11/3/2007 8:29:27 AM |
Don't know what to do |

Morton, PA
age: 26
Hey everyone, hope everyone is doing good I don't know what to do maybe someone can help me I have been talking to this girl I would say since August, what happened was instead of starting out slow as friends, we started out as if we were already dating. We slow things down, then she says she just wants to be friends should I continue talking to her and see where it goes or just move on ?
11/3/2007 9:23:42 AM |
Don't know what to do |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 44
Well, lol; don't give up what u got going right now. Talking is a good way of finding out what u might be getting into. Stop being impatient 
11/3/2007 9:26:19 AM |
Don't know what to do |

Morton, PA
age: 26
Your right buddy I'm always thinking negative haha I gotta stop that other people think I should just cut her loose
11/3/2007 9:27:10 AM |
Don't know what to do |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 47
Drop her like a hot potatoe, No more calls, nothing! If she has any feeling for you at all. She come back. In the meantime, enjoy this site. Lots of cool people, but warning Will Robinson, there are some crazies here too. 
11/3/2007 9:29:32 AM |
Don't know what to do |

Morton, PA
age: 26
I hear you John she keeps in touch with me so we will see def gonna keep my options open though
11/3/2007 11:38:32 AM |
Don't know what to do |

White Pine, TN
age: 31
i've been talking to a friend for a year as chat partners and i told her that i might would like to push our friendship a lil further and she agreed but she has no time for me what do i do  
11/3/2007 2:43:09 PM |
Don't know what to do |

Bremerton, WA
age: 25
Drop her, she has already found someone else she is eather already doing or planning to get with. unless you really just want to be friends and nothing more.
11/3/2007 2:46:08 PM |
Don't know what to do |

Bremerton, WA
age: 25
Axlrose,,,stop wasting your time. If she felt the same she would MAKE time.
Look people this advice you all already know in your hearts and you just want your own feelings mirriored so your sure about them. Go with your gut and live that way. My gut has never been wrong. I use to ignore it and say its my paranoia but for some odd reason it always turns out right. And im not talking your second gut reaction. Im talking the very first thing you feel in your bowels that says "something aint right".
11/3/2007 2:46:58 PM |
Don't know what to do |

Edmonton, AB
age: 32 online now!
Yea, she found someone, is enjoying a physical relationship and wants to keep you on the backburner.
Ditch her.
11/3/2007 2:48:00 PM |
Don't know what to do |

El Reno, OK
age: 40 online now!
I have to agree there, If something feels funny in your head and your tummy...Red flag!
11/3/2007 4:06:46 PM |
Don't know what to do |

Murrayville, GA
age: 49
I'm afraid that most people lack relationship skills when they aren't interested. I wish they taught them in school. If you will NEVER be interested and are/or are no longer interested you need to politely and quickly let the other person know without apology.
If someone will never have an interest past friendship they should simply say,"I don't feel that way about you" or "Although I think you're fabulous the chemistry is not there for me". Although it may feel awkard it's the honest and most decent thing to do. The person may feel bad hearing the truth but you have provided a boundry and they will not try to waste your time or their time.
DON'T give lame excuses such as "maybe another time", "I have other plans", etc. This will give the other person HOPE and if one person has a romantic interest they HANG onto HOPE and the word MAYBE. The person hoping that he/she has a chance with someone romantically will KEEP trying to develop a relationship and eventually get pissed off because they feel you led them on.
As a sidebar. If you know that someone "really" likes you past friendship and you have clearly and politely told them you don't reciprocate their feelings DON'T CONTINUE to hang out with them as best buddies. It's selfish and cruel. Give them space so that they can redirect their attention to other friends and hopefully find someone who can return their romantic feelings.