11/3/2007 10:24:58 AM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Princeton, MN
age: 26
Based on society; women are supposed to be smaller than men. That goes for weight and height. But everyone just doesn't fall into that criteria.
I am overweight, but that isn't what defines me as a person. And your height should not define you either. All it takes is meeting someone with an open mind, who you can talk to...and you find the spark in personality & friendship. Eventually any preceieved "faults" fall away anyhow...they say love is blind. And I think it is true.
I don't believe in love at first site. Just because someone is attractive on the outside doesn't mean they are a beauty on the inside. If anything, maybe our "struggles" are what help us to attract the right type of people. Who wants a shallow, arrogant, super model? Not I.
Take care and keep the faith 
11/3/2007 10:25:34 AM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36
ok seriously..... the average height for a woman is 5'4".so i figure you're taller than like half the ladies.
so,there are lots of reasons why a woman wants a taller man and for good reason.but,there are waaayyyy more reasons why a woman doesn't want a taller man.like....they're jerks,no job,have/want/don't want kids,in prison,wrong color hair...etc....! so,since you're not likely to change your height,work on and/or apply those other things.we're all going to not be a match more often than we are.work with what you are and who you are and the rest will fall into place.
11/3/2007 10:28:36 AM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Little Rock, AR
age: 50
HA,Ha,ha. 4 over a decade I've worn moccasin style shoes that might have 1/2" unless I'm ridin' the bike. Don't wanna be accused of "Heightening"! That's kinda like the members of the ballcap club. Had a bud that refused 2 go anywhere 2 scope out the babes unless he could wear a ballcap. I always asked him if he got lucky did he plan on wearin' the cap 2 bed till he turned off the lights. I think there's some correlation between male pattern baldness n wearin' caps. 
11/3/2007 10:40:17 AM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 44
Stop beating up on yourself dude. I think its about self confidence. It can make you look a giant or dwarf. In my opinion, most ppl you are attracted to are not attracted to you. Got to find the one the attraction goes both ways, not a faker.
11/3/2007 10:44:49 AM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Warrington, PA
age: 50
Im 5' 3" so there really arn't that many men shorter than I. I've married one 6' 3" and one 5' 7". Height not an issue with me at least.
Actually had shrunk to 5' 1.5" before back surgery. Now with the help of steel rods am back to 5' 3".
Date could always carry a heavy duty magnet and carry me around on it. 
[Edited 11/3/2007 10:45:32 AM]
11/3/2007 11:00:28 AM |
Why cant women get past it? |

West Palm Beach, FL
age: 35
I know a guy (Greg) who is 2' 10"......YES... I said two foot, ten inches... The guy has a beautiful wife, much taller than he is.. (I'd guess she's about 5'6".)
His late brother, John, also 2' 10"; had a very attractive long time girlfriend who was also much taller than John...
Both of those guys are larger than life in spirit, so don't even start with the "why can't women get past it" junk...
BTW... I'm 5'6", and I don't care...
BTW again... Prince wears heels... Hell of a guitar player too..
11/3/2007 11:14:37 AM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
Dude, I'm not much taller than you, and all of the women that I have been dating lately have been taller than me. I love all the "WTF" looks I get from the guys, wondering what is going on, and all the "He must be something really special" looks I get from the ladies. There is a lot of good advice in here from the women on this site, read and abosrb. Check out this movie from the 90's called Mambo Kings. It is not only a good movie, but it shows two different personality types of men in the brothers that the movie is about. I suggest being like Armand Assante at first. One of my favorite lines in the movie is where some women are talking about him. Something like: "He thinks he is the last Coca Cola in the dessert." and the other woman replies; "He is." What I am trying to say is, confidence in yourslef is the key. Women don't care very much for weak needy men with low self esteem. Believe me, they will see the confidence first and the height will be an after thought. If she is a good woman, then you can show her your Antonio Banderas side. If she takes your kindness and gentleness as a weakness, then drop her like a bad habbit, and move on. I hope this has been of some help.
11/3/2007 11:22:39 AM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36
jolene--- a tall shallow supermodel? do you know any? i'll take my chances 
11/3/2007 12:00:32 PM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Chicago, IL
age: 54
It's a personal preference and never bothered me, but I see many couples that aren't equal in height...
11/3/2007 12:14:02 PM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Princeton, MN
age: 26
Wiley, Can't say that I know any true to life super models. But I have certainly met the type who act like they are. Not my cup of tea....lol! But might be yours? I will hook you up next time  
11/3/2007 12:20:41 PM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36
thanks. fake supermodels are good too 
11/3/2007 12:30:30 PM |
Why cant women get past it? |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
You can't bash people for prefrences...It's just how it goes. jmo
11/3/2007 1:02:23 PM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
Why is it women turn ther backs on us vertically challened men ? We might have a great persnality but were short . Im 5.5 and Ive personaly had women tell me youre a great guy too bad youre so short. Why is that?
I suppose it is because its considered less "shallow" to be picky about height than weight. Or its what we call a double standard.
Don't ask me, i just work here.
11/3/2007 4:44:12 PM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Edgewater, FL
age: 28
I have had no choice but to get pass it. I'm 6'3 and I cant seem to find a tall man. My ex was 5'7 it never really bothered me though. seems that the short guys like the tall trophies as the call em.
11/3/2007 5:12:54 PM |
Why cant women get past it? |

Webster, MA
age: 54
hey to me the taller they are the harder they fall ha ha ha any ways it doesnt matter to me people are as tall as they let themselfs be 