11/12/2007 6:10:44 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
¿Tan profundamente como el tuyo? lol
11/12/2007 7:45:02 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Campo de la Cruz
age: 35
La infelicidad es comparar
toda mujer es hermosa y solo caballeros, mestros y señores de la
sabiduria lo pueden comprender...pero las mentes de niños mas que todo
piensa en travesuras y para un hombre totalmente desarollado es una
verdadera tristeza de ver tal tipo de retraso mental!

11/12/2007 7:55:57 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
Usar español para expresar pensamientos. Hahaha and you wonder why no one respects immigrants
11/12/2007 8:59:23 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Campo de la Cruz
age: 35
photo: Hahaha and you wonder why no one respects immigrants
Oh!!! so you do not respect immigrants...cariño, you do not respect anybody
what can one expects of such childless mind...you don't even have respect for your self
I feel sorry for la señorita that will go for you...she would have to be a saint to put
up with your BS because same here BEBE me rio muchisisisimo con tus comentarios...
LIMONES...just have to add some of my sugar and make lemonade...
Pampers most have sold out in your town....he,he,he
[Edited 11/12/2007 9:00:42 AM]
11/12/2007 10:07:16 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
I have no respect for those that come to america and refuse to assimilate.
As for the senoritas? If i went to Columbia, id have 50 women that would gladly chupa me for a greencard.
Seems like you are the one that can't find a date.
11/12/2007 10:39:51 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Campo de la Cruz
age: 35
you will be the perfect target for guerrilla instead!
and I do have a life ...unlike you that spend the whole day BS in here
you are the one out of luck I guess...don't blame the chicas in your neighbors though!
such lonely loser! better of becoming Maricon! actually you are already because you are
nothing like a caballero, that's for sure!!!! 
11/12/2007 10:43:20 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
AHahaha, so you call me gay and a loser! AND that i would be assassinated by your cocaine dealing jungle monkeys.
Seems i touched a nerve.
Gee how can a find mujado like yourself possibly be single?
11/12/2007 11:08:35 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Spring, TX
age: 55
oh my.. i'm negative when you post fake information on your profile? I'm fake? ghost profile? and i loved the comeback.. from my mother's womb. now, that was bright, wasnt it? it seems that you are here only to create havoc and adversity among the members.
yup.. bogus profile. racist bogus profile at that.
11/12/2007 11:10:55 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Spring, TX
age: 55
why not start a thread instead of a group... spanish speakers unite! group? na...
11/12/2007 11:40:23 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Campo de la Cruz
age: 35
to photo: Retarded? ... every body knows what a Maricon means and you are insulting your self
way too funny...anyways BEBE
you are attacking beautiful woman in Colombia therefore I just stated: "target for guerrilla instead"... take a closer look is in English...
better pray for you instead...
'cause if I did not know the love and compassion of God...
if it was in my power I would hang you from your pelotas so you
learn how to respect! especially women in general!!!
my prayer for you ...Lord give this man what he deserves!!!!
to knight: and you "brother" why don't you go and pray for your fellow pagan BEBE instead!
It is not illegal in this DHU to not have a photo...
Finally, more positive,
Thanks knight and I am sorry if I attack you!!!just need to defend my self!
but I like how your love for God is shining through right now...Gracias!!!
Dame paciencia Señor!!! Give me patience my Lord!
[Edited 11/12/2007 12:06:11 PM]
11/12/2007 11:59:39 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
you idiot, you called ME a maricon, how am i insulting myself?
and for someone seeking to "observe human nature" so far all you've done is act like a fool
or in your own language a pendajo
11/12/2007 12:18:26 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Campo de la Cruz
age: 35
wrong!!!! you see BEBE need to improve your Spanish!
pendejo for a guy like you
and pendeja for a girl like me to try to still teach y' Spanish...
You are killing me! don't worry BEBE still have lots of Love for y' all
hv to keep balance somehow 
[Edited 11/12/2007 12:19:25 PM]
11/12/2007 12:29:25 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
pfft. i know the masculine and feminine forms, i dont care. just like you mujados don't care about american history when you invade here
11/12/2007 5:57:13 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Campo de la Cruz
age: 35
I do care about history, more than you can ever imagine...I have pray for history to stop repeating it self...too painful!!!
