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11/4/2007 6:28:57 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Sylacauga, AL
age: 38

Don't give up!! My guess is you have dated men who are only looking for a "booty call" and if that's not what happened, they move on to someone who will give them that. I've only dated 1 man that didn't contact me again and he made it clear that he was very unhappy I refused to be his "booty call" for the evening. Those guys are NOT worth your time!!

I am also completely disillusioned with the whole dating scene right now, but my mother keeps telling me that there are some nice men out there somewhere. Where? Hell if I know!! LOL! I can't find them, but I'm trying ot keep an open mind, but careful heart....

Best of luck and don't give up.

11/4/2007 6:45:25 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Denison, IA
age: 29

I agree with rasberry... I think he just wanted a booty call... I can see getting tied up or caught up with life.. But if you have emailed the guy and or called him, and he still ignored ya for a time period.. there is no other excuse.. if someone is busy with life, they can atleast take the 2 seconds to email you and say they are busy with work and will get back to ya. To ignore ya for "months" is unforgiveable! short of a close family member dying or being deathly sick, I can't imagine anything worth being ignored IF he was into you.

11/4/2007 6:50:33 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

South Bend, IN
age: 42

3 days...if there isn't a phone call or e-mail in this time, just to say "Don't have time to talk, but how are you," then it's not something that would turn into "I'd like to see you every friggin day for the rest of our lives." Because if there is an excuse, in 2 weeks, that wouldn't explain a near death experience why nothing....I'd add it to my swamp land My advice: go out with the dork that always says hi, but you think is creepy. Let me know if your luck

11/4/2007 7:02:17 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49

e cole...I agree, if there hasn't been contact made by 3 days, especially if I've emailed, then I don't want him. WTF...I want someone who's thinking about ME 24/7. His only good excuse would be "Dead in a ditch." I am not going to over a man that doesn't want me.

As far as going out, meeting the next could be the one to make you forget the rest! Go for it...good luck.

11/4/2007 7:10:40 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Eugene, OR
age: 41

Hey Vic...Without really knowing the situation I think I gotta agree with Metal on this one. I think what you have is a man who may be dating several people at a time and not being upfront about it. I had a friend who bounced from date to date for a while and it was a complete mess. He was lying all the time to them...I lost respect for him. If you are curious still...Be strong...Put him on the spot and ask questions. He'll confess or he'll move on real quick.

[Edited 11/4/2007 7:15:02 AM]

11/4/2007 7:13:52 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Little Rock, AR
age: 50 online now!

Doesn't have 2 be a booty call gone bad 4 the guy. It could be any 1 thing 'bout you or a combination of your personality n/or idiosyncrasies as interpreted by him.

The delayed call back is vanity/laziness/wishful thinking.......

11/4/2007 8:05:19 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Brooklyn, NY
age: 32 online now!

Maybe you are right, Nic....But I am not going to change my personality for NO MAN...If he is not man enough to deal with it, then so be it...No big loss....

11/4/2007 9:23:28 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Little Rock, AR
age: 50 online now!

Not 2 imply anything is your fault or there's a fault w/ya. Just the same as you meetin' somebody n ya think they're OK but notice things about them that don't blend well w/ya. 2 talkers can have a problem fightin' 4 conversation or the direction of discussion while 2 reserved folks will have too many awkward pauses. Square peg round hole..........

11/4/2007 11:06:14 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Indianapolis, IN
age: 73

If he can't get back to you in at least 3 days, drop the sucker. He
hes not worth it there's lots of guys that will pick up where he didn't.
don't give up.

11/4/2007 9:43:12 PM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Mesa, AZ
age: 63

Just a thought--He got what he thought was a better offer---it didn't work out so he's back to calling you in hopes of getting back in your good grace so as to not be left alone!!!! You are worth more than that! Don't give him the time of day. That is so bad mannered.

11/4/2007 9:51:23 PM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Denver, CO
age: 49

Laughin, I think you nailed it with your reply. Don't go back unless you like the abuse!

11/4/2007 9:53:07 PM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Biddeford, ME
age: 41 to agree with laughin and smiling...
(Got to love those two screen names...makes me smile just typing em...)
He is not worth your time.

[Edited 11/4/2007 9:53:23 PM]

11/4/2007 9:56:14 PM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Denver, CO
age: 49

Thanks, Luvin! I smile all the time...I just can't help it!

11/4/2007 9:56:31 PM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Edgewater, FL
age: 28 online now!

That happend to me what laughing said, We met we liked each other but he had another date with another woman the next week. Liked her more, then she ended up being married so he came crawling back to me. Ofcorse I said NO!

11/5/2007 8:32:11 AM WTF!!!! I don't get it....  

Rockville, MD
age: 53 online now!

Several points.

[0] Did you have sex too? That could make all the difference.
[1] How many times has this happened?
[2] What happened after the date when you called him? Did he just ignore your calls? Did you live hime messages that he refused to answer?
[3] I think the reason lies with you, not some external thing like him being married or wanting a booty call.
[4] I agree with your assessment of them not being married if you can call them, especially during times when they are likely to be spending time with their family. And like the point below, married men tend to keep working on the same women.
[5] The may WANT a booty call, but most guys will expect not to get it on the first date. That means that a second date with you is better than a first with someone who is likely to make him wait another date or two.
[6] You *cried* as well as laughed together? Maybe he is afraid of liking you TOO much and falling in love with you.
[7] Instead of not answering his calls months later (which I don't blame you for wanting to do), get an explanation from him.

Hey, aren't you supposed to meet with CasterTroy soon? We'll all await his report.

Well, most likely neither of you kiss and tell, but he might have some good insight for you.


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