Kokomo, IN
age: 63
The hardest was grocery shop for one...didn't know how to do it.
It has been six years and I still shed tears everyday.
I live by this and it get me through the days.
Love me
but let me go.
I am sorry for all you losses.

Tioga, PA
age: 66 online now!
I think the hardest for me is just being alone---having all outside work to do~~~~making every decision by myself~~~~~~~~~~~```Having noone to do things with~~~~~~~~having noone to hold or hold me:
I could name a thousand,but the truth is I have never liked being alone:
I had empty nest syndrome when my daughter went away to college,and every time one of the kids left.----Booo--Hooo
Just no fun---Pat. 

Dayton, NV
age: 54
As all of you have said: the cooking, going out to dinner, travel, just being not as a couple and having to learn how to be one. Someone to talk to about your day at the end of each others' day. The companionship you lose when you have lost the love of your life. Mine had spoiled me so bad, he use to say that he was going to spoil me so no one else would be able to handle me, little did he know that he wouldn't be around to keep spoiling me. So I get up each morning put my foot on the floor and take 1 day at a time. I know that he gave me the greatest give of his love and that is something I shall carry with me the rest of my life. So I say to all of you I feel your pain and sorrow and I am so glad there is a place where people can chat about their pain. I have read alot of good things from people on here and good advice from those who have been though what each of us are going though. My prayers with all.