It is important to take time to reflect and become more tolerant to change as you come across with different identities, experiences, backgrounds and it changes from person to person as for example evolution for some is a fact for others faith in a supreme being, The Creator.
The crucial part of my point, the never ending wars, the ignorance within, it is just mentally grouping each color, religion and culture in separate places. My reasoning gave me the fortune to humbly understand where I came from and it is to me the tunnel of a woman, a nest that in my understanding, my faith, created by a supreme being, and called by humans in English “the womb” as many of you I hope came from…unless there is an “alien” among us with out a belly button. I have so much respect for women, especially mothers!!!
The sad truth is that the unknown is explained by gossip, by the “We” in other words following a myth so of course the never ended circle tends to drive diminutive minds as for example photo, perceived for a second of as a racist, mis amigos y amigas, when in fact this human mind is just another pity of common ignorance. Therefore racist, the powerful “We” it is a condition of being uneducated, unaware…as to such lazy minds to not dare to encounter new and unfamiliar phase,causing these diminutive minds to think superiority over others…just makes me laugh as I am sure the Creator is.
It is mis amigos but a decease of egocentric tendencies…such problem in humans from town to town, as the way you see things is exactly the way they are…because be “Part of” a group rather than individual… screaming “We” as a pitiful follower…
Unfortunately missing the point for development.
As an undeveloped Nation eats away by their own venom …when interacting with others who hold different perspectives as our historical facts where billions of humans lose their lives at times due to a more religious believes than racial…again and again going backwards….uhmmm? Sad and scary!
Anyway, you look at inequality…past to present, rather than trying to understand and integrate with culture unfamiliar to the “We” there then the clash of culture and of course out of fear and egotism to force their ways of life upon others that might be interest to interact eventually becoming an actual belief leaving everyone misunderstood…
yet followers instead…in turn stop looking beyond easier then for diminutive minds the great label “We” rather to find individual answers by investigating...'causing again and again...come on...guess? yup, WARS and again the killings of billions of innocents...
Lord let not the blood of the innocent be in my hands, let me be a mountain woman...uhmmm
still to you a joke!uhmmm? not to me...God call us to be peace makers...how am I going to discipline in my heart of a warrior, my frustration ...at least I shoot with my words...hoping to get a point across in the need to end war and save the earth...let's not say is too late...when 9/11 hit NY it was devastating for me. Only God knows, NY was my heaven for a while, so many cultures living together of course differences but it is agin getting bad again...please teach me! because I do not know about you but I love this land...I wish I had wings to see all the cultures, dance all the dances and love so much...never to dare to step on a land to insult... how dare would I or you? unless to walk in every single shoe on the face of the earth...so how can one make himself in such grandeous matter...
As in the start of our nation White Man verses Native Indians relationships never fully establish to this day…why not have as much paw dances as there are churches? Uhmmm…
Communication, understanding and acceptance as to embrace each other it is necessary to spend greater effort developing a way to communicate…
Take a moment to become familiar with something unfamiliar…get rid off “We” make a great effort to be follow instead of be a follower, my label is my name here is ghost, my planet are my experiences in different lands I had walk and keep walking and of course the more I learn the more ignorant I am …Creator I pray let me never sin with the “We” as means to hate, let me love DHU for who each is, young brothers and sisters as we are trying to nurture each other in Wisdom….en Sabiduria mi Señor…
Si, amo a el Hombre que dio tanto por todos y dijo la verdad y sigue hablando a nuestros corazones!
Yes, I love that Man that gave so much and spoke the truth and still speaks to our hearts!
I happen to speak Spanish so I want to expand your knowledge, I wish I knew all the languages…believe or not everyday I love y’ all more because you force me to learn even if stubbing my back, I will keep fighting with wisdom and love as such amazing movie “Gladiator” till my final heaven.
[Edited 11/12/2007 7:14:01 PM]
11/12/2007 6:42:10 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 28
sahariel, thats your isnt it?