11/5/2007 7:20:06 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Staten Island, NY
age: 36
The funny thing is. I have found that woman really don't know what they want. They say they want someone that is good to them and good for them. But in all honesty they want the bad boy. So my question is to all woman out there? Why ask for things you really don't want? It's seems to me that you don't want the guys that go to work and do the right thing. The one's that open doors and pull out chairs. And don't forget impotant times in your life. That take care of you when you need it and give you your space when you need that also. The one's that never cheat on you and never lie to you for any reason. You know the one's that don't live with their mother. And have a house not an apartment of their own with no roommates. So why do nice guy's finish last?
Thank you all for reading this and any responces will be greatly appreciated...
11/5/2007 7:21:52 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
This subject has been done to death but, Sorry someone hurt you. Don't lump us all toghter is one of the first things you should remember. jmo
11/5/2007 7:23:01 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Pulaski, TN
age: 44 online now!
I want a nice guy....a for real nice guy...who possesses all the qualities you mentioned and more. I want someone who can accept me for who I am and let me do the same....someone who will let me care for them and who will care for me. But, I'll admit, I (and some gals I now) do kinda like a little bit of a "bad boy" in a man too. I guess for the same reason that a lot of men like women who can be a lady at dinner with the parents, an office gathering, church...etc. but a "tiger" and a "naughty girl" in the bedroom....
Hope that helps.

11/5/2007 7:36:58 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 38
I personaly dont think we finish last! That's just my opinion! Mike I used to say ask myself that question all the time not anymore because these women that your talking about dont really know what they want thats the way I see it! These kind of women arent for you or me so you will know! Mike
11/5/2007 8:22:23 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Grand Junction, CO
age: 29 online now!
I am soooooo sick of this Nice guy finishing last well what about the nice girl finish last huh!!! WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE A BOO HOO FOR THE MEN BUT WHEN A WOMAN SAYS IT OMFG THE WORLD COMES TO AN END!!!!
TRY this one on for size "Why do the NICE PEOPLE finish last??"
Answer that cuz that is the real question what WOMEN don't have feelings but yet we are the emotional ones hello is this making any sense to anyone!?!??!?!?!
F*cking Smooches Melbie
11/5/2007 8:25:50 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Edmonton, AB
age: 32 online now!
Because the nice girls ALWAYS seem to 'dash' for the assholes.
WOrks the other way around, except the nice guys get 'snatched up' by the girls who have been hurt and are looking to hurt someone.
Nice people meeting and dating nice people happens all the time.... in the movies, and in novels.
11/5/2007 8:29:13 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Grand Junction, CO
age: 29 online now!
I am hoping that you don't consider yourself one of the nice guys!!!
From all the responses I have ever seen you do you are not all that nice!!!
I may not seem nice to you but there are people on this site that know jus how nice I really am so it really doesn't matter how you come back at me I jus don't care today or any other day!!!
11/5/2007 8:29:39 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Edgewater, FL
age: 28
I want a nice guy, Everytime I think i found one hes an A**hole in hiding. No more bad boys for me please!!
11/5/2007 8:50:38 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Reno, NV
age: 53
Nice guys do not finish last! Too many men just do not step up to the plate and take their swing. They are not all that nice either, fear and repressed anger because they were wimpy kids or lacked social skills runs rabid in the 'I'm a Nice Guy, poor me mentality' Read the post in the archives where women tell the stories of useless men, quiet or reserved or nerdy or shy or lack of self esteem do not make a nice guy. Those are the traits of men who are just not interesting. Trying to hide behind "I'm a nice guy" does not hide a man without initiative enough to move forward in a relationship. Take the hint, if she left saying "Your just too nice" you are too boring. Step up to the plate and change your self image before you waste the time of another great woman hoping to find a nice guy that will speak up for himself and be a man in her life.
Real men are nice guys and they finish first in every area of their lives.
11/5/2007 8:52:49 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Columbia, SC
age: 44 online now!
well said Jon.......Hugs beach..............
11/5/2007 8:54:54 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Edmonton, AB
age: 32 online now!
Ya, am a nice guy, just very jaded. (A word used to describe be)
Thing is, I am living proof that nice guys get screwed over and over as long as we are 'seen' as nice guys. 
Sorry if u don't like me, thats fine. No one who doesn't know me likes me. Once someone gets to know me, you can make your own decision.
11/5/2007 9:04:39 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Spotswood, NJ
age: 37
I am a nice guy, and do not plan on finishing last for ever. There is someone out there for everyone. At least I hope there is.
11/5/2007 9:09:22 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Edmonton, AB
age: 32 online now!
steveredman : be very careful with who you choose to be with, it's not fair when a guy gets screwed over.
Just be careful man.
11/5/2007 9:12:14 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

South Easton, MA
age: 33 online now!
I used to b*tch and moan about the whole topic to my friends locally around me. Guys/girls same thing... about finishing last. Honestly I stopped b*tching about it and pretty much for the most part stopped caring about that subject. Time & patience will reveal all to those who wait... Plain and simple.
To some of my friends they think I've become jaded, and negative to everyone around which honestly is bullshit but I stopped caring about most of their thoughts. And more or less let most of my nice traits be earned just like respect and trust.
[Edited 11/5/2007 9:13:15 PM]
11/5/2007 9:14:16 PM |
Why do Nice guys finish Last? |

Edmonton, AB
age: 32 online now!
I used to b*tch and moan about the whole topic to my friends locally around me. Guys/girls same thing... about finishing last. Honestly I stopped b*tching about it and pretty much for the most part stopped caring about that subject. Time & patience will reveal all to those who wait... Plain and simple.
To some of my friends they think I've become jaded, and negative to everyone around which honestly is bullshit but I stopped caring about most of their thoughts. And more or less let most of my nice traits be earned just like respect and trust.
Hear hear