11/3/2007 10:23:29 PM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
I would have never imagined.......here I sit talking on the internet in the privacy of my own home and there is a virtual smoking section......I gotta pack a bowl in my bong and light one of my $6.50 a carton cigarettes.
This all seems wrong on many levels.
11/3/2007 11:15:51 PM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Mitchell, SD
age: 42
You can always smoke at a Wafflehouse. LOL. in many states that smoking isnt allowed indoors wafflehouses still allow it.
11/4/2007 4:38:07 AM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Biloxi, MS
age: 46
This is a good forum I still smoke even after a heart attack. Have tried to quit several times. Smoking is getting to be taboo in public now days. What I wonder is, When every one quits smoking where will the states and the federal government get their tax money. When no one is buying cigarettes, has this occured to anyone.
11/4/2007 8:24:36 AM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Oh they'll find some other crusade to help mankind I'm sure and enrich each other's lives! 
11/4/2007 3:59:27 PM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Biloxi, MS
age: 46
Most likely condoms and sex toys will be taxed.
11/4/2007 3:59:39 PM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Mason, OH
age: 46
Hello All . Here in Ohio they have passed a law about smoking in public and the bars are taking a beating . I can remember when you watched the news and they would be smoking .
11/4/2007 4:29:18 PM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
What I truly don't like anymore is the smell. On my clothes, in my hair, in my house, in my car. I think it is offensive to non-smokers and I try to be aware of their space. Don't smoke around my grandchildren ever and even quit when I carried my children... went right back though.
it is even worse for nonsmokers that have to be around it.
11/4/2007 4:30:19 PM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Mariposa, CA
age: 51
Hey in Cailfornia you can still smoke in some bars. Depends on wether all employees are on the liquor License. I live in a small town and there are bars where you can smoke, along with the VFW's. Don't bash CA too much....
11/4/2007 7:58:44 PM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
Sorry didn't mean to bash CA just seemed like that is where the ball started from. Didn't think there was any place there that allowed it from just what I have heard. Thank you for clearing that up.
11/4/2007 8:32:08 PM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
i like it, its good to be able to go to a bar without my eyes tearing up
11/5/2007 2:37:06 AM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
I am in Cali, and I can't stand that they are passing laws that you can't even smoke outside of your apartments in some areas. I am getting real sick of all the self righteous people out here that think it is OK to tell people how ti live their lives, what to do, and even what they can and can't eat.
11/5/2007 9:37:53 AM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
the high price of cig's is due to our government,you pay more for the tax than for the cigs,and they have allready started raiseing the fuel tax to compensate for the money there loseing due to the decline in smokers.i was a bartender in northern cali when the no smokeing law went into effect,the bar i worked in lost more than half of it revenue and the owner eventualy sold the place.what with all the other haslles of going out to drink the smoking ban was just one more reason to stay home to party.for awhile the smokers would step outside to have a smoke and now theve banned that too.amreica the land of the not so free and taxed and the home of the brave.
11/5/2007 9:48:30 AM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
if smoking didnt involve smoke, im sure u would be allowed to do it anywhere
11/5/2007 10:05:26 AM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 55
I used to smoke 2.5 packs a day, quit cold turkey... not fun.
My brother and his wife smoke like hell and she is a lab tech for an Oncologist... lol Everytime I go over there and go somewhere else everyone wants to know when I started smoking again.
I house sit for them a lot and have to go aroud emptying ash trays to get the smell to a minimum, but everything I take with me smells like smoke when I bring it home and I have to wash it.
Nasty habit, but I loved it when I was doing it.
I'm not fanatical about it, my grandmother smoked til she was 78 and quit when the doc told her it would be a good idea. She lived to be 99...
It's more about all the other things you are exposed to as well as the smoke. Second hand, first hand, not a lot of difference. Think car exhaust... coal fired power plants, toxic chemicals from local maufacturing. There is millions of tons of stuff dumped into the air everyday that is bad for you, way worse than cigarettes.
The outgassing from the plastics in your shiney new car are way worse for you than cigarettes... hype... pure friggen media hype.
Asbestos... lol if I had a dollar for every pound of asbestos I dealt with in the Navy I could have retired 10 years ago... we are sheep with wallets, don't believe anything you see in the media. Global warming is your next wallet drain and it is a scam of the largest proportion thought of since income taxes...
smoke 'em if ya got 'em...
[Edited 11/5/2007 10:07:11 AM]
11/8/2007 10:24:33 AM |
How many non-smokers......... |

Athens, GA
age: 29
Just to let you guys know.. I'm a former smoker and I'm not a nazi about it. I'd date a smoker. May even go back to it some day. My reason for quitting was mainly this. I don't care about the health effects. I know I'm gonna die some day. We all are. But why do I have to PAY some rich, suit wearing bastard to HELP me kill myself. I can do that for free. My uncle who quit for 10 years (only started up again when his marriage went on the rocks and he lost his long time job) told me that one of the primary motives he had was an undercover interview he heard on 20-20 or some such show. They hid a camera/mike and ambushed a Phillip-Morris CEO on an elevator and asked him if he used his own product. He said "Hell no. We only market it to the stupid, the ignorant and the blacks."  Damned if I'm gonna pay a bastard like that my $$. Damn the man But I realize it was a personal choice and have no problem dating a smoker. We've all got our vices. By the way. Just to give you a heads up. The website won't let you post in the "Smokers" group unless you have it listed in your profile that you're a smoker, so you won't get any non-smokers' input here. That could be good or bad. Have one for me guys.