Warwick, RI
age: 56
Awww, how cute. I just wanted to pet it!!

Fort Calhoun, NE
age: 50
So far I have had 2. Jessie, who is in my profile with his kids, and Bucky Pictured here. They loved to show and i had so much fun showing them. Jessie did attain his championship, but Bucky did not. Jessie is now a retired couch potato, bossing all the rest of them around. He always was an alpha.
My Bucky is not doing well, he is very ill and I am at the crossroads of having to say good bye. I will miss him dearly as he has the happiest and most fun personality of all my dogs. It is hard to see him fading, but I guess it is time to send him to the bridge.

Bucky, always looking for a cookie!

Hayes, VA
age: 52
Hello, as I read your feeling of a great dog. I also thought about my c*cker. she was 14 years old when I had to put her down. Brandy was 2 year younger than my son. was like my child being put down. was very hard for my whole family.
I also wanted to tell you my deaughtr has a german shephard and great dan too. he looks more great dane. he is also very protective too. sorry for your lost. giggles