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11/12/2007 7:19:32 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Selah, WA
age: 46
11/12/2007 8:18:51 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Spring, TX
age: 55
i can only respond by......
With a little patience, you'll be able to fit right in.
Now, here goes...
The following is a telephone exchange between maybe you as a hotel guest and
call room-service somewhere in the good old U S A today......
Room Service : "Morrin. Roon sirbees."
Guest : "Sorry, I thought I dialed room-service."
Room Service: " Rye. Roon sirbees...morrin! Joowish to oddor sunteen???"
Guest: "Uh..... Yes, I'd like to order bacon and eggs."
Room Service: "Ow July den?"
Guest: ".....What??"
Room Service: "Ow July den?!?... pryed, boyud, poochd?"
Guest: "Oh, the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry.. scrambled, please."
Room Service: "Ow July dee baykem? Crease?"
Guest: "Crisp will be fine."
Room Service: "Hokay. An Sahn toes?"
Guest: "What?"
Room Service: "An toes. July Sahn toes?"
Guest: "I... don't think so."
RoomService: "No? Judo wan sahn toes???"
Guest: "I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo wan sahn
toes' means."
RoomService: "Toes! Toes!...Why Joo don Juan toes? Ow bow Anglish moppin we
Guest: "Oh, English muffin!!! I've got it! You were saying 'toast'...
Fine...Yes, an English muffin will be fine."
RoomService: "We bodder?"
Guest: "No, just put the bodder on the side."
RoomService: "Wad?!?"
Guest: "I mean butter... just put the butter on the side."
RoomService: "Copy?"
Guest: "Excuse me?"
RoomService: "Copy...tea..meel?"
Guest: "Yes. Coffee, please... and that's everything."
RoomService: "One Minnie. Scramah egg, crease baykem, Anglish moppin, we
bodder on sigh and copy ... rye??"
Guest: "Whatever you say."
RoomService: "Tenjooberrymuds."
Guest: "You're welcome"
Remember I said "By the time you read through this YOU WILL UNDERSTAND
'TENJOOBERRYMUDS' ".....and you do don't you!
Thank you very much.
11/12/2007 8:38:18 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25

11/12/2007 8:50:53 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Diamond Bar, CA
age: 56
"I think this is a good topic: for those who dont think so like knight and slinky then dont post your comments."

What's wrong with this statement?
Are you saying, if you don't agree, be quiet?
11/12/2007 8:52:26 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
11/13/2007 1:49:49 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Campo de la Cruz
age: 35
Jean, do not let him get to you
that's just the way he chooses to be, never to challenge himself and instead grow up!
No es un chiste...pero una gran verguenza!
Not a Joke!!! but Shame, Shame, Shame...
Tonight CNN, Anderson Cooper reported stating "Terrifying tail that says a lot of our country something that the government does not want you to see"
Fall 2002,Engineer,husband and father falsely accused as a terrorist ends up in Hell deported to Syria where he was send to be tortured.
Maher Arar a Canadian citizen, in American Airlines, flight 65, suddenly disappears never gets home to Canada stuck in JFK as a terrorist suspect;Mr. Arar was send to Metropolitan Correctional Center where no calls where allow to his worry wife Moria Mazigh.
Falsely accused as an Alcaidan terrorist, after 16 days deported to Syria where documents showed was to be torture where he beg for officials not to send him, official did not show remorse...
1st DAY of arrival, Mr Mazigh, was threaten.
2 DAY Tortured to the point that Mr Mazigh states,"I forgot every enjoy moment in my life"
All in his mind was how could I avoid more torture, after 10 months and 10 days of being tortured he was force to sign a document stating that he was trained in Afganistan by Alcaida when he never even travel there.
Canadian Prime Minister, apologized to the unfair treatment by the USA (another country apologizing?) just two weeks ago Condolezza Rice in court admits it was an unfair trial, still his name has not clear from the terrorist list…(what type of acknowledgement is this?)
...after being falsely accused separated from his wife and child that constantly wonder where is Daddy? While in unfair tortured wondering if wife and family were being torture as well as he describes that was torture it self still humbly states,
"What is the difference between the States and other countries? Takes one year, two years, or five years hoping one day
the American Government will do the right thing”
same here Mazigh, same here!
I am sorry you went through so much torture just because your skin or your name is different than for example John Smith and you are not as blond then you fit the profile
Terrorist, Illegal, etc, etc, etc when there is billions and billions of people from other cultures and in my family case, we needed the visa twenty years ago for just one day, as our plane was to land in America then London,The Officer, one of those beautiful american souls, he was amazed by the talent and invited us to visit USA and as destiny if you will, returned to this country …which I am proud to be a citizen now...
