8:55:45 PM |
can someone help me |

Iowa City, IA
age: 30
Bull shit you love your self. you know that
11/2/2007 9:10:07 PM |
can someone help me |

Summerville, SC
age: 51
Be wise to yourself and you will be grateful for the wisdom. Listen, take time to learn about yourself. I personally haven't even dated in 3 years...and yep...I am very happy being the life of a party, flirt with anyone, and just have a good time learning to like me. I am not a lonely woman, but I live a alone...and if I have to live a lone, but be damned I would rather live my life alone then in misery. You can't like someone or love someone until you have yourself back. Give yourself time. By making your choice, you are growing from it. You seem like a very nice man, so be a nice man and know that you're in NO WAY a failure. You are more of a man then most of the ... what would you call a man who is a bimbo? LOL.......... You have grace, honesty about yourself and just let yourself grow. Just a secret...I found myself by doing something I had wanted to do for over 30 years... 26 of that was marriage. I went to school to learn to ride a motorcycle...and I haven't been off it since. I am not suggesting you do that... but you will find an alternative to make a difference...fulfil a lifetime dream...and you will never regret it. Ever watch the movie, Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around the Old Oak Tree? LOL.... truth is said....in it when the colonel asked a leutenat who wanted to marry his daughter.. He asked him if he liked the daughter..the LT was confused, I love her... LOL... He said yeah yeah... but do you like her. See... you have to like someone...love you can always do.. but liking someone is down to earth..the real stuff that makes life life. sorry sooooo wordy... but you asked for help.... not to say my help is anything but just been there, done that...and what I did to make a difference.