3/18/2009 10:55:22 PM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |

Morristown, TN
age: 28
Pensocola FL ,the first time I saw the ocean ...   
[Edited 3/18/2009 10:56:29 PM PST]
3/18/2009 11:35:46 PM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |

Duncan, OK
age: 35
ada oklahoma when i saw my son for the 1st time
3/19/2009 1:33:18 AM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |

Omaha, NE
age: 39
Kauai Hawaii that smaller western island a true paradise that gave
the worst case of Dejuva ive ever experienced.
On the plane looking down i just cryed like a baby first time eveer!(crying Anyway(
3/19/2009 2:09:19 AM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |


Casa Grande, AZ
age: 42
Cali the day my daughter was born
3/19/2009 2:12:24 AM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |


Houma, LA
age: 31
Des Moines, Iowa The day my son was born!!!!
Grand Junction, Colorado The day my daughter was born!!!!
Grand Junction, Colorado The day my son was born!!!!
The next one is Houma LA the day my DIVORCE IS FINALIZED!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Smooches Melbie
3/19/2009 5:27:11 AM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |

Houston, TX
age: 41
Hmmmmmm...none particularly springs to mind, I've had a lot of good days..and bad ones.
3/19/2009 5:34:49 AM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |


Jerome, AZ
age: 47
when I came to and realized that I was still alive on the 3rd time.....and the day has not ended in reference to time. 
3/19/2009 6:27:00 AM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |


Hartselle, AL
age: 51
I have had alot of good days but here are 4 pretty dog gone top specials
Ft. Stewart Georgia..the day my 1st child was born.
Zwiebrucken Germany..the day my 2nd child was born.
Birmingham Al..the day my 1st grandson was born.
Falkville Al Thanksgiving the day I was told my 2nd grandchild was born
3/19/2009 7:49:47 AM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |

Rock Hill, SC
age: 62
Lubbock, Texas.....July 13, 1974....The day my son, Jeff was born...

3/19/2009 8:21:04 AM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |


Omaha, NE
age: 50
May 24 1984 the day I married my older children's father
then as follows...
May 14 1985 My first child born
Oct 25 1987 2nd child
May 12 2001 3rd child
July 3 2003 4th child
[Edited 3/19/2009 8:21:56 AM PST]
3/19/2009 10:33:36 AM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |


Wooster, OH
age: 59
Actually,there are two days that readily come to mind..
(1) The day I stopped drinking....17 years ago.
(2) The day I stopped smoking...7 1/2 years ago.
3/19/2009 8:23:38 PM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 60
Anywhere in South Dakota.
3/19/2009 9:00:30 PM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |


West Palm Beach, FL
age: 36
March 12th, 2009.. A week ago, today.....
I got on a plane for the first time in my life (nervous as a hooker in church) and flew halfway across the USA to take a chance on someone... The relationship did'nt take hold like we hoped, but the good company and adventure made it fun anyway... Even missing a flight and getting stranded overnight in atlanta was fun on some level..
The world seems smaller now.... Even though I don't want to travel again for a while, doors that were closed before, seem open now...
3/19/2009 9:16:36 PM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |


Cherry Hill, NJ
age: 33
There have been a couple that I hold dear and close to my heart and I foresee others in the future to come
3/19/2009 9:28:25 PM |
Where was you , the BEST DAY in your life ? ? ? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 30
The BEST day of my life..hmm..still waiting for that day.