Thanks God not everybody hates but Oh Yeah, there is so much hate…blind hate!
Gracias a Dios que no todos odian pero Oh Si, todavia hay mucho odio...odio enseguecedor!
[Edited 11/13/2007 7:51:13 AM]
11/13/2007 9:37:07 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
look ghost if you insist on going off into topics about war, then you really won't be taken seriously
11/13/2007 9:59:15 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Spring, TX
age: 55
Jeannie, seriously, do not let her get to you. Shy... haha... she's no way shy. Ghost seems to have taken an immigration/invasion thread off the political threads, but continues here in disguise as a 'proper' topic. As one of the posters said earlier.. if you do spanish, then german, french, italian, all the dialetics of chinese? vietnamese, and heck.. even some Russian people post here.
creating a group for those wanting to practice their languages? perhaps. dustin would have to get really sharp to monitor those, wouldnt he?
this person who created this topic, shows her love of God, and prays for those of us who disagree with her. ghost knows exactly what she's doing. creating distention instead of harmony.
I make no bones about being a Christian myself. perfect? not in a long shot. trying to be a better Godly man? Always. I do get angry and count to 10 many times throughout the day, but pray for anyone so they will agree with me? I pray for harmony and understanding, but my human side kicks in and says to threads like this... is this harmony?
11/13/2007 11:38:23 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Selah, WA
age: 46
Again, if someone doesn't want to hear the opposing comments then they shouldn't create a thread. 
11/13/2007 11:50:06 AM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
we need a category called "people that hate americans" - what do you think dustin? it will be filled shortly
11/13/2007 5:07:02 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Campo de la Cruz
age: 35
photo then I will be hating my self...
Dustin seems an educated and respectful human being that
admire other cultures!
Knigh you were fighting me because I did not have a picture and because to you I am fake and you just want to keep on fighting me not matter what...I really question your love for others...
And guys just wish you well that somehow The Creator put you in a corner of total surrender and His peace be with you not matter what...
Again I am a human being and come from the same place y' all come from
El vientre de mi madre...the mother's womb daughters are americans...
again I do not hate people but I do not appreciate putting other cultures down
who knows... DO NOT underestimate Dustin knowledge, I will not be surprise if he speaks more languages than English so just relax and stop counting till 10 let the peace of God be in you instead... take it easy "Life is beautiful" I could take your gun shot as The Lord took the spits and your daily people with mental illness were burn to death 'cause ignorants though it was demonds inside of them, as the Jews suffer in the again I will copy and paste my statement praying to the Creator that you understand my point at least one day...I hope for your souls not too late and least for the little chances that the earth has! PEACE!!!!!
I do care about history, more than you can ever imagine...I have pray for history to stop repeating it self...too painful!!!
It is important to take time to reflect and become more tolerant to change as you come across with different identities, experiences, backgrounds and it changes from person to person as for example evolution for some is a fact for others faith in a supreme being, The Creator.
The crucial part of my point, the never ending wars, the ignorance within, it is just mentally grouping each color, religion and culture in separate places. My reasoning gave me the fortune to humbly understand where I came from and it is to me the tunnel of a woman, a nest that in my understanding, my faith, created by a supreme being, and called by humans in English “the womb” as many of you I hope came from…unless there is an “alien” among us with out a belly button. I have so much respect for women, especially mothers!!!
The sad truth is that the unknown is explained by gossip, by the “We” in other words following a myth so of course the never ended circle tends to drive diminutive minds as for example photo, perceived for a second of as a racist, mis amigos y amigas, when in fact this human mind is just another pity of common ignorance. Therefore racist, the powerful “We” it is a condition of being uneducated, unaware…as to such lazy minds to not dare to encounter new and unfamiliar phase,causing these diminutive minds to think superiority over others…just makes me laugh as I am sure the Creator is.
It is mis amigos but a decease of egocentric tendencies…such problem in humans from town to town, as the way you see things is exactly the way they are…because be “Part of” a group rather than individual… screaming “We” as a pitiful follower…
Unfortunately missing the point for development.
As an undeveloped Nation eats away by their own venom …when interacting with others who hold different perspectives as our historical facts where billions of humans lose their lives at times due to a more religious believes than racial…again and again going backwards….uhmmm? Sad and scary!
Anyway, you look at inequality…past to present, rather than trying to understand and integrate with culture unfamiliar to the “We” there then the clash of culture and of course out of fear and egotism to force their ways of life upon others that might be interest to interact eventually becoming an actual belief leaving everyone misunderstood…
yet followers instead…in turn stop looking beyond easier then for diminutive minds the great label “We” rather to find individual answers by investigating...'causing again and again...come on...guess? yup, WARS and again the killings of billions of innocents...
Lord let not the blood of the innocent be in my hands, let me be a mountain woman...uhmmm
still to you a joke!uhmmm? not to me...God call us to be peace am I going to discipline in my heart of a warrior, my frustration least I shoot with my words...hoping to get a point across in the need to end war and save the earth...let's not say is too late...when 9/11 hit NY it was devastating for me. Only God knows, NY was my heaven for a while, so many cultures living together of course differences but it is getting bad again...please teach me! because I do not know about you but I love this land...I wish I had wings to see all the cultures, dance all the dances and love so much...never to dare to step on a land to insult... how dare would I or you? unless to walk in every single shoe on the face of the how can one make himself in such grandeous matter...
As in the start of our nation White Man verses Native Indians relationships never fully establish to this day…why not have as much paw dances as there are churches? Uhmmm…
Communication, understanding and acceptance as to embrace each other it is necessary to spend greater effort developing a way to communicate…
Take a moment to become familiar with something unfamiliar…get rid off “We” make a great effort to be follow instead of be a follower, my label is my name here is ghost, my planet are my experiences in different lands I had walk and keep walking and of course the more I learn the more ignorant I am …Creator I pray let me never sin with the “We” as means to hate, let me love DHU for who each is, young brothers and sisters as we are trying to nurture each other in Wisdom….en Sabiduria mi Señor…
Si, amo a el Hombre que dio tanto por todos y dijo la verdad y sigue hablando a nuestros corazones!
Yes, I love that Man that gave so much and spoke the truth and still speaks to our hearts!
I happen to speak Spanish so I want to expand your knowledge, I wish I knew all the languages…believe or not everyday I love y’ all more because you force me to learn even if stubbing my back, I will keep fighting with wisdom and love as such amazing movie “Gladiator” till my final heaven.
[Edited 11/13/2007 5:17:06 PM]
11/16/2007 12:17:06 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Spring, TX
age: 55
ghost? your favorite movie is Gladiator? i would think you would be more in line with Charleston Heston's, Planet of the Apes. Good story line, great plot,, what if's all over the place.. if if if
and dear ghost. I'm not upset or lack for love for my fellow man. I just post an opinion and you call me everything under the sun but a man with an opinion. 
i need to put more cartoon photos up since Dustin allowed you to show yourself in your photos as.. what, exactly?
Dustin seems to be a pretty fair site owner. He has his hands full monitoring the craziness in the forums, keeping things fair, and trying to sell advertising to pay for his investment. Notice this is free, and though we use so little bandwidth today with new software languages, its still pretty expensive to operate a site like this.
Back to your request for the spanish group. i see you have a spanish speaking thread in the regular forums. good for you, and i'm sure all the other spanish speakers are loving it. Even some germans will start one soon as well, with other german speakers. good practice. However, your request to start a group? how about a 'foreign language' group. I'm sure Dustin is scratching his head worried about monitoring that one.
why is it, ghost, you still have columbia listed as your location when you admit to living in the US? yup.. still a fake ghost profile. says a lot about character..
peace...don't be hatin'
11/20/2007 4:21:03 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 30
¿Digo el inglés y el español, también digo el árabe y el hindú así como punjabi, el africano de Im Aemrican y el Rican Puertorriqueño, entonces para mí creciendo con inglés y español era la vida, que Viene de ciudad de Nueva York aprendo otras culturas y abrazado su lengua, puedo escribir yo inglés y en el español y pienso si usted es o no es el americano esto realmente no debería importar, y whats el problema si algunas personas quieren decir su propia lengua? ¿por qué se preocupa usted? ¡Como un americano deberíamos abrazar otras culturas, la Diversidad no es unas cosas negativas y recordar que este País fue fundado en el inmigrante!
(IN ENGLISH): I speak english and Spanish,i also speak arabic and hindu as well as punjabi,Im African Aemrican and Puerto Rican, so for me growing up with english and spanish was life,Coming from NYC i learn other cultures and embraced their language,I can write in english and in spanish and i think if you are or aren't american it really shouldn't matter, and whats the problem if some people want to speak their own language? why do you care? As an American we should embrace other cultures,Diversity isn't a negative things and remember this Country was founded on immigrant!
11/20/2007 6:38:31 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
multilingual trash is still trash
this country was founded on immigrants with the SAME goal. its all about the refusal to be americans.
11/20/2007 6:44:10 PM |
Spanish-English Group |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
i think its is the shittiest thing in the world to come to a country and hold on to your old culture., dont f*cking come here if you cant be an american in spirit.